
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

The toss of a Coin

Will who had began his sprint to the center of the worker village passed a few more guards. He dodged the shots fired and let out a few of his own. It was unknown wether it was due to his own luck or skill but he had accurately hit the throats of each of his targets.

Now at the center of the village he had entered a clearing.

In the center of the clearing was a stage. On this stage was a tall mechanism. At its roof hung a slanted blade its edge gleamed in the sunlight. Locked in a pillory was a young girl. Her long black hair was a mess and her face was bloodied and bruised.

Will shouted out.

"Apa-" his mouth was covered by a brown hand. A male whispered in his ears sending chills down his spine.

"Uh uh uh. We wouldn't want to wake out sleeping beauty would we my lucky fellow?"

Will pushed away from him using his staff and turned to face him. With a hellish grimace will stated through the skin of his teeth.

" Doctor Sombre..." the doctor bowed. His general attire had changed. Instead of his gentlemanly apparel. He wore a outfit fit for an executioner. From head to toe he was covered in dark robes leaving only his head exposed. His very presence seemed to be slightly manifesting shadows around him.

Will stood ready he quickly felt his pockets and grabbed the coin.

In a quiet whisper and a scary smile on his face he said to himself.

" i guess its time to feel lucky."

He immediately charged at the doctor.

The doctor accepted this invitation with open arms. He let out a vicious smile. Will felt his vision almost immediately turn black. Will cursed in his head.

' I cant see '

Will immediately felt a sense of looming danger from his right. He lifted up his arm to block but in the midst of blocking he slipped to the floor. Feeling a cool breeze pass over his head he let out a breath of fresh air. He scurried backwards and tried to regain his footing.

As he stood up his could feel his vision slowly returning and sliding towards him was the Dr.

His face was livid and filled with a sickly madness.

" Its time to clear my check books young man and I'm sorry but you don't seem to be in the my plans"

Will dodged backwards. He felt the same looming danger as before but this time he didn't try to block and directly dodged. He continued to dance away from Sombre's invisible attacks.

As they fought will started to notice that his robes cast a shadow in a small area around him allowing his to ' skate ' across the ground instead of running. To will this seemed almost fictional but then he was reminded of scenes that defied all logic and felt that this was relatively simple in nature.

As their dance continued will decided to counterattack. He spun around and used his momentum to slap the doctor with the metallic edge of his staff.

As the staff reached toward him. It seemed as if it was deflected by an invisible force. Will focused on the doctor and caught a glimpse of a golden skull with a inky black liquid suspended within the socket of its eyes. Around the neck of the doctor.

He assumed this was the reason why he was unable to see the doctor's attacks.

Will continued his assault on the doctor. He continued to swing but his attacks continued to be deflected by the invisible force. He dodged when his instincts felt a sense of danger and even when he was two late to react he coincidentally fell stumbled out of the way or the attack completely missed due to a lapse of focus from the doctor.

Will was beginning to tire. He could no longer dodge as efficiently as he used to and as time went on the sun seemed to have already passed its peak and had begun its eventual descent.

This did not mean to say the Doctor was still in peak condition. His movements began to become more erratic and deranged. The item he was wearing although giving him a boost in strength seemed be causing irreversible damage to his mind and body.

His eyes were slowly pooling with a black liquid. It seemed as if he kept this up he would go permanently blind.

Will cautiously glanced towards Apathy who was still unconscious. He wondered if he would get an opportunity to free her soon. He also noticed something weird about the doctor that he did not notice all that much before. Maybe because it seemed more unnatural than before The doctor had continued to speak in rhymes even though his body and mind were being corrupted.

Will thought about the constant focus it took for him to speak that way and commended him on his efforts.

I will live past this dreadful den

Though my eyes may fail me , I shall swing again.

My master entrusted me this role

So i shall not sin again.

The shadows are my home. So when the sun sets I shall be king Again.

As he finished his line he rushed towards Will and now Will felt multiple presence's about to attack him. He jumped up into the air with a swift leap. Using the momentum he just gained he twisted his body and kicked at Sobre's head finally making contact.

