
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs


Davie did not remove his hand from the trigger seeing her submission. He however glanced at Apathy who was still stretching . He quickly returned his attention to the area where she was but found no one in his line of sight.

He had a split second to contemplate before he aimed down below the bow of the ship. A figure flew into the air right in front of Davie's face.

He didn't know how she had gotten this close but his hands had already moved and he shifted the barrel between her eyes. He let out a shot. The metallic clank of the pistol being fired and the bright spark from the barrel lit up the pursuers vison.

She ducked in an unusual manner and managed to dodge a fatal blow. The bullet still tore off her cloak to reveal her womanly figure.

Seeing that he wasn't as slow as she expected she rolled and returned her hands to the surrender position.

The woman was about 5'7 with short curly brown hair that straightened into bangs that draped slightly above her forehead. Her skin was slightly tan with freckles and she had striking brown eyes. She also wore the robes of a priestess of the Church of Stelle.

Davie scoffed and in turn was about to shoot her just for toying with them. However, Apathy placed her hands on his shoulders and all manliness drained from his body. Hey eyes glowed dimly and a slight grin appeared on her face.

Seeing that someone significant was here the priestess began to speak.

"I mean you no harm. I am just here to warn you as someone with common interests"

She remained silent and didn't continue.

"Why would you warn us when we are wanted by your church?"

Apathy asked this with an extremely questioning look in her gaze. She looked her up and down but could not break her poker face. The priestess chuckled at Apathy's attempts to size her up and gave her response.

"You have offended only one part of the church of Stelle. The Royalist faction. "

She looked extremely angry when saying this name. She even paused before continuing

"This group mainly consists of nobles and extremely wealthy merchant with good ties to the church. They usually opt to have their children or their eldest child be a member to allow their family to reap the benefits that comes with being a member. "

Apathy nodded in understanding. Her speech seemed believable enough as she can remember one of her sisters becoming a sister of the church at a really young age. Apathy gestured for her to continue her speech

"This just means that you have the strongest faction in the church out for your head not the majority"

A voice rang out from behind her asking a question concerning everyone who was listening.

"Which one do you belong to?"

A bright eyed boy looked towards her. His body no taller than half the door frame he stood smugly inside of. Inside his hands was a large book which he looked to have just retrieved.

"I'm a part of the loyalist faction. We are members of the church who were adopted by Her Grace's will at a young age. Some of us are Orphans common folk or the paranoid who needed a boost of faith"

Will however stopped paying attention in the middle of her speech and noticed Apathy who still stood a short distance away on the dock. She looked a bit dazed and he shouted at her with a slight glow in his eyes. She suddenly came to her senses and he waved her over. Will gave her the ok and she came aboard the ship using the ladder deployed by Davie.

Apathy noticing they weren't being serious and was about to nod off herself let out a yawn and asked

" What do you need us for?"

The woman smiled as if she was waiting for this moment.

"All I need you to do is to continue to grow. At your current strength you are of no use to us. If you get strong enough the upper echelons of the Royalists will be forced to act. If they fail to capture you or worse loose one of their high ranking members to a group of children the balance of power within the church shall shift in our favor"

She sounded extremely excited to make her claims. Apathy frowned this was a double edged sword. The added attention would not only help to spread their names around but it would also cause unwanted attention and probably drastically increases to their bounties in comparison to their strength.

Apathy stood there in deep contemplation for a moment before deciding an answer. She was going to decline the deal. As there were better ways to get killed. The priestess didn't even specify how strong the members who came after them would be. If it was an archbishop, they stood no chance at the moment. However, before she could voice her complaints. A voice spoke before her.

"We accept your request! On one condition"

Apathy seeing that the captain had spoken shut her mouth and let him continue. Davie who had similar thoughts to apathy just shook his head in regret. Belle looked at Will with starry eyes. She didn't know why but she felt like he was incredibly strong in that moment.

"What is your condition boy?"

She looked towards Will. A wildcard in her head. She had assumed the boy was one of Apathy Silverlock's little brothers but it seems that she was wrong on closer inspection of their interaction.

She noticed Apathy was about to make the decision but she held her tongue at the boy's response. She didn't like the idea of offending the boy yet so she had just given a perfunctory response.

Will looked at her and his golden eyes glowed bright.

" We want to meet Stelle!"

Everyone's Jaw hit the floor at the boy's response. He wanted to meet a god? A heavenly being even the likes of the Archbishops only get visons of her word. And even the pope who is the messenger of her word has never even been stated to have seen her. She thought the boy was mad.

She was about to decline when her eyes suddenly glazed over. It even seemed to be against her Will. This went unnoticed by Will and the others but Belle could faintly feel something strange happening around her.

She felt the presence of spirits. Very powerful ones. She was too stunned and scared to voice her concerns so she stood there rooted in her place.

Apathy who had expected for the woman to decline the offer was even more shocked at her next response as she knew what kind of request Will was asking of a mere priest.

"I accept your request young one"

Apathy felt strange listing to the priestess's voice. It seemed off by some degree but she could not feel or sense anything wrong. She looked towards Will who had a wide grin on his face in excitement. Davie who was preparing the ship for departure payed the conversation no mind as he didn't want to be stuck here any longer. Apathy finally laid her eyes on belle who was standing extremely still observing the priestess with a keen eye.

She couldn't find anything wrong so she just returned to looking at the priestess. However, she was gone. She looked towards Will for clarification but he shook his head he had looked away too. She finally turned to Belle who had collapsed in a cold sweat.