
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

Polly Wanna Cracker

Starring at this delusional woman Belle was about to turn around and walk out the store.

Belle slowly crept to her feet while she was distracted by her cat. Slowly inching towards the door; Belle noticed she wasn't being stopped and continued. Just as her hand reached the knob the lock suddenly clicked and she immediately began a desperate battle between the knob and the lock. It wouldn't budge.

"Where do you think you're going meow?"

Slowly turning around, she could see the blazing hair on the girl and her deep emerald green eyes staring down at her. Belle never noticed Karo was this tall before.

"You haven't introduced yourself"

Belle stared cautiously at Karo. She then opened her mouth.

"My Name's Marci…"

Karo looked towards belle and gave a creepy smile.

"Ahhh you look much more like a Belle to me. But hello Marci"

She turned around leisurely sat behind her work bench. Karo slung a cloth pouch around her shoulders. Embroidered on it was the face of a kitten.

Belle continued to move cautiously. She gave up on the idea of making any sudden moves. This girl seemed extremely paranoid and in a constant state of emotional flux.

She chose to ignore the comment about her name. Pursuing it would probably only confirm her thoughts.

An intense stare off continued between the two.

Belle continued to look around unimpeded by the woman who seemed to only care when she tried to leave. Belle walked to the counter holding a small animal. It was a parrot. The parrot was not bronze like the rest of them it seemed to be made of numerous metals that were of many different origins some she couldn't even tell what they were. The bird was rather colorful boasting many different shades of the primary spectrum.


Karo screamed in delight and grabbed the bird from her hands.

"POLLY someone is here to purchase you isn't that amazing"

visible gears began to turn in her eyes and the bird's wings roared to life the bird let out a terrifying screech.

Belle covered her ears while Karo's eyes beamed incessantly at the sight of her creation about to be purchased.

Belle trying to calm her down said "Hey his names Polly. Right? I think that's a cute name. Mrs. Fluppers is also a good name as well".

Blatantly taking her chances at lying to the girl proved to work as she then went on an incessant rant.

"Mrs. Fluppers? Ouu this one time me and Mrs. Fluppers were in the studio room downstairs where I do all my metal works and she got spooked and ran towards a cauldron of liquid and tried to jump in I managed to grabbed her just in time. Her left leg still managed to get dipped into the liquid. It got completely dissolved and I had to make a leg for her".

Letting out a desperate laugh she looked towards Belle who gave her the reaction she wanted in fear of the consequences.

Satisfied with the reactions she then quoted her price for Polly.

" Polly is my latest creation and cost me a whole lot but for you a fellow person of humor I'll sell her to you for about 40 silver"

she gave a smile knowing that this girl would never be able to afford a price like that unless she was some rich merchants daughter. To her surprise Belle picked up 4 large silver coins with the crest of the sun with a small 10 etched in the center and handed them over to the girl before taking her leave un impeded.

The bird recognizing its new owner and squawked gently before landing on Belle's shoulder and nudging her hair. Belle slowly pat the metal bird and twisted the knob exiting the store.

Outside the store she walked back the direction she came. She did this with a bit of haste. She did not know how long it would take for Karo to regain her composure and chase her.

Looking at Polly Belle thought she got an amazing deal for such a high quality product. Polly returned the gaze and nuzzled against the tip of Belle's nose.

Not long after she left the sounds of shouts could be heard behind her. She knew it was Karo coming after her. She wondered how she was able to find her so quickly.

She looked towards her surroundings and noticed shadows circling above her head. Belle silently swore and immediately ran into an alley way.

The shadows above her immediately followed, realizing that they weren't going to stop she began to whisper some unintelligible words. Immediately the wings on one of the birds froze and it begun its decent from the heavens. She did this twice more while navigating through alley ways. She was almost out of breath but the final bird pulled back and stopped chasing her for some reason.

Looking around Belle realized she was now lost.

Back at the caravan…

"Hello Mable! Mable! Where are you?" a young boy continuously called out for a young girl. He looked around under the different carriages and inside some of them. He found nothing. He started to get worried as this town specifically was known for their shady businesses and there were even rumors that a cult had spawned here that hunted down young women. He immediately intensified his fears.

His calls attracted the attention of multiple city goers and even members of the caravan. The caravan members knew the kids very well so most assumed that Mable intentionally hid from her brother and wasn't going to come out until the last minute.

They boy then strolled into the alley where Belle last saw Mable. He looked around and his eyes naturally focused .

For a young boy he had sharp eyes that didn't miss anything if he focused enough. In the mud he could see footprints. They were small tracks and looked as if there was a slight struggle before the smaller footprints vanished and the larger ones become much deeper.

The boy looked around curiously and thought to himself. ' Carried away'.

He slowly followed the footprints. Behind him someone stood quietly watching his actions. Her hair flowed like flames and she did not seem happy. Behind her was a small army of ' pets'

In a random part of town…

Belle looked around. This area seemed a lot less developed than the rest of the town. The people also looked and let off an aura of aggression towards her or maybe to her well kept demeanor.

Polly clung to Belle's shoulders with its talons. Its grip got tighter and tighter the deeper they delved into the area.

Belle suddenly felt something amiss. Like there was something around this area that was leading her to come closer attracting her towards it.

She yawned.

Belle fell into a trance and wandered into an empty house. The house felt extremely abandoned. But somehow the furniture and other items were clean. She began to look around. She slowly stepped on the rug and heard a different sound. It was like the floor was hollow. She slowly lifted up the carpet when all of a sudden…CRASH.

Belle was knocked on her ass. In front of her in almost the same position was Chris. His fore head now had a small lump on it and his eyes welled up with tears?

Belle already on edge asked "Chris what are you doing here?"

Chris however was in too much pain to immediately respond. He took a small break before coming to his senses and responding with tired gasps.

"Flame lady chase me…. Mable missing…went look for Mable" not understanding what he said she repeated him.

"Flame lady?" Belle who was starting to piece together the puzzle shuddered.

"Where…" before she could finish her sentence a raging flame burst in through the door along with demons of the flames.

A soft " woof " was heard.