
The Unstoppable Son In Law

After having his company stolen from him by his wife and in-laws, they also sent assassins to murder him. But after a close encounter with death, a message appeared on his phone that would change the course of his life. To change his life by completing missions.

ChadGuy45_ · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Chapter 5: Bilderberg

Alex drove the car slowly and surprisingly even though the road he took seemed to have a lot of vehicles driving there, the experience was smooth. He started realizing that he hadn't been stopped by a red traffic light.

He continued looking at all sides and noticed something weird, 'I was the only driver with a Rolls-Royce an hour ago... But now, there are five around me.' He thought as he looked at the Rolls-Royce near him.

They were being driven by a chauffeur that had similar clothing as him, which meant that there was a big possibility that they were going to the same place.

As he continued driving he passed by a sign, it read, "Welcome to California!" with a picture of a yellow flower beside it.

"California?" He asked himself. "What could we be doing in California?" He whispered as he looked at the Rothchild siblings behind him through the glass window.

They were taking notes down and a few newspapers on the small table while drinking what it seems to be lemonade.

He brushed his curiosity away and concentrated on the road and the GPS, and a few minutes later he entered Monte Rio, and as he looked at the ETA(Estimated Time of Arrival) on his GPS, he smiled, "Finally only 4 minutes left to go..." He said as he entered Monte Rio avenue.

Shortly after, he arrived at his destination in front of the gate that opened. As he looked at the sign in front of the place, he immediately recognized it.

It was the new Bilderberg hotel. It was a new branch that they opened, and the original branch is in the Netherlands, making it time-consuming for American billionaires to go to. He drove the car in front of the hotel entrance and opened the door for the siblings to walk out.

As Jenna walked out of the car she looked at Alex with a gloomy face and strolled into the hotel without saying anything meanwhile Phillip thanked him, "Hey bud, please do contact me someday. I will be able to give you a good job. Just contact me." He said.

Alex nodded and smiled, "I will think about it." He said before entering the driver's seat and driving into the parking area.

Bzz... His phone vibrated in his pocket and as he took he could see that it was from the app's notification.

[$30,000 has been transferred into your account, please exit the vicinity in 1 minute.]

As Alex read the notification, he quickly drove out of the parking space and out of the hotel gate, but as he was doing that he could see a chauffer just like him being stabbed to death by the guard, and as he saw what was happening he quickly took out his phone to take picture of what was happening to send it to the police. But before he could do that, a notification appeared on his phone.

[Do not reveal any information about the tasks, or anything that has got to do with the clients. A breach of this condition will result in deadly consequences.]

As he read the notification, he started sweating profusely with his heart pounding hard. With his shaking hands, and lowered his phone into his pocket. He then drove out of the place without looking back even though he could still hear the dying chauffeur's screams.

He understood what had just happened. That chauffeur had breached the conditions set by the applications and had to pay the ultimate price. 'I almost died only a day ago. I'm not dying for some stupid person's decision.' He thought while wiping away the sweat on his neck.

[Leave the car here.] A notification could be read from the GPS. As Alex saw this he immediately hit the brake with his heart still pounding in fear and exiting the car.

He then looked back to see if anyone was following him but the road that he was on was very much empty with only a few small stores opened there.

He continued walking down the road and as he looked behind him, the Rolls-Royce that he parked only a few seconds ago was gone.

He closed his eyes and opened them as he turned his face to look ahead of him. Without any hesitation, he kept walking forward as the sweat started forming on his back, "I didn't see anything, I didn't see anything." He kept muttering as the image of the man getting stabbed flashed in his mind.

He then took out his phone and called a cab using an app as he looked around, making sure that he was safe.

Normally, the cab would come in 10 minutes, but now, it only took less than a minute for the cab to arrive.

He scanned the cab and was sure that there was nothing suspicious, it looked just like the rest of them. And as he entered the car, the driver looked friendly just like the other drivers, "Maybe I am just paranoid." He whispered to himself.

"Where to?" The cab driver asked as he looked at Alex through the mirror.

"Bel Air, Los Angeles," Alex replied as he slowly hit his chest to calm himself down.

"Whoah, Bel Air? You must be rich." The driver said in a Southern.

Alex nodded, "Kinda." He replied.

He then took out his phone and looked at his bank account and saw the 30 thousand dollars that was in there, "I am rich." He whispered to himself before closing his and shivering up.


"Good news sir, the court has approved the transfer of stock. You are now the sole owner of Thornton co." A young man with a deep jawline said as he lowered his head in front of Alex's ex-father-in-law, Matthew McDaniel.

"Good, and now since that pest is dead we don't need to worry about him spreading any rumors," Matthew said with a smile on his face.

But as he said that the young man in front of him gulped, "Uhm, sir, we just found out that Alex is alive." He said with a shaking voice.

Matthew who was about to light up his cigar, stopped and dropped it on the table as he looked at his assistant in front of him, "What?" He asked with his teeth biting each other.

Seeing that Matthew was angry, the assistant quickly responded, "He was seen in California, and we can see him checking in to several restaurants and motels. It seems that the mercenaries have failed to finish the job." He continued.

Matthew then closed his eyes and took a deep breath before staring at his assistant, "Eric, I want all of his activities in these past few days all typed to me on paper, and give it to me now in a file, I will give you exactly 10 minutes, or else." He continued before laying his back on his chair.

"Understood, sir," Eric replied as he strolled quickly out of Matthew's office.