
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

An Odd Dream?

Will locked eyes with Apathy and another staring contest ensued. Seeing that she had no intention of explaining without a prompt. He mustered the courage to ask her.

"What's a Realm?"

The slightly off-putting grin was replaced with a gentle smile.

"A realm is the form of witchcraft you practice. We belong to different realms."

Will listened to her explanation and contemplated what she meant before asking.

"Ok so I'm a witch…do I get a hat or have to wear terrible clothes like yours?"

A slight crack appeared in her smile and her grip the boy's shoulders tighten.

"I'll have you know that these 'terrible clothes' cost more than your puny life tramp"

Noticing that he had hit a nerve he ceased his taunts and asked for a better explanation.

"While I don't actually know what realm you belong to I can tell you are one. I can see fluctuations from your spirit. "

Will looked at her as if he was looking at a mental patient. Then he fell into contemplation about who that man was. If he was some superhuman witch why he died such an unlucky death?

Noticing that the gears in the boy's head had begun to turn she left him to contemplate about his situation and come to a conclusion on his own.

If he wasn't smart enough she might as well kill him and sell his brain. She then begun to stir the liquid in the cauldron. To Will it was presumably to stop it from clumping.

Meanwhile the boy ran through all the experiences he was able to remember. After consuming the brain, he was in agonizing pain and his body began to twitch. The injured areas flashed in a dazzling light and his body began to flake into a gold like substance. It almost reached a critical point until all the damage was suddenly reversed like it never happened as if his luck had taken a drastic turn in the opposite direction.

He then thought back to how he 'woke up' in this shop and how he got here. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out the compass. He had a vague feeling that it was what led him here but why…

Glancing at Will she noticed he pulled something out of his pocket. A decorative compass that most sailors would use to navigate the seas. The outside was however quite classy and there were small carvings on the base. Attached to it was a silver chain. She payed him no mind and returned to stirring the murky black liquid in the caldron letting out the occasional yawn.

"Hey Apathy if my body began to turn into gold. What realm would I be in?"

His voice echoed through the dark room and all he could hear was the simple drop of a metal ladle.

"What?" Suddenly Apathy appeared in front of him. His mind raced wondering how she was able to close the distance between them so quickly.

Will opened his mouth to repeat himself but was quickly shut up by the sound of the cauldron. The liquid in the cauldron began to make a noise. It sounded like a lullaby it was so soothing and peaceful. like a mother holding an infant and rocking them to sleep.

Apathy swore in her head. 'This kids apart of the luck realm. Shit this could be dangerous what if he fucks up my advancement by making me Unlucky. Fuck!Fuck!Fuck!'

Even without words he could feel her distress but this all seemed secondary to the peaceful melody of the cauldron. He walked closer to it but was stopped during his second stride.

She sat him down on a stool and tied him to it.

Apathy was met with minimal resistance as he had already become extremely lethargic. She however seemed relatively unaffected.

The boy watched what happened with blurred vision. He could see the silhouette of her body. She was…only wearing her underwear?

His prepubescent eyes tried to look away but he was too tired. He watched her slowly climb into the cauldron of black liquid and lay there unmoving. His eyes shut before he could see what happened.

7 AM the island of Rollo, Republic of Namoa.

Will groggily opened his eyes. Noticing that he wasn't tied up anymore but was still in the same room his mind causally relaxed.

However, his sluggish mind was immediately sobered up when he thought back to how Apathy had placed herself into that boiling black liquid. He rushed to the cauldron only to find it empty and without a person in it.

He then walked to the front of the store and let out a deep sigh of relief. He saw her lazing around asleep at the front desk, however something about her had changed. He couldn't quite put his finger on it.

He looked at her visage and saw nothing different. Other than a slight increase in paleness nothing was different. He sighed and looked around. Last night may have just been a weird dream. He sighed and decided to open up shop. It was the least he could do as a resident of this store.

Will walked towards the open sign and attempted to flip it. Before he could the chime above the door went off and he was greeted with an odd looking woman. Her outfit looked like a priests and her eyes occasionally pulsated with starlight. Two people followed behind her their outfits were even more odd looking. They looked more like occultists than clergyman at least that what he assumed they were.

The priest looked down to see a young boy with golden hair and eyes standing in front of her. The veins on her forehead twitched as the boy looked at them as if they were a bunch of circus acts. He still however moved out of their way.

The Priest then looked at the counter and saw that the lady at the front desk was asleep. She looked back at the new found trio and nodded her head to the other two. Instinctively all three of them nodded back.

Seeing this the priest felt her brain spasm a bit. She then did something that shook Will to his core. She stood still but the atmosphere became increasingly uneasy and unsettling it was broad daylight outside but inside the shop seemed to turn into a starry night sky.

The feeling of the lonely nights where he sat down in a corner huddled hearing the sounds of the slave traders and rats wandering around looking for their next victim permeated his mind. This feeling of being uncomfortable increased until it reached an almost unbearable point for Will.

Will looked to his sides finally got a good glimpse of the other two. They were teenagers a girl and boy. The boy looked tall for his age and the girl looked a bit immature for her age.

The boy had black curly hair , a well-structured jawline and a rosy face. A real eye catcher his looks were well above average. He also carried a noble aura around him. Even unmoving you could almost see the lingering thoughts of superiority around his body.

The girl however had black hair with slight red highlights that slightly draped down her shoulders and a tanned skin tone showing off her mixed heritage. Her looks were also above average. She also carried a noble aura but it was slightly restrained. She seemed to try and maintain an aura of indifference but it didn't seem to fit her well.

Will began to fall to his feet due to the uncomfortableness he felt. However, the girl grabbed his hands and he felt a cool sensation run through his body. It made him feel safe and calm as if staring at the bright moon in the night sky.

Will looked up at the girl and he could see a slight twinkle in her brown eyes.

A slight scoff was heard beside him he turned his head to see the boy looking down at him. His dark brown eyes seemed to bear some sort of unknown hatred towards him.

He didn't have time to contemplate why. Another feeling came over him and it came from the counter.

He felt extremely sleepy again like the night before when he was near the cauldron. He mustered the strength to look up towards the counter and saw a scene he would never forget.

Apathy for the first time seemed awake…extremely so. Her eyes seemed like a deep abyss that made you want to fall into a deep dream.

Will was fighting to stay awake but he almost fell unconscious and it seems he wasn't the only one who was experiencing this.

Sweat droplets began to form on the boy's forehead and the girl's grip on his hand tightened significantly. Even the lady who seemed to be a priest was shocked. He eyes narrowed and her gaze grew deeper. Noticing something she didn't stop.

A clear and crisp feminine voice was heard. The words seemed to almost carry a lull effect. Making everyone's eyelids slightly heavier.

"What do you want?"

Resisting the urge to sleep priest shouted "Have you seen anyone with abilities related to the luck realm or a corresponding item or brain trying to be sold recently?"

Everyone suddenly sobered up for a split second and Rochelle took this moment to retract her aura and Apathy did the same. She gazed deeply into the eyes of the priest and said. "Nope"