
The Unstoppable Son In Law

After having his company stolen from him by his wife and in-laws, they also sent assassins to murder him. But after a close encounter with death, a message appeared on his phone that would change the course of his life. To change his life by completing missions.

ChadGuy45_ · Thành thị
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: My Weight To Bear

It took two whole days for Alex to arrive at his destination, make several stops at the gas stations, and eat nothing but the buns that he bought at the gas stations.

"Hey, we are here." The cab driver said before taking out a cigarette and getting out of the car before lighting it.

Alex could feel the heat of the sun warming his face, but he stayed there as it felt comfortable.

"Hey, wake up! I need to drive back. I've got more customers waiting for me man!" The cab driver shouted before hitting the door, waking Alex up.

"Yeah, I'm awake," Alex muttered before getting out of the car and stretching his back.

As he opened his eyes and rubbed them, he saw a restaurant. It looked like a burger restaurant. He turned back to the cab driver, wanting to ask if he was at the right location, but it was too late, and the cab driver had just driven away.

"Dang it." He said before kicking the sand off the ground.

But at that moment, he felt a buzz in his pocket. It was his phone and as he took it out, he saw another notification.

[Enter The Restaurant]

Alex looked around to see who was spying on him; there was no way the phone could track him since he turned off his GPS location.

But orders were orders, and so he entered the burger restaurant.

"Sir, is your name Alex Thornton?" One of the waiters asked.

Alex nodded, "Yes I am." He replied.

"Well, we have a seat for you in seat 23." The waitress said as she pointed to a seat next to the glass wall.

"Thanks," Alex responded before walking towards table 23.

This table, however, was different from the rest. He realized that the jade and the gold finishes on the table he was at were real meanwhile the rest were all made out of fake jade and gold of low purity.

'Strange.' He thought as he sat on the chair. For a wooden chair, it was comfortable.

A second after he sat, a waiter walked up to his table with a smile and handed to him a menu. "Thank you," He said as he received the menu book.

The waiter quickly scurried away, even though it seems that there was no reason to do so. Alex ignored this and opened the menu and there was a note on it, " At 15:31 exactly, walk outside of the restaurant and use the Rolls-Royce prepared outside, follow the GPS built in the car. Before that, go into the restroom and enter the staff inventory room, enter it and use the clothes that are prepared for you. Destroy this message after reading it." Arthur read what the note said before putting it in his pocket.

He lifted his hand and looked at his watch, "15:01... I still have 30 minutes left. I have time." Alex said as he could feel his stomach grumble.

As he opened the menu again, the same waiter that scurried away, took the menu from him and laid a plate of steak on the plate. "Sir, this steak has been paid for." Before scurrying away again, she said.

Arthur lifted an eyebrow as he looked at the waiter's strange habit of walking away in a fast manner, but the steak was getting cold and he knew that if he didn't eat, he would die.

And so he lifted his fork and knife and indulged in the steak and could feel the juicy taste and immediately knew it was the best steak he had ever tasted.

Shortly after finishing his meal, he looked at his watch again as he felt nervous about the job, and quickly walked towards the restroom and then to the staff's inventory room.

He turned the doorknob and stepped into the room. The light was already turned on, and he could see the chauffeur's suit prepared for him on the chair.

Arthur locked the door and took off his clothes before putting on the chauffeur suit. Despite how it looked, it was comfortable and even cold to wear, 'No doubt, this is the most expensive suit I have ever worn.' He thought before walking out of the staff inventory room and taking a look at his watch.

"15:30! Crap!" He shouted internally before hurrying out of the restaurant.

As he arrived, the Rolls-Royce was already there, and as Alex looked around he couldn't find the person who brought the car. He read the time off his watch again, "15:31... Just in time." He said before strolling towards the car and opening the door.

He was met with the chauffeur hat that was placed neatly on the chair, he picked it up and put it on his head before sitting on the soft cushioned chair.

The GPS that was built into the car turned on by itself making Alex smile, "Well, at least now I don't have to fiddle with the electronics." He whispered before pressing on the engine and driving according to the GPS.

A few minutes later and he was parked in front of a mansion, he walked out of the car and saw a family that was notable walking towards him.

'Rothchild?' He thought as he looked at two of the young members of the family, Jenna Rothchild and Philip Rothschild.

Alex started sweating, in front of him were two members of the most powerful family in the world. And at one point, he was almost married to Jenna Rothchild in a planned arranged marriage, but Alex rejected his

'Gosh, of all people that I have got to meet, why her?' He thought. Truthfully as he looked at her, he started having regrets in his heart, a regret that he didn't choose her as his wife and instead chose the worst possible option.

"Alex?" Jenna asked as she looked at his face.

Upon hearing his name coming out of Jenna's mouth he kept his smile as he opened the door for her and her brother.

"Oh gosh, it's Alex Thornton. I've heard what happen. I'm sorry man." Phillip Rothchild said as he patted Alex

"Alex, if there is any help you need, you just had to ask, as you know, money is no problem for me." Jenna Rothchild said looking worried for Alex.

"Yeah man, you were the nicest guy I've ever met. I never forget the days we spent together as kids. You can depend on us, or her." Phillip said.

Alex could cry anytime but he held it in, his lips were visibly shaken, but despite that, he kept a smile. "Sir, you will be late for your meeting." He said before pointing at the car.

Phillip and Jenna, realizing that Alex wasn't gonna accept their help walked into the car.

As Alex closed the door he took a deep breath, still holding his tears, 'Im sorry, but I must overcome this on my own.' He thought before entering the driver's seat.