
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

Found But Now Im Lost...

"No I was just looking for him"

Belle and Apathy sighed and decided to settle their differences for a while until they found Will.

They however didn't have to wait very long. A loud cry was heard coming from Will's room. Davie also came down when he heard oddity from below deck. As Davie walked down the stairs and dull mechanical hum could be heard.

"It's coming from Will's room isn't it?"

At his question everyone nodded in response and slowly crept toward Will's room. Belle decided to take the head of pursuit with apathy bringing up the rear. Davie cocked his pistol and Belle's tattoos began to dimly glow.

The loud noise became Clearer and it sounded like a mechanical hum.

Belle walked to the left of the door and davie sat on the right. Belle twisted the knob slowly.

Bang! Davie kicked in the door and apathy and Belle flooded in to find nothing? Even the hum had stopped. After a while the hum started again. The ground beneath their feet began to lightly vibrate. Apathy walked towards Will's desk and banged her foot on a piece of the floorboard.

" Davie! FUCK! My FOOT!"

Davie walked over and tried to comfort her while Belle began to snicker under her breath. Seeing Belle reaction Apathy was about to say something when the loose floor board suddenly shot up along with a few others. They crashed back to the ground slowly with the influence of Belle's quick chant

Apathy nodded at her abilities and questioned what realm she belonged too. Davie lacked any intrest in their qurreel he was more concered about the floor of his ship which had been blown open.

He peaked into the hole and immediately sighed and released any ill intentions he had to whoever did this to his ship. He contemplated lamenting on the purpose of living but he still decided to question the person in the hole.

"Will, how did you end up below my floor?"

About 20 mins ago…

"Will POV"

"OWEEEEEE MY HEADDD!!!! It hurts sooo bad!'

'Wait hmm that's strange? Why is it so quiet in this room?'

I walked out into the hallway and walked into Apathy's room which was adjacent to Davie's.

'Hmm she's not here. Strange. Her room was decorated with all the items from her shop and her bed was alot larger than mine and Belle's. It took up 40% of the room. On it was a random assortment of pillows and that same yellow rat was there. Its red cheeks and lightning shaped tail still made me uncomfortable.

There was a new contender for my nightmares this time. It was a half black and half white bear with a pot belly and one of its eyes was completely red. I continued to listen around the room but I felt like it turned to look at me so I left really quickly.

I couldn't hear it in this room either. It was so weird to me. I closed her door.


'Did I just hear something?'

I decided against opening that door again as I was not willing to find out what made that noise. I searched every other room until I reached all the way back to mine.

I placed my head on the floor and there it was. The sound of the sea and a low hum. I thought about it for a second and after a minute of scratching my head. I decided to break the floor boards.

Punch! " OWWWW Fu-"

I forgot I don't have cool abilities like Davie, Apathy and probably Belle. She does have weird tattoos on her neck that seem to glow when shes scared or stressed. I saw them light up a bit when we were at the bar and right before she passed out.

Now that i think about it she must've woken up because she wasn't there anymore. I wonder if she liked the castle I drew. She tries to hide it but shes got a real regal aura around her. Like a princess and I remember hearing a story that a kiss could wake a sleeping princess.

I guess it worked. Anyway its time for me to figure out whats making that sound.

I sit on the floor for a few seconds and think about my options. I can try slamming my hand at it again…yeah no.

How could I use my powers to help? Belle told me to use trickery and deception but how would I manipulate luck to help me get through the floor?

Wait I got it!


Davie looked at Will like he was suicidal. Belle and Apathy also looked towards their captain as if he had a screw loose as no normal person would think to do that.

Davie asked in confirmation. In an attempt to reinforce the futility of living with people like Will.

"So you decided to try and kill yourself by jumping head first into the floor boards from your desk. And in a stroke of luck you managed to hit some loose boarded which rotated and left you down there in the dark?"

Will looked up at them. His smile beamed in the dark. He had dust dirt and even small spiders stuck in his hair. Belle screamed and apathy let out a soft chuckle.

Davie wanted to jump in the hole and see if he would die as well but he lamented on the futility of his actions and decided to get some lanterns.

Will who had fallen down used the newly obtained light from the roofing to get a better glimpse around. His eyes locked onto a shiny piece of metal a small way in front of him.

He inched forward towards it when a two thuds came consecutively from behind him. Davie and Apathy shined the light towards the object.

It was made of bronze and glistened dimly in the lantern light. Belle inched closed and caressed the item. The hum got louder as he slowly inched closer to the floor. As his cheek caressed the slightly moist wood felt a droplet of water hit his face. He licked it.

"The ocean" He placed the lantern down on the machines many lined surfaces. The

"Did you know about this being here Davie?"

He was met with silence and the sounds of fingers slowly clanking around some metal. The l

"No I never knew this was here"

He began looking at the bigger picture. The valves of machine branched off and spread around the walls and floors.

"Do you know what it is?" Will asked curiously.

Davie shook his head and gestured for them to follow him. The walked towards the back wall of the room and this is where the majority of pipes converged. It was unknown where they went or how the operated but Davie knew he didn't know enough about technology to give a proper diagnosis.

He used his knuckle and knocked against the walls of one of the pipes and a hollow echo could be heard running through them.

" Hmmm this looks oddly familiar"

Belle appeared behind them dawning another layer of clothes. That covered everything but her mouth and eyes.