
The Unlucky kidd

Reality is often stranger than fiction. To every truth there is a bit of lies and to every lie there is a bit of truth. And even myths have some truth to them. This a world of madness and mystery. Witchcraft and witches. From Island to Island, Join them as they make new friends explore the world and create a legend to be passed down through the ages. Explore a world with deep and rich history. Spanning back hundreds of years. A world filled with terrifying beings that only exist in nightmares. The Cover art is by @hailiechu on tiktok This story has serious undertones that may be uncomfortable for some viewers. The start is slow but i do recommend you continue the book. I will also try to upload 2-4 chapters per week. Any corrections on spelling and grammar are welcome. I will answer comments regarding plot but i will not change anything or spoil future storylines. I hope you enjoy this weird world that I have crafted Thank you - Zak }

Zak_Smith_ · Kỳ huyễn
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98 Chs

2 Years Part 3

Davie POV continued:

Damn they took my guns... Why me? I always end up with the shortest stick.

I looked up at the guy i was chained too every second he seemed to turn around as if anticipating something strange or unnatural to occur.

With my hearing it sounded as if his heart was about to beat out of his chest.

That guy who i thought was a witch didn't even seem to be alive. His eyes were empty and hollow as if he wasn't actually there.

Feeling me staring deeply at him he turned himself around and looked at my eyes and smiled. I could see nothing behind his empty gaze. A blank wall..A vacuum.

I averted my gaze away from him and he did the same. I shook my head.

" What the fuck was that?"

I finally arrived at a small clearing at the western edge of the town. Where i could feel a drastic shift in the energy around me.

I started to feel an bundle invisible presences enveloping me trying to force me to submit to their will. But it seemed as my guides were unaffected.

' Aura....So this is the manifestation of ones aura'

I stepped forward and with each step my feet turned to seastone. By the 10th i was about to collapse to my knees. My two guides again seems perfectly fine and continued leading me on. I wonder what kind of people they were to be surrounded by this suffocating feeling and have the will to continue standing or if they were even people at all.

Step. Step. Step. Step. Step.

Crash. I fell to my knees. It really wasn't easy to keep this up. I already don't want to continue moving but these two keep pulling me forward. I strained myself to rise. My knees buckled again. Biting onto my lips. Pieces of skin and flesh began to tear off. I stood up once again and continued my March.

"No way...this guys not real

Unknowingly I could not see the expressions of my 'guides' right now. Nor did I care to hear what they were saying.

I had people who needed me and people who need my help now. I cant fall down anymore. I cant let things slide anymore!

I thought of my family who had sailed on their ship far far away. Belle...Will and most importantly Apathy the one who brought me along on this wild goose chase. The one who showed me how to live again. A TRUE FRIEND. No all of them. ALL OF THEM ARE MY TRUE FRIENDS. AND AS THEIR CAPTAIN I MUST SHOW THEM HOW FAR THE SEA GOES. I MUST TAKE THEM TO THE EDGES OF THE WORLD. THIS ADVENTURE HAS JUST BEGUN SO HEAR ME WORLD..


As if the earth came to a stop. The island ceased its chatter. The waves calmed and the winds froze in time.

The two men fell to their knees and foamed from their mouths as their faces kissed the grass. The chains that bound me had broken and that auras that suffocated me had all but disappeared. I looked around myself. I could see it. It was the sea. A thin layer of blue clouded my vision and as i blinked it was gone but i could still feel its presence around me. I stared at my hands and touched my body. This was a strange feeling but i feel abnormally light. As if I we're in my element.

I didn't have alot of time to stare at myself. A cool whistle came from where I was headed.

" Well I'll be damed. That is one strong willpower you got there kid. You were able to step 20 feet into the combined auras of 5 folklore that is no small feet in of itself. But to repel them with the manifestation of your own. You are going to be one big fish when you're older."

She circled me from 20 feet away as if to gauge how dangerous I was. She was like a shark circling me. It was as if she was swimming in my own backyard.

I raised my guard up and glanced at my gun that was infront of me. I bent down and reached for my gun. In an instant i felt a barrel to my temple. I didn't even get to react before she closed the distance.

I finally got a good look at her face.

She was in her late 40s and had numerous scars all over her face and body. She had a typical pirate attire. But only a single pistol was on her waist it was grey with the insignia of a large snake encircling the world on it.

I did not move but observed her. With her speed she could have killed me twice without any effort.

" It seems the King of the sea is not so foolish as to temp fate. She raised the barrel from my temple and holstered it.

" Who are you?" I asked as i looked at her brown curls flowing in the wind.

" You may call me M'lady for now. Your gonna be staying with me for a while and congratulations you passed my test with flying colors. I would have agreed to be your mentor if you passed 10 steps little did I know you would make it 20 before repelling my top officers auras.Jeez what kinda creature done washed up on my shore.."

She sighed as she shook her head. All of a sudden I began to feel fatigued and light headed. I started to gag and throw up.

" Took you long enough. 3 minutes and 19 seconds"

"Every second this "king" amazes me with his prowess. I wonder if I should make him my queen. "

Even in pain I wondered if I heard her correctly but its too late. Everything began to fade to black.

I hope nothing strange happens here.....