
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs


As Planchett shouted out the group immediately fell behind some barrels of unknown liquid and planchett grabbed Archi's falling body and dragged him into an alleyway.

She looked at the arrow head that has gone clean through his cheek. His eyes were bloodshot and he was still very much alive. He tried to open his mouth but all he could do was wince in pain. Planchett showing no emotion quickly broke the arrow tip and pulled it out of his body.

She left him there as he seemed to stop being in pain. He gently nodded and pointed at his friends which were being bombarded with bullets and arrows. She gently rest his hand back on his chest and walked out the alley.

Behind barrels leaking a purple fluid was three people who were cowering holding eachother. Each of them looked extremely frightened and weak. In another area was a young man screaming and shouting. He threw balls of fire towards the arrows which greatly decreasing the rate they were fired at.

She looked at the rooftop where the arrows were being fired from and began running towards it. Out of the corner of her eyes she noticed that the fire balls had stopped providing her with cover but she couldn't lose focus now.

She ducked and dodged more often. She weaved and sunk her shoulders. It was as if it was going against her instincts. She needed to be fast or else things could get ugly.

She slid into the alleyway between the building barely dodging the fire of the last few arrows. She looked up and got a running start. She leapt from side to side scaling the building. On her last leap she arrived at the rooftops.

Right as she arrived on the rooftop. She saw the group of thugs who were chasing her the previous day. They were now looking at her but they seemed different almost charmed. They didn't have a look of anger or fear. They had a feverish heat in their eyes. They all rushed at her.

The first to arrive was the one who saw her in the alley.

" Your the reason im here right now you stupid-" Snap! His jaw was now kicked out of place. His head shook like jelly as he collapsed to the floor.

Crack! Pop! Crack! Three more heads were snapped. Planchett was chillingly efficient with her killing. There was no mercy no sympathy as she killed more and more and more and more....A cold glint flashed in her silver eyes. She turned to the edge of the rooftop.

Laying on the floor shaking was the Boss. It looked like he had lost some of that feverish madness that overtook him as he watched his friends die. He looked Planchett in her eyes.

Her plum hair was stained with blood. Her face dotted with spots of flesh that wasn't her own. Her nails were sharp. Her hand was inches away from his throat but something strange happened. He started to laugh. Like a cold bucket of water being doused on her she snapped out of her trance. She looked at her hands and the rest of her body.

'Was this me? Was this who i am? Is this me?'

" Hahahahahahah.....Yes. You see now." The big man whose eyes were regaining their feverish look laughed. He then pointed over the edge.

" Why don't you check on those friends you came up here to protect?"

Already confused she walked over to the edge. On the street were four bodies . The light in their eyes all faded out.

Jack's was the least damaged. His face was left alone but the rest of his body looked as if it had been bludgeoned with bats and other heavy objects. His pale skin was now shifted to a deep blue. His fingers were cracked and mangled. They pointed in almost every direction you could think of. It looked like he put up a struggle but it wasn't enough.

Both Miranda and Amy were without clothing . They were both hugging eachother in fear during their last moments. Mirandas jewelry was missing from her body. All that was left was cheap underwear which was hidden under the layers of fluff. On the areas where the jewelry covered were scars. Cut marks? Planchett couldn't tell from this distance.

Amy's nails were sinking into Miranda's shoulders and her eyes were cut out of her skull leaving the bloodied sockets to leak onto the cold dirt floor. She also was untouched. Their was a strange innocence that surrounded their embrace. It looked almost like a form of love in death.

While she was already having a meltdown she smelled something burning and smoldering. Laying on the building was Mason. He stared up at her while his lower body was crumbling to ash and his black organs leaked out. His bodily fluids bubbled in the boiling acid from his stomach but he continued to stare at her unmoving. There was a questioning gaze in his eyes as they teared up. He looked like he had something to say. After a few more seconds his head fell. The embers surrounding his body slowly turned into a flame that set the building on fire.

She watched all of this play out before her. Time was irrelevant to her but something brought her back to reality. The sound of laughter.

" ahahahahahahahaha. You see now. You see what you are? You're a curse! A looming death sentence to all those around you.....All these people you killed had families too you know!"

Planchett stared at the man. Chunks of flesh were falling off her face. She gave a heavy step forward. With each step another chunk of her body fell off. The man continued his speech as she walked towards him.

" That guy you killed first, Yeahhhh Remember him?-"

She paused and turned to the man with the broken Jaw. His fingers were twitching...He was fighting to stay alive. She listened on as she watched his fingers slow down and all the muscles in his hand relaxed.

" -He missed his daughter's birthday to come here. He couldn't capture you yesterday so he didn't get paid. He didnt want to but she wanted a brand new toy. She couldn't get that with him working his city job-"

Right as he was about to finish. She finally stood above him. Her body was half of its original mass. A trail of flesh and blood ran behind her.

She was about to stab him when she heard the clear sound of a coin in the midst of the eerie silence . She felt her person. The coin the Archbishop gave her was gone. Crawling out of the alleyway was a broken body. His legs had been shattered and pieces of metal and gears were jetting out of his slowly changing body. His face was leaking blood from the holes she made in them. She could clearly hear him gargling on his own blood.

She was about to call out to him but the flesh where her vocal chords were was missing. They both made eye contact for a brief second. They boy with the last ounce of strength held the coin out and snapped it. His arms fell to the floor and his face lay planted in the mud. You could barely make out a smile on his handsome face. He seemed satisfied with his accomplishments.

Planchette turned around and something was about to break in her. With her last ounce of life she gave one final thrust.

A hand came and stopped it.

" Its ok..its not your fault....The world is evil....The God's and their creations are evil...So we must show them what they're worth..."

Hugging a decaying corpse was a man in a white and gold suit. He had a sad look in his blue eyes.

" Who are-" the bandit boss went up in flames. He could even muster a scream before he turned to ashes.

"When all else fails you, I am here with open arms."

A simple smile manifested on his face as he looked down at the corpses of his students.