
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs


" Hmmm That is a strange question to ask me. Are you not going to at least say hello to your best friend?. Or have all these years apart really changed you that much "

The shadows around the room danced wilder and the inky tears that rolled from his eyes seemed to begin to gush.

" You say that as if I'm the one who was first to change." His voice echoed like a deep darkness on the back of anyone's eyes. Luci seemed unaffected but Planchette was unable to remain standing. She was pushed to her knees by the aura he emitted.

" So I ask you again. Why have you brought her here."

Luci gave a deep frown. He stared at planchette's body which kenneling on the floor. He body began to bubble with black puss.

He cursed under his breath.

'This place has been tainted with his aura for months. Its started to transform into a living domain.Realm 5 Black weeper. The only realm to have a folklore below realm 4. Although incomplete.'

Luci thought about the situation he was in. If he released his aura in here itwould almost definitely alert the other archbishops in the church or worse get the pope to intervene. And he would have to answer to that as he was not supposed to be here right now. He fixed his expression and looked towards the throne.

" Ahhh We'll it seems that your having trouble being king. And As politely as possible I would like to take that responsibility away from you. As an old friend. "

Silos grumbled on the surface but around him. The shadows got more ravenous and the spirits within them began to become aggressive some even beginning to pounce on the incapacitated Planchette.

Luci created a ring of fire around himself and planchette in response. The warmth of the fire allowed for planchette to regain some of her sanity and slow the corruption.

She shakily got to her feet. Her abnormal resilience had begun to show it's colors once again.

Even though the corruption had stoped;the holes in her body leaked blood and puss. Although her face remained undisturbed.

" Brother...Silos. I do not know what possessed you to kill our father. But I Princess Planchette Sola will never forgive you. You are a traitor to our family and you soul has a quiet dark and lonely place in whatever Hell you find yourself in. "

Silos looked at his sister with wide eyes. He had never expected this response from her. And it broke something inside of him.

" Why. Why am I always wrong. Everytime I chose myself. Everytime i stop trying to fill the shoes and make my own choices i fall flat..."

His pale white face began to crack and his faded silver eyes were swallowed by darkness. The spirits of the dead he consumed laughed and danced with glee in his shadow. They stood over him. Taunting him. Letting him know what a piece of shit he was.



Foolish son...Foolish son.


" I was raised to believe everything my father said was true...I wanted freedom too. I wanted to travel the world. I was no different from Belle."

When he thought about his sister a clear white crystalline tear broke the tide that was the black stream. It slowly trickled down his cracking facade

landing on the palm of his hands.

" From a child i was filled with false fantasies of being king and the freedom that could came from it. But now i see it is only a shackle for the unworthy. And Just like my father before me. I am a crooked king with a crooked crown...."

The crown atop of his head feel into the inky blackness that had surrounded him. His face had already cracked to a point of no return. Each crack It leaked the black liquid. He lifted his head and smiled. Everything stopped moving for a second.

His sliver eyes regained their clarity and his once royal silver eyes beamed once more.

" I cannot change my life. But i can regret the choices that have lead me here to this point. This end. Its not the way I saw my end. And I'm not surrounded by the people who I wanted to protect most....but as my little sister and Belle's most precious treasure. I shall grant your wish. "

I reached hand and pierced the rotting marrow that was his left temple. Without hesitation and a beaming smile on his face he closed his fist.

Droves of inky fluid dripped from his skull onto the crown on the floor and as all light faded from his eyes his head fell back onto the throne. The crown that lay to rest on the floor and began to transform. Its ends became crooked and pointed inwards instead of towards the sky as if forming a cage around the mind of whoever was to wear it next. All of the cerebral fluid had coagulated into the gems on the crown turning them black.

The residual shadows were burned away by the touch of the sunlight and all the spirits became ethereal returning to their realm.

Planchette stood there unable to move and was unable to react. She had no idea this is how he felt. She listened to his story and she felt sad. Out of their entire family. He was the only person who has never left this castle and he had died there aswell.

She watched as his body slowly turned to dust and everything tainted with his aura followed shortly after.

Planchette looked at his evaporating corpse , a brief sign of emotion appeared on her face and she felt that she had begun to undergo more corruption. She looked to Luci for console but nothing came but a frown and a very strange reaction.

He closed closed and a very frustrated look appeared on his face.

" Sigh..Looks Like I have to get rid of this body. And it's so hard to come upon folklore bodies these days. Oh How my wife is going to miss me...Stay good my little strawberry"

His eyes shined a dazzling brilliance. Blinding Planchette.

As she looked at the spot he stood in nothing but a pile of golden ash remained. She was about to scream but a figure of pure light suddenly descended into the hall. His mere presence stunned her to silence.

She saw a middle aged man wearing the same robes as Luci except he wore a mitre with the symbol of Holios that sat at the center of it's embroidered design.

She felt her body rapidly healing itself under his presence which seemed to cast a blinding light making one unable to catch a proper glimpse of him.

She could only see his white hair and his eyes....His eyes...They were the purest blue she had ever seen. It was as if she was staring at the clear sky on a sunny day

Even during his appearance he largely ignored her presence as if she was an ant insignificant to his way of life.

He slowly walked towards the Pile of ash that lay on the floor. He fell to his knees and began to give a Prayer.

As she watched this she saw a light descend from the heavens and collect the ash made of gold before fading away.

The Pope then rose to his feet and turned to her. He spoke in a clear and beautiful tone. Everything about it just seemed to light a spark in your soul. Making you want to tell him everything you know.

" You are undead and one I have baptized myself. This is fitting for the throne. Take your seat Queen Sola. "

Planchette stared at the man with awe but was compelled to do anything he said. She followed his instructions.

As he watched her. His expression had yet to change from one of solemn piety. He then clasped his hands and said aloud.


Everyone in Rima no matter where they were or what they were doing heard this decree. The only thing they could describe it as was a Miracle.