
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

2 Years Part 4

Unknown POV:


What the hell..? Where am I? Why is it so hot and moist...My hands I cant move them.

"Hello?" Nobody's answering. I can hear something. Birds. Trees. Snakes. Am I in a Jungle? Wait where's Davie and Apathy? I call out again still no answer.

The voices appear once again. My eyes peal themselves open.

'Your alone..Alone.Alone. Find her...Find her Find her. Mother.Mother. Find Mother.'

Find Mother? I look around me. I should have just kept my eyes closed because I cant see anything in this darkness and wriggling around trying to move my feet didnt work. There was no ground beneath me.

My dagger! It was still attached to my thighs. Stretching my hands to their utmost limit i gripped onto the hilt of my dagger and pulled it up. As I was tying to shift the dagger up out of its sheath. Some thing dawned on me.

'I dont know where the floor is so even if I cut myself down I dont know where or how to land.'

' Do it...Do it..Do it.. fall. Jump..Shh.Hello.'

Not now..Shut up. Im trying to think. Sigh Welp. I'm just gonna cut it. Reaching for the dagger again. I lifted it out of its hilt. As I pulled up I Felt something around my thigh snap and my body fell slightly .

'Good..Good.Cut.Cut.FALL.find mama.'

Okay.OKAY! I'll cut it. Just shut up. I sliced through whatever was holding me and with each shift of my blade another strand popped and I fell a little more. At this point I was dangling by my hand.

I grabbed onto whatever was holding me up and sliced at it. I started to scream as I fell. I had yet to hit the ground when I opened my eyes.

" OH..Im on the ground."

"Shehehhehehehe" There is something strange about this place. I though I just heard the trees laugh at me.

I felt around the floor and found my book and all my other things. I pulled out some of the golden parchment paper. It was too dark for me to see anything and not even a spec of moonlight passes through whatever was above me.

I cautiously opened my book. I flipped to one of the latest pages. The words were once again incoherent and jumbled but as I focused my mind and read they suddenly became a lot clearer. The voice began to synchronize and read the words to me.

" How To Enter into a contract with a spirit

It continued,

Step 1. Prick your finger with your dagger. and let the blood drain across the edge of the blade.

Step 2. Carve the contents of your contract onto the contract paper.

Step 3. Ask the void if there are any willing beings. Using a suitable chant. The more detailed your request the more power and cunning the spirit that comes.

Step 4. The spirit will require something of you. Whatever it deems to be equivalent of your request.

Step 5. Sign the contract given.

In charcoal like shavings etched onto the bottom of the page it read.

"The spirits can alter the terms and conditions of the contract without your knowledge. When they are first summoned review it before you sign. The stronger the spirit the more it is able to alter the contents of the contract. If you wish to expel the spirit from this plane tear the page."

I removed a piece of golden parchment from my pouch and pricked my finger.


There it was again the strange voices coming from the trees.

I wrote the contents of the contract down.

" I wish to see a spirit that can help me see through this veil. A being capable of expelling the darkness from my sight. A spirt that is no blinder than I. A spirit who will help me see the sky! "

As I placed the final letters the once chatty trees began to quit down. In fact there was nothing but a soft sound. Ba dum. Ba dum. My heart? It hasn't been quiet enough for me to hear it in so long.

ahh guess no spirit is willing to take my request. It was worth a shot.

Suddenly I felt something. A presence that was not there previously.

" AHHH! " the trees let out a quiet shriek.

It was infront of me but i still couldn't see past the contract in my hands. It kept getting closer and closer.

Its aura alone made it feel as if there was a 10 ton weight on my shoulder. It hasn't even manifested into this world yet. Then it disappeared. I was finally able to let out a sigh of relief.

' Thank god. I think that spirit was way more powerful that anything ive ever met.'

Then out of nowhere it returned. A manifestation of a finger appeared infront of me. Its nails were grey and sharp. The skin that the finger displayed was pitch black. And a sea of darkness oozed out of every pore. Making it even harder to see properly. This reminded me of someone. My brother? But it clearly wasn't. It was an entity far removed from my family tree.

I had lost my focus and returned my attention to the finger. It already written its terms of acceptance and signed already as if it knew that I wouldn't tear the contract.

I read it over and nothing changed. Absolutely nothing I wrote changed except for its own clause which said.

" I will give you the power to see through the void of creation. In return I require you free me from my prison when the time comes....You may not reveal this information to anyone or you will die wherever you stand. "

I looked it over 5 more times. What kind of prison could hold a creature like this. But I had to do something.

I wrote under it. " Under the pretense that you will not hurt anyone I care about when you are free"

The spirits signature disappeared. The finger larger than my hands combined hesitated for a few seconds before signing again. I read it over once more and signed myself.

Suddenly I felt a deep and eerie sensation pulse through my veins. A mark of a man with his eyes slashed hanging by his legs from a noose surrounded by words and symbols I could not comprehend formed on my hand before slowly disappearing. My mind began to blank and as I faded away it spoke to me. Its voice. There was no human way to describe it because it was exactly that. Not Human. It was as if a pianist slammed their eyes onto needles of empty keys to play a sickly tune of darkness and despair which they themselves could not hear.

" Take this as a gift. Rise to the level of folklore. Then find me. Find me in Goddess's Prison "

Infront of me a brain appeared. Its ridges covered in markings similar to that of my own but more developed and brighter. Before my eyes it turned into a clear solution that flowed into my nasal cavity and down my throat.

I could feel the knowledge of the world being revealed to me. I could see more of the real world. Another curtain raised from my eyes.

Knowledge began to flow through my mind as I was asleep. I could now create potions from the the essences of various pathways. Before I could digest everything my mind finally faded away.