
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

Standing Ahead

" what?" The man looked down at the young boy with an even more curious gaze.

" You look weird" Will gave him a serious stare as he looked up into his eyes.

" Who are yo-" Right before he could finish his statement he felt his body rapidly levitate as something hit his chin.

His chin was now hooked onto a smooth metal grove as it fractured his perfect jawline shifting it upwards a few cm.

However Will was not done with him he twisted and rotated the staff causing it to hit him on the head sending him crashing into the ground leaving a small crater.

The remainder of both parties looked at the boy as if he was a little monster. He performed such quick and powerful moves so effortlessly.

Davie, who had his hand on his pistol the moment the group infront of him appeared from the dispersing crowd slowly turned to Apathy and with a suspicious gaze.

" Could he always do that?"

Apathy gave Davie a sideways glance before shaking her head. Belle watched Will and had a surprised look on her face. She'd never actually seen him fight before. He looked almost majestic in her eyes.

Coming to terms with what they had just witnessed one of the members screamed out.

" Señor Carlos!! " A fiery rage built in the eyes of Carlos's posse. Two of them dragged Carlos away from Will's feet. Will let this happen and had a bright smile on his face.

Without turning around he called out

" Davie! Apathy! Belle! Dont let any one of them leave the docks!"

Without any other words three shadows rushed past him causing his hair to flutter in the wind. He stumbled back briefly before regaining his footing and charging ahead.

Click!Bang!Bang! Davie stood on the edge of the battlefield letting out shots. It could be said that he was becoming a true marksman. His every bullet hit his target. Some didn't land exactly where he wanted them to but he had Belle cleaning up after him.

She ran around the battlefield the slight glow of her tattoos permeating through her dress. She slashed a limping mans neck without hesitation. She was getting used to killing. She ducked and rolled between Apathy's legs and slashed the kneecaps of someone who was stumbling behind her.

Anyone who entered a certain distance around Apathy would become extremely sleepy and fall to the floor. Davie turned his attention to another section of the battlefield.

Will was dancing?

That was the best way to describe his moments. He bent his body and swayed in unatural ways dodging attacks by the hair of his chin. It was almost as if was by luck that the attacks missed. Every once in a while he would let out an attack that would hit the assailants adams apple or jaw causing them to keel back in pain. He would meticulously rotate the staff around him or it was the staff that magically followed the path that he desired.

Davie was snapped out of his observation by the sound of someone screaming as they charged up behind him. He twirled the pistol around his index finger before aiming behind his head and leaving a bloody bullet hole in between their eyebrows. Davie shook his head.

" Why scream? That defeats the purpose of surprising me from behind"

A slightly tired voice called out to him.

" Davie carry me. Now."

He immediately let go of all the cockiness he had a few seconds ago and ran towards the sleepy voice.

In the next few seconds Davie had Apathy slung over his shoulder and turned his hear around to look for Will. He noticed that he was running into an alleyway. He called over Belle who had just finished knocking out someone with the hilt of her dagger.

" Belle get over here we gotta go!"

She looked past Davie and saw Will's fleeting figure and began to sprint after him. Davie watched as she passed him and sighed.

He lightly jogged forward as to not wake the one sleeping on his shoulders.

In the alley way...

Will looked around. It was oddly dark in this alley way and he had an odd feeling he wasn't alone. Laying in the corner of the alley was the Head of the posse Carlos. It looked as if he was healing. His mangled jaw slowly shifted back into place. And the crack on his skull looked as if it was gone. Only the coagulated blood remained.

He was guarded by the two who dragged him away but seeing that the rest of their crew was defeated so quickly by this young boy and his friends they didn't have much confidence in fighting him.

Will took an attacking stance. His eyes were glowing golden and had an uncanny sharpness to them. Before he could make the next strike something interesting happened.

A lough cough echoed through the alleyway. Will turned around to see a brown man in a red and orange striped tuxedo staring at him. His eyes were a vibrant hazel but they had black rings surrounded the pupil of his eyes.

He wore a conductor's hat and he had a brown tipped pimp cane in his hands. He started humming and singing a tune. The more he sung the more the shadows festered around him.

Hey there kiddo ,

It seems you've met my kinfolk,

Well Im sorry i have to ruin your parade,

But this is my property your hitting in the face,

And if you know whats good for ya

you'd get out my space,

Cause on this island we all belong to one race

Fashion and designer clothing is what we aim to make.

So excuse me while I make my daring escape!

Will's eyes were covered in darkness and by the time he could see there was nobody there. The alley way was devoid of a single soul.

" Hey Will! What happened? Why are you in this empty alleyway?"

Will turned around to see Belle's worried expression. They both gently stared at each other for a few seconds. Then Davie arrived with apathy on his shoulders. Will just shook his head and gestured for them to follow him.

Right as he was about to leave the alleyway a hand popped out from behind a wall. It was covered in a white glove and held a rose. The person flipped their hands and it suddenly became a fresh pair of clothes.

" Hello there! "