
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

Flamboyant Friend

" Hello there!"

The fresh pair of clothes then morphed into a cute bunny. The person still had yet to reveal themselves from behind the brick wall and It seemed as if Will was thoroughly entertained by his shenanigans. So was the rest of them as Belle clapped as each item appeared.

After a while the items started to get disturbing....He flipped his hands and red fluid oozed out of a flesh blob that magically manifested in his palm. Their skin crawled. But the hand remained unperturbed and finally even while the fluid dripped to the ground the rose flower appeared once again. However this time a crimson liquid dripped from the tips.

The voice behind the wall spoke in a comical tone.

"It seems you've met the Innkeeper. He has a funny way of keeping people in! Haha "

Will turned to Davie. Apathy looked up from her draped position and frowned. However she didn't tell Davie to put her down she continued to sleep peacefully on his shoulder.

Davie slightly understanding Will's reasoning pulled his gun from its holster. Bang! A bullet sized hole was left in the palm.

All of them raised an eyebrow. It showed no reaction to getting shot. A second later the hand fell to the floor and a very odd looking young man walked out from behind the wall.

His hair was bleached orange and was red at the tips. His hair haphazardly flared and furled. His eyes darted incessantly unable to stay at one place. Around his left eye was a red ace of spades and above his right was an ace of Diamonds.

His face was rather sharp and angular and his lips were cracked but they were painted over with orange lipstick.

He was of a medium built and his body was rather proportionate. He was skinny but not skinny enough to be considered unhealthy. He wore a scarlet red waist coat along with a orange long sleeved shirt.

His red and orange plaid trousers hung rather loose on his small frame and this was all held together by a belt covered in the skin of red tree viper.

His shoes were tailored black leathered ankle boots with steel tips.

He stood in a leaning manner as if he was unbalanced standing straight upwards.

He smiled at the group and it caused his already disturbing appearance to become even more uncomfortable to be around.

Will found it hard to figure out his game. He could barely keep up with his erratically moving eyes. His body even felt like it jittered out of place every now and then.

Belle was the first to speak out and ask the young man a question. He had been standing there smiling for the longer half of a minute doing absolutely nothing but staring at them

" Who might you be?" His figure slowly glitched out of place and immediately appeared in front of belle and began shaking her hand.

" Hello Prin-"

Will blinked and turned around. Davie was a little bit faster to react. He had pulled his gun and placed it to the back of the mans temple.

Will then spoke with an agitated tone.

" How'd you do that? And answer honestly or the odds of that bullet hitting you will be 100%"

Will's eyes glowed accenting their golden color. The man reluctantly released Belle's hands and slowly turned around to face them. He raised his hands as he turned and answered Will's question.

" Hmmmm Lets say I'm special. Im not a witch like you young boy."

Click. Davie's finger rested calmly on the trigger. Will satisfied with his answer raised his guard.

" What did you come to us for?" Belle walked out from behind the man sneaking glances at him every now and then as they waited for an answer.

" Well as you can see you guys look a bit ragged "

They all looked down at their clothing. They all needed new semi permanent clothes they could wear. Their were holes , stretch marks and signs of fading in their wardrobe. It didn't help that the clothes they had were all in the same condition. Snapping them out of their distracted gazes he continued.

" Well as you can see. Im sexy. And i love fashion. And you lot look like you have great things in store for you! How about I be your fashion designer. You'll definitely need one."

He jittered again and soon was crouching eye level with Davie's crotch.

" It seems this black trousers has seen more action than you! Ha"

Apathy who was on his shoulders laughed at his joke before quickly jumping off of Davie's shoulder.

"Miss.Did your parents never tell you not to wear undergarments with holes in them? Its almost as Holy as the cathedrals."

"Why were you-"

She was cut off but the sound of something falling to the floor. Will sat on the floor with a worried gaze.

The man's eye were right in his face and he felt paralyzed for a second. He couldn't move or say anything it was as if every time he tried his body would just glitch back into place.

" Your will is Weak. Ha funny! Anyway kid i have a great deal for you and you only. Sell me your soul and I'll turn you into a force to be reckoned with"

" No." Will suddenly regained his strength and broke free of the chains that were shackling him and held the young mans chin up with the hook of his stick.

" I am nobody's slave. I want to go on adventures and be free. Try to take that away from me and I'll leave your twitching corpse beneath my feet."

Wills eyes became terrifyingly bright and it seemed as if something big was about to happen but then Apathy tapped his shoulders and he snapped out of it.

He turned around to see their concerned expressions. He nodded indicating that he was ok but when he turned back to face the manic his body shuddered. A stimulated smile was on the designer's face.

" You get me hot boy. Fine I'll give you some new threads follow me "

He glitched and appeared at the entrance of the alleyway and picked up the arm. As he walked around the corner the hand waved for them to follow.