
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

Foot hold

'Hmmm'. The trio that had surrounded him dared not to ease up their vigilance.

Wayne' and his sturdy build took the peak of this triangular formation he stood making davie look only above average in stature. He huffed and wheezed; his doughy eyes suddenly bloodshot from the adrenaline that was pumping through his body. As if waiting for Davie to make the wrong move.

Milan cockily pointed the pistol she hid under her skirt towards his temple. While leaning on her other hand. She puffed her cheeks in annoyance and the majority of her body lay limply on the table but the posture in which she held the gun was firm and without sway. In the eyes of the untrained she looked ladasical in the eyes of an weapons artist he could see that every fiber in her arm was itching to fire. There was no need to pump fake as in any case the moment davie made a move on any one of them his skull would have a 8th hole.

The boss casually continued his conversation with Davie as if he was not worried about his escape.

He calmly twirled his previously unfinished glass and continued

" blessed? Well i hear that alot from your kind. Think your special because you have some cool new superpowers. Well humans aren't pushovers either monster. "

Davie sipped on his glass. The half empty cup of slightly yellow liquid rippling his reflection. His expression one of dissatisfaction and a tinge of sadness.

" You know nothing of monsters if you believe i am one of them. Let me give you fair warning as a fellow man. Stop hunting monsters if you fear death. You may struggle with a wolf in sheep's clothing but a wolf who continues to hunt you long after it heart ceases to beat is no wolf at all. Be afraid of what's underneath -"

Blah blah blah blah... " you sure you're name isn't Stanley? You should start writing parables with all your cryptic nonsense. Are we gonna fight or not blue buns. "

Davie smiled.

THUMP! He kicked the bar top in-front of him sending him flying into Wayne's chest. Wayne wheezed before recovering from the blow. A head shaped bruise lay in the middle of his chest his eyes seemed unfocused as they rattled in their sockets.

Davie knowing this wouldn't have worked well quickly rose to his feet and started to circle around wayne who had yet to fully recover his sense of balance from the impact.

"No you dont buns. "


2 shots accurately pierced the two places where the center of davie's feet would have landed if he had advanced any further.

Davie drew one of his pistols and began to return fire to milan. He had a strange affinity to the weapon and his senses we're reaching supernatural levels. It was as if he was veiwng life from multiple angles. He could smell which direction the wind was blowing. He could hear the echoes of bullets leaving the chamber. And could accurately predict where they would land under the conditions they were in. As if lines were drawn from the barrel directing him on their path.

He fired his pistol. The bullets drifted through the air creating waves of compressed air behind them. As they collided midair the slightest 'tink' could be heard as the leftover gunpowder was completely ignited due to their collisions.

Comparing this with milans otherworldly marksmanship. Even at a glance you could tell that she knew how to maneuver and manipulate the weapon with unparalleled skill. Sparks continued to rain midway between the two with neither person's ammunition hitting their marks.

Milan frowned a little bit. She then increased the intensity and unpredictability of her shots. She began to circle davie and fired at random angles. Causing the shrapnel to ricochet towards Davie. Having no choice but to dodge now he kicked over a table towards her and used this newly made cover to make a b-line towards the exit. Jumping over huddled individuals and broken chairs he was less than a meter away from the exit.

His senses continued to feed him information about his surroundings the table trick had run its course and the girl was almost finished reloading. She knocked the hammer down and took aim

But then the air pressure around his left side suddenly change he glanced at the jack hammer made from two fists was swinging toward his ribs. Wayne had finally regained his senses and immediately began to attack. Realizing he couldn't dodge this attack unless he wanted to get shot davie hissed his teeth and tried to lengthen the impact time by arching his body in the direction of the punch.

Broken shards of wood fell to the floor as a human sized hole was made in the wall. Most of the onlookers had already left and if any were still there they were too drunk or scared to leave themselves.

Rain from the outside began to pour into the bar and form a small pool as gallons of water drained into the bar.

Outside on the stony floor laying quietly on a dented raised foundation. Small rivers of rain water flowed past him. His hat shielding his face and eyes from the torrent that came down from above.

"Aright..." *crack* the boss casually called out as he stretched his shoulders. "Enough you two. Now you know to take him a little more seriously next time. You two almost got yourself out of commission by being careless."

He casually put on a coat before stepping into the rain.

Milan complained again. "If only our gracious boss didn't only sit back and watch the whole time."She rolled her eyes in annoyance.

Her boss ignored her rude comments and stepped out of the hole in the wall giving an apologetic look towards the bartender and her staff.

She stared at the two coins similar to the one the boy gave her earlier and sighed.

Milan waved goodbye to her coworkers unsurprisingly noone waved back. However wayne wasn't as unlucky as the girl who he spent the night with gave a longing look towards him as he crawled through the hole barely able to fit his massive figure through.

The bartender raised her eyebrows and thought to herself. 'strange'

The trio again stood surrounding the criminal from all sides. But now it was his back against a wall and he laid limply on the floor. The impact from the hammer fist still pulsating and even in the dark the slight purplish hue of his flesh was visible through his wet shirt. His pistol was on the floor near his hands.

Suddenly his finger twitched and a shot rang out. The few millimeters of space between him and the gun now had hole in the concrete.

The orange haired man now held a pistol that bellowed smoke in the rain as he stared down at the 'unconscious' body of davie

The sound of rain echoing on his coat

" I wouldn't try that again. "

" Ahhhhh... * yawn* why do i have to fight you? You dont seem like bad people. I dont want to have to kill you."

His voice was crystal clear even below the surface of his hat.

Davie slowly fixed his hat back on his head and hid eyes began to give a deep blue hue.