
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

A King

In Wistledown Castle...

A man sat despondently on an white marble throne. A loose crown dangling on his head. The silence and darkness surrounded him. It surged and fell around him like a raging tide. He wore black dress suit and tie typical of his era. His black lace gloves popped out in contrast as his grip on the armrest tightened with each passing second. In the darkness lay his dark silver eyes. Shadows molded and festered within them.

Standing in front of him was a man , his jet black hair and snake like eyes examined the person sitting on the throne throughly with a devious smile. It looked almost sensual. He looked as if he was enjoying it.

" Mmmm Silos , my cute little King. You look good on that throne. Smile more! Or else you'll get wrinkles" his every word came off as sincere but something just felt off about his delivery. It was almost sarcastic and degrading.

" What do you desire Snake-eyed devil? I am busy." Silos eyes glowed and the darkness within them festered like a dancing flame.

" Awweee Silos. Aren't you worried about your precious sisters? What a bad big brother you are!"

Silos immediately lashed out and the shadows in the room pounced on the man. But as the got closer towards him they began to retreat and advance. Retreat and advance. This process would repeat over and over like a loop for the duration of their conversation.

Silos looked at how effortlessly he stopped his attacks and made a fool of him. It angered him even more. But he knew better than to get into an actual fight with him. He choose the second best route and complied with his shenanigans.

" Where are they Quetazal?" Quetzal smiled.

" Oh I know but im sorry Silos I cant tell you. Ive been bribed by the one with the plum hair. Planchett I think her name was. A cute one. I wanted to devour her right there and then.." A loud bang cut off his rant.

Silos fist was now embedded into his throne and he didn't seem pleased. As the fiery shadows grew more and more violent he gritted his teeth and spoke once more.

" Do not speak of my family again demon. You lost yours long ago didn't you? Too bad you cant rewind time that far" Silos laughed at his own joke and his laughter echoed through the halls.

It seemed as if the joke didn't land very well as Quetzal's snake like eyes twitched incessantly. He seemed to losing composure but right at the last second his face and demeanor seemingly rewinded back to his previously jovial state. Quetzal spoke one last time before disappearing into thin air.

" A boy with a crown too big for his head. Kingly robes that dont fit over his shoulders...Be sure to give That sea bitch her axe back little Silos. Shes not one to hold up. Unless you want half this island to be under the waves. "

The shadows that were stuck on a loop finally converged on the place where he stood. His voice slowly echoed out of the halls. Silos slumped back into his throne watching his crown fall to the floor. He looked at the crown at his feet bitterly.

His vision flashed. All of a sudden the room was filled with light and color. And everything was so much more saturated.

The crown was in the same position but a little boy's hand reached to grab it. His bright and chubby cheeks stared up at Silos. His silver eyes looked beautiful and pure and his black hair was slicked back all the same.

"Papa you dropped your crown!" A light older man's laugher could be heard. A slightly wrinkled hand adorned with jewels reached out and took the crown from the young boy. His face beamed in admiration for the man in front of him. The man laughed again.

" Awwee Silos my boy. One day you'll grow up to be a fine king like your father. Your older brothers have long gone abroad to seek new wealth and adventures and your older sisters have already been married to foreigner Princes and Kings.It is up to you to be King when I'm gone. "

The old man spun the crown on his fingers, it looked extremely light. He then gently placed it on his waxy brown hair. The standard looking crown tilted itself showing that it did not fit quite right and was a bit too loose on his regal head. He readjusted it and looked down at the little boy who had been watching the whole time. He gently rustled his slicked back hair turning all of his efforts to look older and smarter into dust. The little boy grumbled in anger but didn't shy away from the hand.

" Love yourself my boy! Hahaha The crown will fit when you are ready. In the meantime be a child. Do child-like things. Make mistakes but learn from them. Run wild and free because this crown isn't just a symbol of power it is a symbol of responsibility. Even more so is that the crown is a shackle that binds me and all other kings to their throne. It is in pure irony how a king is said to be the freest man in all the kingdom."

The boy looked at his father's lighthearted expression. He didn't understand the word that he was saying. He still nodded indicating that he did. The king nodded back and gestured for him to go now.

" Go play with your younger brothers and sisters. Belle should be running around somewhere. Go find her! That is your first task as soon to be king!"

The little boy run out of the throne room and a bright light shone in as he bursted through the doors. A deep sigh echoed through the halls. The same doorway was now shrouded in darkness. Dark grey eyes opened up. It mumbled something.

" One day it will fit..."