
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs


Good morning evening or whatever time your in i hope you're having a pleasant day.

I…dont know how to say this. But im going to take s step back and stop continuing this novel. Ive spent hour on hours writing plots making storylines and planning out character interactions but every time i open the app and say time to write a new chapter I just cant. Im not in love with the world I created anymore. I feel as though I messed up. Jumped chekhov's gun and now my story my world is riddled with holes that cant be plugged. The life has been slowly draining out of this series and i hate to watch it suffer because of its creator. So Im sorry for those who liked it and i hope those who hate it you're day has been made.

Im not going to stop writing though. I have always had a passion for writing and I hope that one day through the unfinished mud of my many novels and projects i am able to create a world I am proud of.

A quote that always keeps me going is one by Frederick Nietzsche "He who would learn to fly one day must first learn to walk and run and climb and dance; one cannot fly into flying."

So I'll take this failure with a groan and a grunt. Ive 100s of hours not wasted but spent learning how to create a better world.