
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

Special Guest

The staff of the restaurant looked around in shock. Just by the words of the black haired young lady their customers fell asleep.

The were about to send for the authorities when the boy suddenly hopped out of his seat and began collecting money off of the bodies of the people who were asleep.

It seemed like today was his lucky day he found over sixty silver total on their bodies. It was more than enough to pay the docking fee. His golden eyes glowed in glee.

He walked towards the counter and threw a few silver to their waitress and staff as an apology. At the counter was the two other individuals who did not fall asleep. Will nodded at them and placed another few silver on the countertop.

"As an apology for disturbing your meals" one of them nodded towards the boy with a grin while the other remained silent.

The one who nodded was a middle-aged man with a grey beard and tan skin. There were deep wrinkles and dark freckles all over his skin. He looked as if he had lived a long life, had many experiences and an inexhaustible amount of stories to tell.

The other was a cloaked individual with a vaguely feminine outline. The hood of their cloak hid facial features and they didn't look towards Will in the slightest.

Will assumed them to be witches as well. He looked towards Davie who sat patiently waiting on him to finish his business.

Davie nudged apathy to wake her up and they both followed him out of the restaurant. Just before leaving Will looked towards Belle who still had a confused look on her face and smiled.

"You coming or what?"

Belle realizing, she didn't want to be here when these bounty hunters woke up joined them and exited the store.

Inside the restaurant…

The bearded man bought a shot with the money the boy left. He drank it and let out a satisfied sigh.

"The seas are going to be in turmoil once again…I'm too old for this now but the young generation will always carry on the dreams of us relics of the past. Which each new empire comes a rising star"

He glanced out the window towards the boy with the golden hair.

"There is something special about him. He made me lower my guard so casually. Maybe I'm just getting old. HAHAHAH EH Friend?"

His 'friend' didn't respond. They instead slowly stood up and exited the store. The symbol of a waxing moon could be seen on the palm of her hand.

The old man slightly raised his eyebrow before continuing to drink.

'Damn Cultists'

Outside on the dock…

Belle still couldn't explain how shocked she was. Their coordination was incredible. She thought back to her and Karo's synergy and doubted she could ever reach that point of confidence with her life in someone else's hands.

She could see Will eyes glow a the amount of money in his palms. He then shouted about how he could finally pay the fee.

He first placed the same amount of silver Belle used in her plans before thanking her and walking off. Belle noticed how oddly observant he was to know the exact amount. Or it could have been luck.

At this point Apathy was asleep again and she was slumped on Davie's shoulders. Who had again returned to his jovial state of mind....and body.

Belle thought about turning and avoiding those three as they seemed like very powerful witches. She could tell the girl was the strongest of the trio just by the feat in the restaurant alone.

She could also tell that the senses of the man were extremely good as he was able to accurately shoot the blade with his flintlock pistol.

She looked towards the direction she was about to head towards and realized that a larger group of people were staring at her. It seemed like the fiasco in the restaurant didn't go unnoticed by the general public.

Belle who had finally decided to go with Will noticed that they were already turning into small specs in the distance. She ran around them and realized that they were relatively fast. She didn't seem to be gaining. She then muttered something in the language of spirits and her steps became lighter.

At the end of the dock. Will stood on their ship almost out of breath. Davie stood next to him relatively unbothered even while carrying another person. Will quickly regained his breath before looking down towards the dock.

Below them was a small chubby man counting up around 40 silver joyously. He then waved at them and shouted in a high pitched voice.

"You may now leave! You have 30 minutes to be out of this docking area or you shall be charged another fee!"

Belle who had just overheard the conversation realized just how severe it was for the grumbles to be ready to unload the ships on time. This place was expensive!

Belle walked past the man. He looked at the beautiful woman tried to smack her ass when he accidentally smacked himself in the face and tripped into the sea.

Belle who was about to use her powers to stop him looked up at the ship and saw Will looking at her.

She was about to thank them when a hand with a waxing moon embroidered on it grabbed her shoulders and pulled her backwards.

She recognized the symbol and thought. 'A priest of Stelle?'

Belle was about to warn them when it suddenly got dark for her and she fell to her feet.

On the ship.

Will who had turned his attention to Davie contemplated on their next destination. They already caused a commotion here and they could not stay in Rima as it seems their bounties already spread here relatively quickly.

Davie seemed to still be absent minded as Apathy was still on his shoulders.

Apathy lifter her head slightly and said

"Let's go to Sey. The largest Island in the Seyshell Archipelago. It is the largest country and people with bounties 10 times ours roam there unhindered."

Will interrupted her and said

"If their bounties were that high wouldn't the reason they went around untouched be that they were strong enough to remain untouched?"

Apathy nodded.

"Yes Will but to grow as witches we need to diversify our experiences. We need to leave the well and head for the big sea. It'll also put us under massive amounts of pressure on the way as Sey is probably home to the strongest witches and items related to our realms would be much easier to find. To be free and have adventures we need to be strong enough to not have our freedom restricted or taken."

Will silently nodded. However, he thought about this more and asked how she knew all this. He was met with her pointing below deck with a fiendish grin.

"It's in those books I told you to memorize Will" he didn't retort her statement and sulked downstairs to continue his education.

Apathy then Davie on the shoulder and he put her down with a sad sigh. She stretched her body before looking at the docks.

She noticed a hooded figure following them when they left the shop. She told Davie and Will to move faster just in case she was mistaken. But It seems her suspicions were correct.

Davie who had returned to sinking in his pessimism noticed her at the same time as Apathy. He drew his pistol and shot accurately between the pursuers feet.

" A warning shot lady. Im already kinda sad so i don't want a whole family mourning this week"

The pursuer raised their hands in submission.