His kick pushes sombre back a few feet and due to Will's jagged nails it scrapes the skin off of his face revealing a writhing black ink pumping through his veins. It has been slowly replacing his blood enhancing his abilities.

Doctor Sobre's eyes had already half filed with a pool of inky liquid. His visibility was getting lower and lower.

Half blind

my soul still chimes

Even though i cannot see

the spirts they fight for me

So i shall keep you in as long as i can

I am the only Keeper but more than One man

Will feels multiple senses of danger surrounding him he tried to use his ability to get out of this situation but his senses couldn't figure out a safer route to getting out unharmed. He was surrounded by bad odds. Suddenly he remembered the coin in his pocket.

He grabbed onto his pocket and pulled the coin out. At the last moment his instincts told him to flip the coin. Will felt the sickly sensation of hands about to grab onto each of his limbs. He felt his body briefly get elevated into the air as a bright light shone out from the coin as it hit the floor. This bright light caused whatever was holding him to let go and drop his body to the floor. Will snatched up the coin and felt an instinctual connection with it. He lifted it up to his face as he was putting some distance between them but now it was yet again just an ordinary coin.

Will felt a presence behind him once again. Doctor Sombre was chasing him. His disposition became even more sickly and bleak. Chunks of flesh were falling off of his face and his eyes had almost completely filled with the inky liquid. His arms were outstretched doing everything he could to catch Will.

Almost gone but not dawn

I shall become one with 'them'

Bar the fact that my soul may be gone

I will not fail this humble task

Within me you shall come to rest.

Will realized that with the way things were progressing he would not be able to beat him in a fight. He could feel that he was getting stronger and stronger as time went on.

He decided to bet on the chance that whatever the item around his neck was would corrupt him to the point of death before he could kill him. It was a gamble but it was one he was willing to take.

Will decided to run in the open road between the lanes. On top of the roof he noticed the glint of a gemstone above him. It was slowly swaying from a mans ear.

Will let out a grateful smile. He saw Davie standing over the edge looking down at him being chased by a shadowy figure that had begun to balloon in size as the evening began to set in.

Will gestured behind him and Davie nodded. He made a crown above his head and point in the direction Will was headed and disappeared beyond the cover of the rooftop.

Will instead of changing direction's continued to run forward.

" God I hope she can help here..."

Meanwhile around the neck of Dr Sombre unbeknownst to Will the medallion begins to crack.

In the direction Will was heading too and girl was running around killing anyone who stood in her way. She had gotten deathly efficient with her dagger and after a while she had stopped blinking. The slaves stood a good distance away from her afraid to get caught in her carnage. Her plum hair flowed in the win and her tattoos glowed a deeper color through her crimson stained shirt.

She screamed and shouted as she killed. As if there was an invisible crowd goading her on to do more to continue her rampage. To kill more to slaughter more. To have more fun!!!

A young voice snapped her out of her thoughts.

" Belle....Belle....BELLLEEEEEE!" She turned around to see Will being chased by a shadowy figure. The figure had ballooned to the size of a small carriage and didn't look to be as uniform anymore. It seemed as if it was a writhing beast.

Belle acknowledged Will's presence by running towards him. Will felt a sense of relief when he saw Apathy moving towards him. He didn't understand he plan but he knew he couldn't stop running. It felt as if invisible hands were grabbing at the hairs of his neck. If he slowed even a little he doubt that flipping a coin could save him at all.

Apathy looked in his eyes and pointed downwards towards her feet. He didn't get what she was saying as of yet but when she raised her dagger he realized what he had to do.






Will ducks and roll's between the feet of apathy not hesitating to keep his eyes open. To catch a final peak just incase it was the end of his days.

However as he rolled between her legs he was met with the disappointment that she was wearing black underwear and he could not see under the cover of darkness; something he has come to hate. He swore will not forget this moment of betrayal.

As he completed his roll he skidded ascross the floor digging his nails into the ground to stop himself. He watched as Belle wildly slashing at the air.

This had momentarily stopped the creature in its tracks. Belle jumped back as she knew that this moment of chaos was the only reason she was able to slash at the creature so effortlessly.

She immediately stepped back as the ballooning mass of darkness seemed to regain some lucidity.

She could clearly see what was going on...