
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

Getting Noticed

In a small Town a large group of carriages were parked. Some people were standing and chatting while others were tending to their horses.

It could be seen that they were a tightly knit group of individuals. They had seen many things together and traveled untold distances.

In a dimly lit carriage sparks flew up and the short blaze illuminated the face of an older man. He held the match towards a lantern infront of him. The oil bubbled before coming to blaze.

He flicked the match out before reading the pictures in the new papers infront of him.

"Hmm...I wonder what this means...For Her."

He then slowly turned causing the boards to creak

Slightly outside the window in the tiniest gap of the blinds he could see a young boy and girl running after each other. He flashed the papers to straighten them before going back to reading.

Somewhere else...

The foliage was thick and the sky above was covered in dense emergents which blocked out the sun. However if you were venture deeper into this place a clearing opened up to the bright blue sky. Your ears filled with the sound of a rushing falls dimming the buzz of the forest bugs and critters.

The plunge pool's beauty was more than picturesque it gave a ethereal vibe as if it was bathed in by a creature of myth and its body washed away some its divine essence infected the water.

On the shore of the plunge pool a man with emerald green eyes sat with a huge grin on his face. In his hands were a group of papers. As he read more and more he felt as if something was happening.

" Oh shit! That old fuck is dead and im still here. Oh man I wish i could see the look on the royal family's faces right now. Hahahahaaaa. This is amazing. The reaction may be small now but something huge is brewing. That shitty empire of Gold is about to rust."

If you looked infront of him was a woman with a cyclone shielding her bottom half the woman stared at the ship with a curious gaze. Her brown hair was covered in gemstones and coral and her bronze face was extremely beautiful even with her eyes shielded by shells.

She looked at him and smiled. Her voice chimed throughout the breeze like a waves gently crashing on the shore soothing everything around her. Even the trees seemed to sway with a little more grace.

"I guess those little sharks have feasted on their first little minnows. I wonder how they'll do out of their pond on those golden shores "

Somewhere at sea....

The sky was storming. Rain clouds burst forth with a new symphony of dropplets every few seconds. They echoed across the chaotic ocean only slightly dampened by the sounds of the waves crashing against a vessel.

A ship made of a oak as dark as obsidian rocked back and forth. The ship was enormous. Big enough to comfortably fit a crew of over 100 men. It rocked and swayed with the sea barely causing anything onboard to tip. Displaying the skill of the man behind the helm.

On the deck a young boy scrambled to his feet. As he ran across the deck he slipped and fell attracting the eire of his older more experienced colleagues. In his hands were a group of papers which he made sure to catch and keep as dry as possible. Dressed in long pants made out of an itchy cotton-like material and a shirt made of pulp scraps. His skinny and frail body stood shivering in the rain. The wind blew against his figure almost sending him off his feet. But he somehow under all the odds made it to the opposite side of the boat.

As rain tricked down his eyes it made them slightly blurry but he was able to make out the wooden headboard which had ' Captain's Quarters ' scraped into it. He politely knocked as hard as he could on the door which wasn't very hard to begin with. He stood outside the door for atleast 20 seconds before it opened. He widely stepped into the room which pulled up the edge of his pants exposing his ankles. On it was Jolly roger heading a black rimmed fedora.

The man who opened the door was over 7 feet tall and his head basically scraped the ceiling of the room. There had to be no more than an inch between him and moist wood above hime. Not just his height but his whole stature could be described no simpler than big. His body was a walking lump of flesh and muscle. With fingers big enough to act as barrel corks and hands the side of a human head.

He stopped staring at the man who let him in and turned towards the desk in the distance. Thunder flashed. A fair skinned man wearing a white shirt could be seen sitting quietly with his right hand holding up his head.

Strapped to his chest was three pistols. There were two black pistols and one white one of the same model and design. On his head was a black fur fedora. His black eyes looked the boy up and down it was always had to tell what he was looking at. His eyes gave a feeling of scheming and misdirection. As if there was beauty in the chaos he would create He had a beard which was a white grey at the tips and the rest was black.

His voice was aged but it still felt dangerous to the touch. Old dynamite was even more susceptible to spontaneous combustion than regular dynamite.

" What is it boy?"

The young boy stammered away...

" I...I...I have the latests news..."

" Ahh so you have the latest newspaper to give me? Why didn't you say that? Come here give it to me my boy "

The young boy relaxed his guard. He was alot more surprised than usual. From the stories he's heard the man before him was no different from satan himself. Killing entire islands of people in mere hours. The most dangerous pirate of them all...

He was snapped out of his reverence by the sound of him flipping through the pages. It was rhythmic and methodical the way he moved but right as he was about to stop reading his hands froze and he placed the papers on the desk infront of him.

Unknown to the messenger the guard at the door had a puzzled face. His aged voice came again this time with a bit of confusion.

" Igor come here." The giant standing by the door walked towards the table. His each footstep causing your body to vibrate and even the slight swaying of his arms during his stride caused a slight gust to be worked up.

He stopped at looked at the page the man was staring at.

" You know this guy?"

Igor thought for a few seconds and shook his head.

" Ahh okay. Thank you anyway igor. But there were only 6 of us right?"

Even With his back turned igor managed to give a nod without his head getting splinters. He walked back to his place scratching his head exposing a jolly roger tattoo on the back of his neck.

The messenger was confused as he stood in the center of the room. "6" he muffled to himself.

The man raised his eyebrows. He looked at the contemplating boy with a curious gaze before giving a order with an sinister smile.

" Cut his Achilles tendons and throw him in the sea."

The door flung open and two men came inside. Their bodies soaked with rain but they showed no signs of being afflicted by the conditions. They grabbed him by his feet and held him in the air.

" What please. Stop what did I do?! help! help! someone help me!"

They steadily swayed with the ship as they paraded around the deck. Everyone who wasn't completing an essential task looked up. There was a wide arrange of expressions. Some had a eyebrow raised while others merely watched on in fear of that being them.

After doing their rounds. They held him over the edge of the ship and cut his tendons. Immediately instead of being held by a complete ankle. His foot dangled loosely and with each passing second even the weight of his thin frame was tearing every possible sinew and connective tissue of his foot.

As blood spurted out the only thing audible over the rain was his screams of pain.

They let him hang no longer as his suffering had just begun. The dropped him into the water.

Splash! His mind gained an uncanny sense of clarity. He started to claw at the water grasping at a chance of life.

He kicked his feet through the pain wafting his blood and fluids through the water signaling that he was dying prey.

His feet had long fallen off and it was merely through the heaven defying efforts of his arms and stumps that he was still above water but after a while he slowly sank below water. The bubbles rising to the surface slowly decreased in intensity until they stopped.

The crew who had watched him this entire time immediately got back to work in fear of being next.

On the opposite side of the ship a door was swaying wildly in the wind. Behind it was the same giant Igor and sitting in his chair with his fedora tipped below his brow was a dangerous man.

" Igor...I seem to remember something from my past. Call bonny up here. It seems that the seas will become a little more chaotic."