
Gae Bolg

A/N: Don't eat me alive if I get something wrong about Gae Bolg still trying to fully understand the bullshit that is the Fate Universe XD


Shen completely subjected the Purple Lotus, which was a considerably big criminal organization within the Kuchinashi. After Torchwick's arrival, Shen immediately began to move the White Fang he had stationed outside the valley. 'The rest of the White Fang should be arriving here shortly.'

Inside of the largest building within the Purple Lotus's territory, Shen was sitting on a wide circular couch with a table in the center. Taupher was standing on the other side of the table with a grim expression. This was their HQ and main base. This room, in particular, was used for meetings with other orgs and deals.

"L2, bring over the briefcase." Standing on either side of the couch were both L1 and L2. Hearing Shen's order, L2 placed Torchwicks briefcase on the table and opened it. Sitting inside were cards upon cards of Lien. "You're pretty wealthy for a man who's on the run." Shen's gaze fell on Torchwick and Neo, who were standing not too far from Taupher.

"Well, of course, although I would say I'm more prepared than anything else." Hearing Torchwick, Shen smiled a bit. "Well, no matter the case, this will be useful to me in more ways than one." Shen turned his attention to Taupher, who was clearly holding back his emotions. "When the White Fang arrives, we will have a proper conversation, but until then, you're dismissed.."

Shen's words surprised Taupher a little as he looked up. Shen didn't give Taupher a second glance as he changed targets to Torchwick. "And, of course, we'll have to talk about what exactly I want you to do as well." Torckwick twirled his cane on the ground with a smile. "After seeing what you did here, how could I refuse?"

Shen had a relaxed expression as he replied. "I still don't trust you one bit. You can leave with Taupher." Hearing that, Taupher looked over at Torchwick before leaving the room with a polite bow. Torchwick smiled and left alongside Neo not too soon after. "L1, L2, guard the door and make sure no one comes inside until I say so. Alert me if anything of note occurs."

L1 and L2 nodded as they made their way out of the room and closed the door behind them.

Shen could finally lower his guard a bit with everyone gone and let out a sigh of relief. 'It was messy, and there's still a lot of loose ends I have to deal with, but for now, it'll do. At least I have a place I can operate in without having to worry about the White Fang watching me. Though I'll have to perform Mental Riffiting on the key figures of the Purple Lotus to keep them in line.'

Pushing that aside, Shen brought his attention back to the briefcase full of Lien in front of him. All of the Lien cards inside were green, meaning they held 500 Lien at max. However, there were over thirty of them. 'One Red Lien card was worth 10000, but all of this is easily worth over 15000.'

Now that he had the Gaccha System, money was worth more to him than ever. Having this much available to him was like a god sent. 'Right, I did Level up three times during all of this.' He honestly didn't expect such a big turnout this time around. He had originally thought about killing all of the members of the Purple Lotus just for the XP.

However, after thinking about it, he decided to simply suppress them. It would be more useful to him to have an entire organization under his direct control. The main purpose of this little escapade was to both create his own base of operations where he had supreme authority and to increase his value in the White Fang immensely.

{Personal Information}

Name: Shen

Level: 8 [4815/16000]

Race(s): Life Fiber-Hybrid (14%)|Human Demon-Hybrid

Abilities: Life Fiber Manipulation [Lv. 3]

Skills: Tangle (Life Fiber Manipulation)|Appearance Manipulation (Life Fiber Manipulation)|Mental Refitting (Life Fiber Manipulation)

Linked Skills: (Demonic Blast)

"Still, despite my goals, obtaining three entire levels was unexpected. That Huntsman was definitely worth killing, even if I had to expose my Devil Trigger. That aside, my Life Fiber Ability went up in level, and even my Hybrid percentage increased." Overall he had made massive improvements to that degree.

{Personal Stats}

Points: 15

Physical Strength: 11 (+28)

Endurance: 5 (+36)

Dexterity: 16 (+25)

Power: 15 (+17)

"My stats have already grown quite a bit, so what should I use my points on?" Being balanced would be nice; however, his abilities offset his decisions. He didn't truly need any more endurance despite its raw state being the lowest. In his base, normal gunshots couldn't even pierce through his entire body.

Alongside that, in his Devil Trigger form, he could regenerate so fast that even being stabbed through the heart did not affect him. 'Even If I can only manage to use it for two minutes, It's still a lifeline I can abuse.' In the end, Shen focused on what he would have required to win that fight against Zaff.

'He moved too fast for me to properly keep up. I was forced to focus on defense and could barely retaliate. In the end, the only way he could have saved that situation was if he had more speed. 'Alongside that, my physical attacks didn't seem to affect him all that much due to his Aura.' Those two things alone helped Shen decide what he would do.

'Alright, let's go with 8 into Dexterity, with 5 going into Physical Strength. The remaining 2 can go into the Power Stat.' Allocating all of his points, Shen felt it was adequate. "Now then, moving onto the fun part. Touching the briefcase full of Lien, he activated the Gaccha System and received a notification. [Would you like to convert this currency?]

Without any hesitation, Shen agreed as all of the Lien was converted instantly and disappeared.

{Gacha System}

Gacha Currency: 150

Category: Undecided

Spin Type: Basic

Spins: 0

'Let's see, so that gives me three chances when it comes down to it.' Having such good luck last time, Shen couldn't wait. This time he decided to set the category to Manga. He felt he had to do it at least once, even though the chances of him getting something good were low. Activating the Gaccha System spin, the Menu disappeared from his sight.

