
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

Strength Is All That Matters

A Day passes by…

Will had returned to the waterfall as it was an easy to find landmark. The crashing of the falls could be heard for a good 2 km in every direction.

Will had his compass on his person and had already explored in the Northern and eastern directions in the past day. His face was covered in mud and his clothing was stained with sweat from the humid climate.

The waterfall had a massive cooling effect on him so he sat peacefully on the edge of the plunge pool and loved how peaceful and quiet it was. Even when he had first arrived her he never noticed any animals come here for water except the occasional bird who would swoop down before immediately flying away. He didn't think too much about it as there must be other sources of water which were probably much easier to access and didn't require the risk it would take to come here.

He had a mix of tropical fruits in his hands that he deemed to be edible enough from watching some apelike animals who swung from the vines on the trees. They always called out to him when he walked towards the waterfall but after a certain distance their cries would quiet down. Will snacked on the fruits and watched the open sky above him. He really hoped that they were safe. He missed them a lot. They were like his family. He could feel that they trusted him with every decision even If it turned out to be the wrong one.

Will's Hand reached out for another fruit beside him. His hand felt something land in the same spot. He turned his head to see a man sitting cross-legged looking up at the sky. For some reason he couldn't catch a good glimpse of the man. It was like his eyes just wouldn't let him. They couldn't focus on his features at all.

The man looked down at Will and recited a riddle?

"What walks on four feet in the morning, two in the afternoon and three at night? " He bit down into the red fruit and his gaze continued to look down at Will expecting an answer.

Will did not understand the question. He repeated it a couple times before he gave up.

"Do you give up young boy?" Will shook his head and a slight smile could be seen on the man's face as he patiently ate the apple.

Will sat there for almost an hour. The man seemed to be in no form of hurry as he continually depleted Will's stash of fruits for the evening.

" Its getting dark. Tell me the right answer and I can show you to your friends" Will tried to look at his face again to see if he was being serious but he still couldn't catch a good glimpse of him even while looking directly at him. Will became increasingly suspicious of the mans origin.

"Are you a witch?" Will looked up expectantly waiting for an answer.

He chose not to delve into the man's statement about his friend whereabouts. He didn't trust him.

"I asked a question first" he still sat there patiently waiting for an answer.

Will flustered racked his brain even harder until something clicked.

"It's a human" The man looked at Will surprised. Finally, Will could actually see him.

The man had short brown hair that flowed naturally into a Mohawk it curled unnaturally in every direction. His face was angular and his jawline was chiseled. He had a short stubble beard that made him look even more manly. His emerald green eyes glowed with an ethereal light and blended well with his sharp nose. He had rosy lips uncommon for a man of his looks.

Will shifted his gaze downwards. He wasn't wearing much clothing. His chest muscles looked to constantly taught and flexed and his abdominal muscles rippled intensely as he breathed. His oblique muscles made his build look even more angular. His shoulders weren't blocky but had extreme amounts of definition. His arms looked thick for his build and a system of veins ran down them to his palms. They looked rough and pad like. As if he could pick you with one hand.

His legs were well defined as well and his private area was loosely covered by a cloth. But it could still be seen that whatever was going on under there was anything but simple.

He let Will look at him for a minute before rising up.

"No, young man I am not a Witch. There is a plentitude of ways to gain power in this world. Some rely on the otherworldly some on themselves and others are just born special. A cut above the rest. It is an unfair thing to not find power in this changing world. Strength is all that matters. Lack it and you shall be swallowed by the current"

Will listened to his words. He didn't think there were other forces at play in the world. His view was limited to what he knew. He thought witches were the strangest things but now the man had just revealed that the world was much bigger and deeper than he knew. It lit up Will's soul. He wanted to see it. He wanted to witness the changes. He wanted to be at the center of the storm.

Will then reeled back to reality and realized that the man had disappeared from his sights and he didn't tell him where they were. Will looked around but couldn't see any sign of him. He sighed and laid on the grass. It was already dark and stars could be seen twinkling around the night sky.

Will closed his eyes and laughed. He couldn't wait to turn this world on its head.

In a dark damper part of the forest. Davie trekked slowly around. Growls and shrieks could be heard all around him some even sounded to be circling him. He held a tight grip on his pistol and sighed at the futility of his existence. He knew everyone was probably having a better time than him.

" Sigh… I guess I have to fight my way out of this. i need a long break." He reached into his belt buckle and pulled out a small crescent like fruit and ate it.

"At least I won't be hungry. I can't say the same about you guys" Davie gave a deprecating smile and aimed his pistol in front of him.

In an inconspicuous part of the forest bright lights flashed in concession.