
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

A Snazzy Meetup

As Will and Davie crept through the halls. Other things were happening on the other side of the manor.

In the darkness of the night shadowy figures shuffled through the halls. They were quiet and no sounds other than the light patter of footsteps could be discerned. To their right the moonlight gleamed through the rows of windows cascading its light onto their faces.

Both women were extremely beautiful. One dawned long silky black hair and the other had a piercing silver gaze.

This piercing gaze was directed up the paintings and artwork that littered the walls. It was of the owner of this mansion. Oddly their back was turned in all of their pictures only revealing the now iconic Gazelle symbol on the back of their clothing.

" Belle." a voice called out.

"focus!" The voice stressed in a quiet tone

" Sorry. Apathy"

Belle and Apathy strutted through the hallway. Apathy would use her charms and her abilities to put people to sleep. After a while she yawned before signaling to Belle.

Belle hid behind anything she could.

She was relatively idle patiently waiting for the right time to use her abilities.

" I feel like things have been a bit too easy" Belle walked slowly with her book. Her eyes constantly glowed a slight tinge of purple.

Apathy yawned and nodded but they didn't stop moving. They had split up to find two different things and knowing Will they might have already found what they were looking for.

" We should speed up. " Apathy's already dark eyes glowed and she gained an unnatural boost in alertness.

Belle felt a change in Apathy as they both increased the pace.

Suddenly a light glint appeared in Belle's vision. She immediately said a word and the velocity of the object decreased and fell in-between her feet.

" I think we've been caught" Belle looked down at the dagger and shook her head. The person who threw it wanted to kill her first.

Seeing that their first attempt didn't work. A few more came at the same time. One by one they all fell to her feet with a single word.

Belle's silvery eyes glowed a deeper purple than before as she muttered something. Her face became alot more flushed out and she looked ss if she wss feeling lighter.

Apathy had stood by the sidelines waiting for anything else to happen. She knew why they didn't attack her immediately. So she needed to close the distance of the hallway.

She began to slowly move forward watching her every step and making sure that whoever was throwing those daggers was in the range of her abilities.

A seductive feminine voice rang out " Could you please stop right there?"

Apathy's alertness dulled and she stopped moving for a second before regaining her Will and pushing forward.

She didn't know what realm of witchcraft that was or if it even was witchcraft. She wondered if this woman was the same thing as Rafael and Virgil who fit into that anomalous category.

"I just wanna sleep" Apathy said with a serious expression.

She could just barely make out the figure standing in the hallway it looked like young woman.

Belle appeared next to her in quick time. Apathy seeing that it may be a 2 on 1 situation decided to ask for some information. She was confident as long as she wasn't one of " them " she would be fine or at least be able to escape.

"Who are you?" Apathy asked as she stared behind her at the slightly dark exit to the hallway they were in.

" Your not supposed to be here. Could you, uhm...you know leave?"

Belle took a step forward.

The girl shifted position for a split second. Belle was unable to keep up with the speed of the dagger as it deeply pierced the ground just in-front of her feet.

Belle said internally. ' I couldn't react to that. She's fast...'

" Apathy how much further until you can use your abilities on her"

" 8 m "

Belle stood there and stared at the dagger below her feet one last time. She wasn't scared to move forward but she got a bad feeling from the girl and the voices were telling her to not move forward.

" Hey" she jolted as a hand pressed on her shoulders.

" I'll move first Princess. It shouldn't take more than 3 seconds" Apathy began sprinting towards the figure.

The figures limbs shifted and more daggers came flying towards her. She was able to dodge some of them but some grazed her as she ran forward

Belle had resigned her disapprovals and steeled herself. She said a few words in the language of spirits and she began to sprint. It was as if her steps were as light as feather. She crossed a few meters in seconds catching up to Apathy and secretly ripping her dagger from under her skirt.

Belle deflected a few daggers aimed at her head. She used her spells to slow them down before sliding her dagger across the edges of the blades sending them off to her sides.

Behind her apathy was running at full speed. The serene calmness that was previously present in her eyes was replaced with extreme urgency.Apathy gave a painful smile as she got close enough to make out their assailant.

She shifted out from behind Belle's blind spot and shouted.

" Sweet dreams "

Belle watched as the young woman with jade porcelain like features fell to the ground. Her emerald eyes rolling back into her skull and her beautiful lashes fluttering once more before she lost consciousness and fell into a dream.

Apathy and Belle felt this was easier than they thought but it may have been because of their superior teamwork and although she was beautiful she didn't seem to pose much of a threat.

They stepped past her and walked up to a thick wooden door.

" Ok its time for us to get what we need and get out of here "

A maniacal laugh resonated through their bones as a calloused black hand rested itself on their shoulders.