
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

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Will and his crew walked out of the alleyway. They noticed that the entire dock had returned to normal. Even from a slight distance he could see people walking around the bodies or slightly stepped over the puddles of blood. A few questions ran through their minds.

Why was there no police here? Why was there such a lax reaction to death from the general public. This place screamed odd and they were now following a primary anomaly.

They had caused a genuine racket at the dock. Yet noone other than the people who they assaulted seemed concerned by their appearance. The islanders only wanted to sell their products to them.

Will was reeled back in from his train of thought by the voice of Davie who called out to him

" Will you ok?"

Will looked at Davie who looked a bit concerned. Although Apathy being on his shoulders caused a sense of euphoria to rush into his body he still had enough common sense to remain cool and collected in times of need.

After observing Will as they followed the strange man around his age. Davie noticed that Will seemed stressed or out of it. So he decided to ask.

Will, confused looked up at Davie.

" Yeah I'm good. Just thinking."

Belle leaned forward intrigued by their conversation. Davie continued to pressure Will to say what was on his mind.

" about?"

Will this time did not turn to Davie but kept his eyes ahead.

" Its nothing important "

Davie frowned but didn't continue to ask he looked forward at the designer whose posture was strangely upright. He walked with his hands clasped behind his waist and when he noticed Davie staring he turned his head and gave him a seductive sideways glance before quickly turning his head around.

Davie felt as if a draft of cold wind just ran through his body. He then looked to his left and Belle kept giving both Will and the strange young man quick glances.

Davie thought to himself ' Why am i the only one who seems alright at the moment?'

"Here we are!" They stopped in front of a whimsical building?

The buildings next to it were symmetrical and had intricate patterns and designs to accentuate their simplicity. They were elegantly crafted and filled with the flare of an artist who cherishes every stroke of their brush. The colors seamlessly blended together forming a wondrous cascade of beauty. They were all masterpieces of architecture compared to what they saw infront of them.

The building's foundation was slanted and the layout looked as if it was inferred from a child's drawing. There were fake windows and doors that littered the walls. The lines of paint were inconsistent and incoherent. It was as if you'd have to have a special kind of eye to see the vision of the artist; if there was any vision at all. The walked to the front door of the establishment.

It was a plain oak wood door that didn't blend well with the overall shape or erratic design of the building or well...it didn't need to? The image of the store behind the door was fake. It was just a hyperrealistic drawing behind a door frame. Instead they turned right and walked towards a window which the strange man climbed in effortlessly.

They all climbed in. Davie went last as he had to wake up Apathy to get in herself. As she woke up she looked at Will and frowned. She then looked up at Davie who casually shook his head. She sighed and climbed into the establishment.

They looked around the store. On racks were intricately designed clothing. They all looked weird and wacky but when looked at on a whole seemed as if they told an entire story. On walls were different sizes of footwear both male and female. They were all standard mondern footwear but if you looked closely you could see that there were small changes made.

A pair of black horse riding boots were cut down only leaving the area surrounding the ankle and had some built in black socks.

A solid white pair of clarks were on display. They had laces intricate tied in between the soles of the shoes. It was a wonder how you tied those onto your feet.


" Now that i have gathered your attention. I hope you enjoyed looked at some of my catalogs but i have special clothing that i think would fit you 4 perfectly"

He gathered their attention to 4 sets of clothes on racks. Each set had 5 pairs of clothes along with 2 pairs of shoes.

Belle was the first to try on her new clothes.

Belle donned a maroon skirt with box pleats and a sliver princess vest over a cotton white shirt and wore a pair of black ankle boots. She felt extremely comfortable in it and did a little twirl.

Even Will was surprised it made her look absolutely stunning.

Belle turned to the designer and was about to say thank you but realized none of them had asked his name yet.

" What is your name Mr?"

" Virgil. Thats my name!" He gave a extatic grin as he stared at how the outfit fitted on her body.

"How do you like the secret leg attachment for your dagger?"

Belle looked at him and thought about it. How did he know that?

She raised her guard and was about to chant something but right before she could he plainly stated.

" When you fight your dress flies up and it reveled the other sheath you had"

To Belle this all checked out. To Will who paid keen attention to everything he said said this raised some flags.

" Hmmm that means you were watching us for a long time?"

He looked towards Will and looked as if was about to burst.

" I could watch you all day"

Will hissed his teeth.

Next to try their clothes was Apathy. She wore a black flowing nightdress. Around the waist of the dress dress were little pockets which could be filled with different things of varying sizes. The nightdress itself was covered in little white dots that shimmered slightly when she moved and there were little hooks which had small plushes attached. Anyone passing by her would have a look of awe as this goddess of sleep walked by.

Under the dress was black silk stocking and on her feet were silver ankle strapped heels locks on them. They matched her personality well.

Davie was next. He looked down at his long faded black trousers and sighed. He went into the changing room.

Davie came out and awkwardly stood upright. Everyone in the room was shocked.