
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

Two Years Part 1

Apathy POV :

It had been over a day of islands passing by below me like little dots on i's. But suddenly I felt my body begin to slow down. My trajectory slowly began to form the latter end of a parabola.

It was then I realized that my landing might not be so soft as i thought.

" Ohhh No-....."

I landed into some shallow ocean waters off the coast of an island. As I hit the water I didn't feel any pain it was as if I was a small droplet returning to my glass.

I stood up. My feet gripped the wet sand. I turned back for a second staring out at the wide ocean wondering if it was worth the risk. Well that didn't matter right now. Will was still missing and he needs us to save him.

But can i really best a god?

I shook my head I had to reach the level where I could stand my ground in that bitch's presence before I could even think about beating her in any sort of situation.

Now what did that lady say? Heroes? Ghetto era? What does any of that mean?

By now just like my thoughts I had already drifted out of the water and onto the shore. I stared looking for any signs of life but oddly enough there wasn't much to be seen. It was as if the island was completely silent almost in a sleep like state.

The only audible sound was the waves crashing against the shore.

I kissed my teeth.

" Sigh. I guess its just me myself and I. "

I began to trek through the tropical underbrush.

Apart from the silence nothing strange seemed to be happening.

After a few minutes of walking I arrived at large clearing. A large spiked wooden wall was infront of me and at its peak was a group of young children.

They each held weapons. Swords shields maces anything one could think of they wielded. As I took another step one of them turned to me and screamed.



The boy who screamed blew into a conch and then seemingly jumped off the edge of the wall.

The camp turns silent....

" What is your purpose?"

A familiar voice calls out from behind a door like contraption in the wall.

Apathy amused tells them the truth.

" I am lost and I am seeking assistance in finding my way home?"

The voice wasted no time to answer another question

" How many of you are there?"

Apathy answered again.

" Just me."

Quiet whispers went on for a while beyond the door.

" We shall let you in. If you have any weapons tell us now or we will not hesitate to strike you down."

" I am unarmed " she declares while raising her hands.

As she does this a platoon of archers rise above the gate and point arrows directly at her.

Apathy sighs and keeps her hands raised.

A boy walks out from the door. He inches closer to her. His face a brave one but his steps were unsteady.

Apathy watched him curiously but continued to play along.

He began to pat around her body checking her every inch. After he found nothing but a few charms and materials he placed them back where they were and gestured for her to follow.

Apathy stared at his back. He was shirtless the only thing protecting him from the night cold was a sash used to hold up his kilt. But the sun was still high in the sky so they must have some measures of protection. Recalling his features his face was thin and his black eyes gleamed with an odd curiosity. As if they had not seen an adult in a long time.

As entered she the door it was a festival of curious stares. Some of the younger girls were snickering and others had a look of fear in their eyes.

They had crude hours built. Along with houses they had gardens and fields of various berries and vegetables. They also had a few reared cattle.

'It seems like they are very resourceful.'

Apathy had yet to drop her hands as she followed the boy through the sea of children.

They had walked for over 2 minutes before they stopped at the entrance of a small house. It was slightly different from the ones created by the children. It had moss growing on the bark and the brown jungle wood seemed to have turned black.

The boy gestured for her to drop her hands as if she had no real means of escaping now.

He swiftly turned and fell to his kness and began to sing:

Oh beast of the sleeping isle,

I have come to disturb your rest for awhile ,

Another you must exile from you land of only silence and smiles,

I hope you respond to your flies ,

Oh beast that never dies,

Oh great Beelzebub

Lord of the Flies

As the boys song came to an end Apathy had an ugly expression on her face. Just by his little song she could begin to feel that something old and dangerous was living in that hut.

As he uttered his last word. A stir came from inside the cabin. As if coming alive every creature that was once silently existing let out a terrible cry. Birds flew overhead larger animals banged their heads on the walls of the gate as if wishing to kill the beast before it was fully awake.

Then the first step came. Silence returned. The birds that still felt the urge to scream silently fell out of the sky. A colorful bird landed next to Apathy. It's neck had snapped from the impact but even in death it seems to be having the most amazing dream. No. It was as if it had yet to realize that it was dead in its dream.

Apathy fell to her knees. Right after she promised to help Will she was going to meet her end.

The door of the cabin slowly creaked open completely silence once again entrapped the entire island.

She stared in awe. What kind of being would exist that abode. Would it be human? Would it be one of those folklore in their true form? Or will it be a god?Could i bargain with it?

A foot creeped out from beyond the darkness. The morning sun illuminated a male figure.

He stood at around 5'8 in height. His scrawny body was covered almost ancient tattoos. Some of sheep. Some of stars. On his right chest a tattoo of a complicated dream catcher. He wore no shirt like the male children of the isle. Although he wore faded trousers from an unknown era instead of a kilt.

His eyes were a deep black. There were no words to properly describe it....it was as if the swallowed light itself kindly inviting you to fall into them. He had a face so pale it wouldn't be unbelievable to say that he spent the last 3 years asleep.

He looked around. The eerie black holes staring at everyone around apathy before his gaze met here.

He spoke and it was as if her ears had achieved satisfaction of a higher power. It was heavenly to hear his voice. Apathy and the rest of the children had already fallen flat on their faces as he spoke.

" You must be the one sent to me. It seems that i am not used to being around people again. " *Snap*

As if 10 million alarm clocks went off in their heads they all snapped awake and bird that was next to Apathy finally started to lose brain function as its wings went limp. However she did not notice this she was again staring in awe

"A most unpolished diamond tell me little one...why do you dream?"