
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

Two Years Part 2

*Cough* *cough*

Unknown POV:

Ahhh sand...Why have i started to hate waking up like this?

I think I've become less of a sailor and more of a sandwitch. *Ptowy*

Looking around I can see that this place is somewhat inhabited. There is a faint scent of cooked fish and lobster in the air.

I looked around my general area and there seemed to be nothing but i decided that if I walked along the coast there would eventually find a place with humans.

But first , I kicked off my boots and poured the sand out of them. I loved the sea but that feeling is not one i will ever fondly remember.

Welp time to walk....

10 minutes later....

Huh the scent is getting stronger? Now im hearing people off in the distance but i still cant see them. Strange?

I keep walking for a hundred meters and on the horizon appears a middle-aged settlement. There was a rocky pier with fishing boats. Slightly Inland were a few stone buildings but thats all i could see from here.

I slowly approached them. Although it looked nice. Something told me that this place wasn't the most tourist friendly.

I felt my holsters and tried to cock my guns. Nothing. Gun power is wet. Gotta wait until it dries.

As I neared the closest ship. I listened in a conversation that was being had between a few sailors.


Sailor 1 : watch it with the loot you lilly livered cunt

Sailor 2 : Who are you t-be bossing us round?

A group of sailors : yeah!

Sailor 1 : ahhh well i don't have t-right to boss you fellas around but if Madam Wall hears her rum isn't accounted for im not the only head you'll see floating around.

They all silently grumbled and began to take extra care with the barrels they were rolling out onto the pier.

*Meanwhile under the pier*

Damn I'm in pirate territory. And it's someone called Wall. I've never heard of that name before. Is it new? That means she must be somewhat weak.

'Ok simple plan.! Come on think!'

Ah wait maybe I can usurp control of the island if I take out this Wall lady.

I snuck around the docks through the forest and emerged from the bushes into an an alley way between some small houses.

This place was relatively peaceful and there was a good mix of men and women here which was odd for a pirate colony. Usually women were treated as a commodity but here they're just as feared and respected as anyone else.

I lightly press the hammer of my gun on reflex to see if the powder was dry. I soon came to the realization that that was a bad idea because following the sound of my hammer clicking. The street became silent as dozens of other could be heard right after. I slowly remove my hand from my gun and suddenly the the crowd returned to its non volatile state.

" The fuck was that...."

"Hey! Pretty boy!"

I turned my head to see a muscular women with ginger hair and hazel eyes. Her hair was knotted into two ponytails that hung neatly infront of her. Her skin was tanned slightly bronze from being in the sun all day. I continued to stare at her silently before she called out to me again.

" C'mon now kid. Don't tell me your pretty deaf?"

I snapped out of it and walked towards her cautiously. She was at a empty stall which was selling fishburkers. Behind the stall was a grill that was roasting these so called fishburkers. They smelled like a freshly roasted snappers sautéd before being grilled on a coal fire.

'Well anything would smell heavenly compared to the toxic waste Apathy cooks...'

" Thats a good boy." She gave me a curious smile

"Now tell me your name I haven't seen you around here. And account of all that wandering you've been doing around here. I take it that your not supposed to be here either.."

I immediately tried to pull back from her but she grabbed my wrist and said something to me.

" I wouldn't do that if I were you. If you think I'm the only one here who noticed your strangeness your wrong. Especially with that Jolly roger on your forehead. Its almost a guarantee that your not apart of M'lady's crew. "

I sat down slowly.

" Good now dont look around focus on me ya'hear?"

I slowly nodded.

" Now. Two things before we get started.

1. Don't even cock that gun in the street again. Notice how everyone around you immediately did the same. You'd be full of holes before you dragged it out of that pretty lil' holster.

2. You've already been flagged as stranger here and soon some officers of her crew will come for you. If you dont want to die immediately when you meet M'lady tell the truth. No half truths no white likes the truth and only the truth.

Okay. It seems like their here good luck kid. Oh right..M'lady is not a normal person. She's been a pirate longer than that little shit stain on your forehead has. So dont use 'His' name as leverage.

But from the look on your face I doubt you would.

Drip.Drip.droplets of blood fell to the floor from my hand. I unknowingly lost my temper. I nodded towards the lady and turned around. The street behind me was clear of inhabitants before i even noticed anything was amiss.

I turned back to look at the lady but her back was turned as she tended to her snappers.

Two men appeared infront of me.

One was completely bald. His eyebrows cut into steep chunks. He was maybe in his late 30s. His neck down was covered in tattoos and other graffitis. In his left hand was a cuff and in his right a blade. Attached to his wrist was the other cuff. He smiled at me and his teeth mixed with black and gold stood out more than anything.

He gestured for me to place the cuff around my hand and I complied without much hassle much to his dismay.

The person next to him seemed to be in his early twenties. Just a few years older than me in looks. His eyes slightly empty as if lacked much of a purpose or presence. He was shorter than me by alot more than his friend but his presence seemed so much larger. I tried to see if he was a witch like me but i could sense nothing supernatural about him.

He looked at me and grabbed my wrist.

It wasn't strong but it was cold. As if it wasn't him doing it. He then turned to his friend.

" He's strong. If her were in peak condition we would lose the fight"

He then let go of my wrist and the chilling feeling suddenly disappeared. The crazy looking man's smile faded. He looked at me more seriously than before.

" Is he one of you?" The man asked cautiously.

" Yes it seems so.."