
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

ST Paul

A month ago In the Capital City

The light was extremely bright and dawn seemed to be never-ending. The ceiling was made out of a reflective glass which drastically enhanced the brightness of the area. Each surface was ordained with metals and gemstones that shined. In this place there was no need for lamps or lights. It was as if this place emitted it all on its own. This was the only way to describe the scene in front of the numerous people who entered the main hall of this building.

The rows of white leather seats and numerous tropical fauna decorated the inside. The celery could be seen doing their regular duties. Some helping new believers and telling them of Gods glory. Some leading private prayers and confessions. There were even busy workers constantly cleaning up any messes and shining every surface.

It looked odd how the majority of people in the building had blonde hair and blue eyes.

The St Paul cathedral was a massive structure only slightly dwarfed by the castle in the distance.

Below the cathedral in one of its many small cramped rooms was a small dwarf man surrounded by piles of paper. The room was barely lit and the floor was uncomfortably moist. I was unknown what liquids the moisture consisted of. But the dwarves man in his leather boots stood in it without any change in expression.

His eyes were blue and his hair was a dirty blonde. His slightly chubby face was red presumably from frustration. He wore a small white robe with the symbol of the six pointed pentagram with little suns imprinted on each point. Although his outfit was short which exposed his hairy muscular legs.

His eyes were red from strain. It only worsened as he read though each letter than fell down the chute opposite him. Every minute he would sort letters by importance and status.

Letters from Noble households or any letter that held a crest was immediately sent to his superior to read. He was stuck reading the petty wishes and praises of the common folk for a significant portion of his day.

His eyes were just about to close when a letter fell down the chute. On the other end he could hear the clear flick of a coin. He grumbled internally but still picked up the letter.

His face morphed into one of shock and awe. The letter had the crest of royalty on it. He was confused normally any royal letters would get handed straight to his superior. He didn't dare break the seal and peak at this one and hurriedly tossed it into a tiny box at the front of the room which read "Of EXTREME IMPORTANCE"

He took one more glance at the letter and internally questioned who would have sent it.

A few hours later…

It was almost noon. A blonde man in his late 20s entered a spacious room. The floor was covered in a lavish carpet and paintings of himself , a woman and child were strewn across the walls. The room was lit with different lanterns covered in reflective stones which made the harsh brightness more soothing to the eyes. He rubbed his palms across his wooden desk and sat down in a cotton stuffed seat. On his desk was a small box of letters.

He looked at them and scoffed. His deep blue eyes showed extreme contempt for the letters in front of him but his face shined so bright that it was almost hard to tell that he wasn't happy. He lifted the first letter and his feminine hands trembled for a second. He gently held the shaking hand and waited until it stopped before letting out a long breath.

On the letter was the insignia of royalty. He was not that surprised at the letter as it was just recently announced that the princesses had gone missing and the King had died. He assumed it was the monarchy requesting the assistance of the Church in this matter. He smiled as if reminiscing about something.

"Little SilSil …. Can't even keep your own family safe"

However, when he opened the letter and his smile gradually morphed into an extreme frown.

He read through the parchment once more.

"Oh Helio…Silos… Just what kind of trouble have you gotten yourself into. Belle I don't know if you meant for this letter to end up in my hands but I'll try my best"

He threw the paper into the bin. But just before the paper collided with the bottom of the basket an audible snap was heard. The sound of something igniting roared in the bin before quickly dissipating.

He then continued to read the rest of letters in front of him. This time with an unprecedented seriousness.

His bin now filled to the brim with ash he walked up towards a painting and massaged his forehead.

"Morgana...Stephanie. Daddy's gonna be in a whole lot of trouble"

Present Day….

A ship was adrift at sea yet again. Its distinct blue paint and white stripes on the sides made it look like a baby whale in these deep ocean waters. The boat rocked and swayed in the wind and inside the bridge a man young man could be seen at the helm of the vessel. His eyes looked extremely focused and the extreme swash didn't affect him in the slightest. It was as if his body moved with the waves every now and then predicted their movements.

Inside the bridge it was extremely silent and the kraken bobble head bobbled aimlessly. A loud grumble could be heard coming from the stomach of the Wavy haired man he frowned and looked down at his feet for a few seconds.

Below deck two people sat in front of a bed. They both stared deeply at the unconscious human being.

"Will do you think we should wake her up?" Apathy asked while holding her stomach.

Will didn't respond and climbed on top of the sleeping girl. Apathy watched his actions with a curious gaze. Will climbed from the base of her feet all way to the peak of her chest.

He pressed down on her 'cushions 'and looked deeply into her sleeping face. His expression changed into a deep frown of frustration.

Apathy seeing that Will had no clue what he was doing; was about to stop him from harassing their newcomer. But Will then looked at her like a wild beast and she backed off.

Will began to brainstorm to the best of his abilities. His head looked as if it was letting off steam and his cute face turned red. After a few seconds his golden eyes lit up. Apathy though that he had an idea.

Will looked at the girl's eyes that fluttered as if she was dreaming and inched closer and closer until his lips were pressed against hers.