
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
98 Chs


It was extremely late into the night when the final few shots rang out.

A man sat on a small hill of bodies. His pristine white shirt soaked with blood. His face covered in sweat and glued to it was his wavy blue hair. His eyes were shallow and looked to be on their last life. That's when they suddenly burst with an oceanic glow. Illuminating his battered figure in the darkness.

His muscles rippled and his body became more toned and chiseled. He felt his ears ring. It sounded like the sound of an insect buzzing. But he looked around and couldn't see anything in his immediate vicinity. He looked down at the bottom of his pile and a blood red butterfly with light blue patterns on its wings gently flapped and landed on a body.

"My hearing got better? "Davie shook his head and slid down the pile.

He picked the butterfly up onto his fingers and laughed. He could hear the buzzing quite clearly. It was just the flapping of the wings. They also seemed to flap a lot slower in his vison. He even noticed that he could see a little bit better in this darkness. He let out a sigh of annoyance and walked away from his pile of corpses.

After a few minutes of thinking he realized that he wasn't fit to carry any one of those beasts much less protect it while he collects the necessary things to cook it. He was gonna stick to fruits.

He instinctually began wandering around the island as he could not sleep. There was too much adrenaline in his system. After a while his ears perked up.

'The sea?' he questioned in his mind.

Davie began following the sound and he arrived at a beach on the island. He sighed. He missed the open water too bad his ship was gone. He lamented on how he was going to get off this shit hole. He thought about their captain and if he was ok. But his thoughts immediately drifted to Apathy. His soaked pants slightly rose.

His disastrous thoughts were thrown out the window when something hit his head. It was the kraken figurine? He could barely make out the object in front of him in the dusk that was brewing. Above him he could hear something? It was the flapping of wings?

He looked above him and saw the bird Apathy had with her occasionally. He didn't know if it was hers because it was rarely seen. Even when they were on the ship. He wondered just what this bird was up too.

He shifted his head to the right only to see his ship. He finally made out the terrain in front of him. He was in a cove. His ship was on its side but the tide seemed to be coming in. It looked like this area was prone to high tides . And would be underwater very soon.

"It looks like there's about two days left before the tides comes and sweeps my baby away"

Davie looked at the direction of the sun. It was rising behind him so he was in a westwards direction. He sighed and shouted.

"I hate this shit!" Davie kicked off his battered shoes and ran into the ocean washing off the sea of red on his body. He ditched the shirt and revealed his chiseled abs and his dense rippling muscles. His wavy blue hair glowed ethereally in the water.

He then ran out onto the sand and put his shoes on. Apathy's bird latched onto his shoulders and ran towards him.

"Time to hunt some kids" He thought about his statement for a moment. But realized that nobody was near to hear it so he pushed on.

Back at the waterfall…

Will POV:

Yawn* I hate sleeping on the floor. I never knew how good even a shitty hammock was until I was placed back where I came from.

I still felt tired even after that nights long rest. I should probably have done a little better than this. Could have stacked some leaved ontop of some sticks.

Wait why am I so calm? Didn't a strange half naked muscular man ask me riddles before disappearing? I should have left this place. I need an adult…


Will massaged his head intensely and thought about what he should do. He had gone in most directions for a good while and he didn't find any sign of anyone. He didn't know how big this island was either so moving around could hinder their search too much.

"Hey how have you been?" Will's head swiveled behind him and there he stood in all his glory.

"Pervert!" The man looked Will confused he looked at will and smiled.

@Is that what you people call new friends?"

"Well I'm glad I could be your pervert" Will looked at the man as if he had brain damage. He didn't correct him though as then he would inquire the actual meaning of the word.

The man seeing Will's silence took it as an invitation to sit down. In his hands were a small basket of fruits. That he placed inbetween them for them to share.

The man sat cross-legged. He slowly arched his body forward and stretched. He was extremely flexible. On his back was a tattoo o a strange creature. It looked like a big furry cat and a lady combined.

"What is that on your back?"

The man stopped stretching and caressed his back. His green eyes beard a tinge of pain.

"It is called a Sphinx young one. An ancient creature from days long past"

Will seemed excited at the name of this strange creature he repeated it a few times in his head.

"Do they still exist?" The man stopped stretching completely and his eyes locked onto Will.

"Probably not. I killed most a while ago" He then took a bit of a fruit and asked another riddle.

"The more of me you take. The more you leave behind. What am I?"

Will was sort of expecting this. For some odd reason this guy loved riddles. He thought about it for a while before noticing something in the ground leading up to the man. He answered.

" footsteps" The man looked towards him and nodded before Will could ask a question of his own the man asked.

" What is your name?" Will looked at the man and couldn't figure out his deal but he still said it. Will then asked him his name.