
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

The Weight of the Crown

Inside the throne room it was unusually dark. It's been like this for a while but the darkness felt almost real.

She reminisced at how she used to play here with her older sisters when they were younger and how her father's gentle smile looked at them. The room was filled with light and it could even be said to be blinding.

The vision faded and she looked up at her father who was seemingly shrouded in darkness.

His elderly face didn't hide the hidden glint of vigor in his eyes. An old warrior from a time past living on quietly. His long grey locks sat on his shoulders and numerous rings and jewelry adorned his body along with the finest silk cloth that wrapped around him like an Arabian night .

The crown on his head was a standard one but it seemed as if it was more of a weight on his shoulders than a sign of strength and power.

Seeing that her father waited on her she did not stand at attention and slowly bowed before him.

"Your majesty"

Her dress flowed as if she had practiced this innumerous times before. Seeing her the king's fingertips echoed on his throne before he let out a small speech in his low voice.

"My daughter…Belle...Your father has changed. He is not the same man that he has once been. He has trod on a path of darkness and I fear that you will be forced down it with me. I notice the way you look at me. You see something else in me other than your father. You see a broken man and a broken dad"

A slight whimper was heard in his aged voice but he slowly continued.

"I know you do not want to marry but my hand has been forced. The Seyshell Royalty have demanded that we arrange a marriage and you are the only one of my daughters who is fit to be eloped. Im sorry your father has failed you.... I'm sorry my beautiful Belle."

Her father went silent. Belle felt a knot well up in her chest before she let out soft tears. She made sure to hide them but she felt that he could clearly see her in the darkness.

A sad huff was heard before her father continued again.

"I have forsaken you Belle, come here to your father. I shall tell you one last secret before you go "

Belle walked up towards the throne....Each step she took felt heavier than the last.

It subconsciously hurt her to step higher. Memories of her and her family running up and down these steps flooded her mind. They made it seem so easy.

At the last step her stride seemed to slightly falter but she maintained her pace and slowly inched towards her dad.

The gentle man who raised her held out his hands towards his daughter. They were thick with calluses and wrinkled. But they remained strong in front of her up until now. His strong hands shook as if he was struggling to keep them up. As unshakeable as a petal in the wind. Belle slowly grasped his hands and held it up towards her face like she once did as a little girl.

She looked into her father's eyes and behind them she could almost see him holding back something…A deep darkness that lingered within them. It looked like it was taking his whole essence to not hurt her right now. A tear slowly trickled down his trembling hands and he softly said.

"You're as beautiful as the day I first held you in these old hands of mine. Belle…I'm sorry. Your dad has sacrificed something so precious for meaningless power. The crown on my head doesn't get lighter as i grow older. To be a king is to be a glorified Martyr to your kingdom. In this life I have seen many things. Belle sweetheart the world is not as simple as it seems. There are those more powerful than kings. Devils who lurk in the shadows. Monsters who feed on dreams. Men that shine as bright as the sun in the sky. These are people you must never meet if you wish to live peacefully ."

Belle nodded seriously even though his words were extremely strange. Seeing that she understood he caressed her cheek once more.

"Now go my sweet child. Take this and go as far as you can. Remember to make friends love laugh and live. You were meant to be free my baby girl"

He handed a small notepad into her hands. As his trembling hands left the notepad a tear finally dropped onto her hands. He did not say anything else to her.

Belle looked at her dad's old face one last time. She saw the bright and happy man he once was and the knot in her chest grew stronger and tighter.

The notebook she obtained was slowly placed in one of her hidden pockets. She turned around and a soft hum was heard as she exited the throne room.

It was a song he and her mother had sang to her as a kid to make her relax when she was scared of the dark. They lyrics went:

The trees rustle in the dark

I know your scared but I'm not far

I'll always be the light that shines

Through the cold and distant nights

No one shall harm your Belle

I know it's dark but the light shall prevail.

Just listen to your father's voice

I'm here when your alone

Through the darkness and the cold

I'll be your Sun on your darkest day

I love you.

Belles mood improved a lot and as she left she sang the lyrics in an angelic voice.

Her words accompanied by the soft hum of her dad in the background made for a wonderful duet. As she left the room his hum grew ever softer and faded into nothing but an echo in her mind.

Outside the door the two guards stationed could be heard softly sniffling as if they heard the melancholic tune.

Belle smiled towards them and they both revealed a pained smile before saluting the princess. It was noon and Belle was tired. She went to the botanical gardens behind the palace and tried to relax her mind.

In the garden a young girl was picking flowers. Her eyes were closed and she had similar hair to Belle. Her face was a bit tan and she wore a short dress with small frills.

Next to her was a butler who watched her actions with the utmost of care. If anything dangerous were to come close to her he would immediately swat it away without her noticing. His older face seemed extremely serious and his brown hair with grey streaks was neatly combed back making him look well defined. This matched extremely well with his brown eyes.

Noticing someone's arrival. The butler got on one knee and whispered to the girl.

The small girl paused her actions and looked in the general direction of the footsteps she heard.

A cute and innocent voice rang out


Belle looked towards the girl and smiled.

"Yes it's me Planchett. Hi Jameson, are you two here to pick flowers?"

Jameson nodded. Planchett smiled.

"Yes Belle, I hear father's not doing so well so I came to pick some flowers for him. They were moms and his favorite. Right Jameson!"

Jameson finally spoke and his mature voice was extremely soothing to the ears.

"Yes it is, your highness. I'm sure he would love them."

Noticing the random assortment of flowers in her hand and only a few of them being correct she looked towards Jameson.

Understanding her questioning gaze he looked at his hands and she noticed a bouquet of the correct flowers had been picked. She sighed at the man and crouched beside her.

"Let me help you with that"

The smaller girl didn't resist and thanked her quietly. Planchett knew Jameson had just let her pick random flowers while he collected a batch of the right ones.

She let Belle take out the bad ones from her soft hands and then guide her hands towards the right ones. They picked a few bunched before the evening wind began to blow and it was time to return inside. Belle who had an amazing time with her younger sister hugged her tightly and said her goodbyes.

Planchett waved in the direction that Belle walked in thanking her once again for helping. Belle turned around to see Jameson with a backpack full of flowers gently holding the girl's hand and walking to a different section of the courtyard.

Belle smiled and turned around heading back to her room. The sun had begun to set and she both mentally and physically exhausted.

In her room it was now night time. She turned on a small lamp and took out the book her father had given her. It read.

'Beginners Guide to witchcraft Divination and Shamanism…REALM 9'