
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs


Belle's closed eyes grow even more turbulent. Her Silver eyes slowly open and encompassing her vision is a fuzzy golden image. It the Vision she once had when she first came onto the path of witchcraft.

The blurry figure of her standing on the deck of a boat with a blonde boy became even clearer now. However, before she could finally put the pieces together the image was shattered by the sound of a body hitting the roof.

Belle looked towards the foot of her bed and the Will's limp body lay lifelessly on the floor. His face was extremely pale and was accompanied by a red hand print on the side of his face.

Belle was just about to ask Apathy what was wrong when the door slammed before she could say anything. She touched her rosy lips and questioned why they felt warm.

She looked over once more to the boy who lay unconscious on the floor. His golden hair had gotten slightly longer and it draped down his forehead and his dirty blonde eyelashes fluttered every so often. Belle blushed at his cuteness before walking out of the room.

She looked down at herself as her feet touched the cold surface and realized she didn't have any shoes on. Her outfit was also changed and she had on a purple and pink night gown covered in little sheep doing a dance.

She then took in the hallway she was in. There were in total 9 rooms. There were two doors opposite each other and one door which faced the entrance at the end of the hallway. All the doors were numbered and had a pentagon shaped case right below the number.

Belle's room number was 4. She looked at the pentagon shaped case below the door and it read 'Marci Croft'. In the back ground was a castle?

When she had first met with them she had lied about her real name and used her alias instead. They didn't seem to notice or care very much so she didn't think that it was necessary to tell them the truth…at least any time soon but by the looks of it she had been found out.

Belle turned away from her door and saw that the room opposite hers was Davie's. His number was 5 and his name tag had small waves and fish drawn around his name.

She then appropriately walked towards door number 3. The door was slightly open indicating someone was in there. The name on the outside of the door featured a crudely drawn night sky with the moon being a dream catcher. And apathy lay sleeping on the moon. Her name was written in white as opposed to black making hers the most unique.

Room number two was empty and Number 1 had Will written on the name tag. His drawing was of each of them and it seemed that Belle had recently been drawn into it. As she slightly overlapped some of the old markings.

She returned to door number 3 and knocked before slowly opening the door. Apathy looked at Belle and kissed her teeth opting to push her face deeper into her pillows.

"Apathy is everything all right?"

Belle was met with silence. Not willing to push any further she decided to make her way upstairs to the deck.

As she begins to walk above the deck the bright and beautiful sunlight hits her face and she uses her soft pale hands to cover her eyes.

When she crossed the last step her eyes has finally adjusted and she looked around her in awe. The sea! The bright blue ocean ran for miles on end and the sun hung high in the sky. The salty air was much clearer and she could feel the sea breeze break across her skin. It was lovely.

" WOW! The sea!"

A male voice was heard from behind her. He spoke in a soft tone unwilling to come off too dominant in front of the pretty lady.

"Not correct. It's not the sea it's the ocean. We left the Ishtar sea a few hours ago. Were now in the white ocean"

A wavy haired man walks up to her sheepishly.

"Ahh thank you Davie. Hello. How are you?"

She waved towards him and he gives her a lazy nod. He gestured her to follow him.

She notices something new on the front deck. There was a small group of 4 sun loungers surrounding a large table with an umbrella.

"Where did you find these?"

Davie unwilling to spare any more words to the soon forgotten. Pointed below deck and gave her a quick response.

"I had them stored in one of the rooms below deck. There's more but I'm too lazy to fix them or move them up here"

An audible growl escaped from his abdomen and was soon responded in kind by Belle's. They both looked at each other in embarrassment. Belle looked up at him with a questioning gaze and he looked back at her and smiled nervously.

"You don't have any food do you?…"

Davie gulped and nodded. She looked at him and proceeded to call him an idiot which didn't seem to hurt his self-esteem much as he had already called himself much worse.

Belle massaged her forehead. The last thing she remembered was passing out right after the woman left. Everything just before that was a little foggy. She couldn't believe that they left the island without getting food. Isn't that why they were in the situation they were in before.

"How far is the nearest inhabited island?"

Davie quickly responded.

"5 days. But there are numerous unmapped or uninhabited islands that are close by. There is one just over the horizon and it should be less than 2 hours away"

Belle looks towards Davie with hope in her eyes.

"Please take us there"

Davie looked down at her. He could see the fire in her eyes. Or was it the will of adventure. But he frowns

"Sorry but your goanna have to ask Will before I change course. He is the captain and has the final say"

Belle pouted and regained her composure. She had seen a room full of corpses, slave trades, one of 'Them' even her own sister's cold lifeless eyes looking deep into her soul. She wasn't about to die from starvation of all things.

She ran down to her room and found that Will had disappeared and her room was a mess.

Apathy ran in behind her and asked with a questioning gaze.

" Have you seen Will?"