Dropping into his lap out of nowhere, a present appeared just like before. "Luck, don't fail me now." Opening the present's lid, light poured into his eyes, and a System notification followed it. [Congratulations! You have received the Ability 'Squirmy Fingers' from MHA.] Shen's face seemed to freeze as he read what he had gotten.

"What? What fuck is Squirmy Fingers?" Shen was dumbfounded as he read the text in front of him. The fact it was from MHA made it obvious it was probably some useless background quirk. Despite that, Shen still wanted to know what exactly it did to get such a retarded name. He opened the Abilities description and read it himself.

{Ability Description}

Ability: Squirmy Fingers

Level: Max

Description: Squirmy Fingers allows the user to precisely and flawlessly control their fingers, effectively manipulating and touching anything with grace, ease, speed, precision, and skill. If it requires using their hands, the user will most likely be unmatched.


Shen's eyes turned dead as he read the description. "This… Wow." In all honesty, he couldn't find the words to describe it. This ability was beyond the point of useless. The only real way it might be utilized is if he wanted to copy Doflimingo, and even then, it was unnecessary considering how he could control his Life Fibers.

'Guess they can't all be winners. I'm just going to switch back to games.' After receiving that disappointment. Opening up the Gaccha System again, Shen's 'Gaccha Currency' had decreased to 100. Switching the category to Video Games, Shen reran the Gaccha. 'This time for sure, I'll get something good.'

The Gaccha screen disappeared again as another present fell into Shen's lap. Opening it, he had a hopeful look this time around as the System notified him of what he got. [Congratulations! You have received the Ability 'Witch Walk' from Bayonetta.] Looking at what he got, Shen's face changed a few times.

'Why...' Witch Walk from Bayonetta allowed people to defy gravity and walk up walls and even upside down. By any means, it was definitely a useful ability if you look at the pros. In a way, it was even more useful than Spider-Man's ability to stick to walls and whatnot due to the fact it literally broke the laws of physics.

'Of course, it's still useless to me...' If it worked anytime, he wanted it to. He wouldn't dare complain. Who wouldn't want to be able to run up the side of a cliff or walk on top of a ceiling? But the real issue was that Witch Walk only worked during a Full Moon. "Not only is that the dumbest requirement ever, but the moon in the world of the remnant is shattered!"

Two abilities, one being utterly useless and the other one possibly being unusable in the world he was in. "And now I'm down to my last chance. I really got lucky last time." Shen sighed to himself as he looked at the Gaccha Menu. 'Maybe changing the Category again will help me out. I still don't have a weapon I can rely on heavily.'

Holding on to a slim amount of hope, Shen switched the Category once more. This time he went with a broader approach referring to fictional weapons in general. He watched as the last of his 'Gaccha Currency' was spent as a present fell onto his lap once more. "Please…" At this point, Shen was praying as they slowly opened the present.

[Congratulations! You have received the Weapon 'Gáe Bolg' from Fate.]

Shen titled his head when he read it. "Gae- What?" He completely butchered the name when he tried to say it. He had heard the name of the weapon before, but he couldn't remember it exactly. "Well, if it's from Fate, it's probably something pretty good. I mean, if it's a named weapon and all." Opening the description of it, Shen read over it.

{Weapon Description}

Name: Gáe Bolg

Type: Cursed Spear

Description: Gae Bolg is a cursed spear wielded originally by Cú Chulainn. It was created and carved utilizing the skull of a monster named Curruid. This weapon is very powerful, having abilities that far exceed any normal spear or weapon for that matter. However, it requires the user to be powerful to utilize them. Alongside that, one must properly master Gae Bolg to use it efficiently.

The description delved even further into what it was and what it was capable of doing. Its abilities way outdid what was listed in the initial description. By the time Shen had finished, he felt as if his brain had stopped working. "Hehe… Hahaha!" His laugh was so loud that even L1 and L2 standing guard outside could hear him. He sounded like a mad man, but he simply couldn't contain himself.

"This is literally one of the best things I could have hoped for." This wasn't just a normal weapon. It was, by all means, it would be above anything in the RWBY world. It was almost on par with the former best thing he had gotten from the Gaccha System, which was the 'Devil Trigger' ability. Shen accepted his reward without waiting another moment, and appearing above his hands was a spear.

The spear itself was red with a complex design etched into it. Grabbing the spear, Shen's face quickly changed. He was standing up when he grabbed the spear from the air. It was pretty heavy even for Shen, but at the same time, it felt manageable. Standing up, he swung it through the air and immediately smiled.

'I finally have a weapon I can properly rely on.' This was one thing he had on his mind for a while. Fighting with your fist was fine but having a weapon you could rely on in battle just made everything easier. And with this weapon, in particular, he wouldn't have to worry about him outgrowing its usefulness any time soon.

{Personal Information}

Name: Shen

Level: 8 [4815/16000]

Race(s): Life Fiber-Hybrid (14%)|Human Demon-Hybrid

Abilities: Life Fiber Manipulation [Lv. 3]|Karmic Retribution[Lv. Max]|Devil Trigger [Lv. 1]|Witch Walk[Lv. Max]|Squirmy Fingers[Lv. Max]

Skills: Tangle (Life Fiber Manipulation)|Appearance Manipulation (Life Fiber Manipulation)|Mental Refitting (Life Fiber Manipulation)

Linked Skills: Demonic Blast(Devil Trigger)

"Well, at least this Menu isn't looking so empty anymore."