
The Two Sides of Fate: Hero and Demon Queen

In a pulse-pounding turn of events, John is abruptly whisked away into a bizarre yet eerily familiar realm, reminiscent of a game he once conquered. Staggered by his bewildering new existence, he soon uncovers a startling truth: he now inhabits not one, but two distinct bodies, each derived from his past game avatars. Embodied as Evilian, the fierce demon queen who once ruled the entire world, John must come to grips with the overwhelming power at his fingertips. Simultaneously, he finds himself inhabiting Joharis, a former low-level character who has now become a valiant human hero, summoned from a distant world to prevent Evilian's cataclysmic return. As John grapples with the staggering implications of his dual existence, he finds himself thrust into the heart of a complex, perilous political landscape. With both sides of his identity destined to collide in a cataclysmic confrontation. Will he be able to avert the seemingly inevitable clash and ingeniously weave a path forward in this captivating new world? Warning: It is important to mention that this novel is primarily an experimental undertaking of mine. The release of subsequent chapters will occur solely at my discretion, without a consistent schedule. Therefore, it should not be expected that there will be regular updates. At times, a new chapter may be posted on a weekly basis, whereas at other times, there may be an extended period of abandonment before the release of several chapters in one day. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that this marks my first attempt at writing a novel and English is not my native language. As a result, the quality of writing may fluctuate.

Rin_Elwyn · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

Training Day

John could think two separate things at the same time, but he still lacked perfect control over both bodies. He could only do simple tasks with each one. Anything more complex and they would mimic each other's motions.

He knew that he needed to master this ability quickly. The hero training was set to begin the next day, and without full control over his bodies, he would struggle to make any meaningful progress. Luckily, he had two brains working on a solution.

Suddenly, a realization dawned on him! He had two brains! He was no longer a single entity, in fact, each body had its own mind that shared its thoughts and memories with the other. It was a terrifying yet exhilarating discovery that forced him to reconsider his approach.

Instead of attempting to control both bodies as a single entity, he realized that each body needed to focus on itself. They simply had to learn to ignore any irrelevant information coming from the other body. A skill which both bodies started working on immediately.

After a few minutes of practice, Evilian had already mastered the technique, proving his theory correct. Joharis, on the other hand, still struggled with it. Despite having access to the same memories, it appeared that his human mind was lagging behind Evilian's. Perhaps it was due to his body's need for rest, as Evilian's didn't require sleep and was always at peak performance.

In the end they decided that it wasn't worth worrying about their identities at the moment. They had a mission to complete, and lingering on this would only delay their progress. With that in mind, Joharis headed to practise the skill before going to bed.

Next morning, Joharis groggily sat up in his bed, trying to shake off the remnants of his dream. Memories of Evilian flooded his mind, and he realized that he had been dreaming about her experiences, albeit through a dreamlike filter.

"Master Joharis, your breakfast has arrived," a male voice interrupted through the door.

"Ugh... Just give me a minute," Joharis groaned as he rose and rubbed his eyes.

Joharis looked around the room and noticed that his clothes were missing. Was he supposed to open the door in his pyjamas? Before he could decide, the door opened, and a man in butler's attire entered the room. The butler appeared to be in his late 50s, with a stoic expression on his face. He pushed a small trolley filled with food towards Joharis.

"I'm sorry, but we don't have much time. Your training begins in just 40 minutes," the butler said, his expression stoic. "Please ring the bell when you're finished with your meal, and the servants will come to prepare you for the day."

Joharis nodded, still a bit confused by the butler's formal manner. "Thank you for the breakfast," he said before the butler exited the room.

The plate in front of Joharis was loaded with slices of bread, chunks of cheese, cold meat, and a small bowl of ale. The drippings on the bread resembled pale yellow butter, but the aroma was of roasted meat and fat, giving it a unique scent.

Joharis picked up a piece of bread and took a tentative bite. It was greasy and savoury, but not unpleasant. He chewed slowly and swallowed before reaching for the cheese.

The cheese was sharp and tangy, complementing the bread perfectly. After eating the finishing, the bread, he washed his throat with a sip of ale. Though it wasn't particularly strong, the bitter taste lingered on his tongue. He decided to finish the meal with some meat, which tasted like roasted chicken that had been left in the fridge for a day. Despite the unusual taste, he found the dish surprisingly satisfying.

He wiped his face and hands with the cloth provided and rang the bell. In no time, a group of servants entered the room. One of them took the trolley and the empty plates out of the room, while the remaining two approached Joharis and instructed him to stand up. Before he could say anything, the two servants started undressing him, leaving him perplexed.

"I can do it myself," he protested, but the servants continued without stopping.

"It's our duty to serve the hero to the best of our abilities. Please relax and just let us do our job." One of the servants said while taking off his pyjama top.

Although Joharis initially felt uncomfortable, he eventually accepted the, rationalizing that this kind of treatment was normal for this society. Besides he already experienced something similar as Evilian.

Judging by the extravagance of everything he experienced up to this point, Joharis was relieved when the servants dressed him in a set comfortable clothes that didn't hider his movement. "This way, if you please," one of the servants gestured, and Joharis followed him through the castle's corridors.

He attempted to make small talk with the servant, but he received only formal responses. Perhaps he was instructed not to get too close to him, or maybe it was his role as a hero that intimidated the servant.

But Joharis didn't mind the silence. If he couldn't form any connections, he would use that moment to get to know layout of a castle better. After all, when princess guided him around, he was too focused on what was happening on the Evilian's side to remember anything of significance. Fortunately, it was no longer an issue, and he could walk around the castle while Evilian was busy solving her own problems.

Soon, they reached a vast, empty field within the castle walls. A tanned muscular man swung his sword with impressive speed and skill, causing the air to ripple around him. When he noticed Joharis, he sheathed his sword and approached them.

"You may go," the man dismissed the servant.

"Of course, Master Roderick." The servant bowed before adding, "The King also instructed me to remind you not to go too hard on the hero, especially on his first day."

"Hmph, I'll do as I see fit," Roderick muttered before turning his attention to Joharis.

Roderick was an imposing figure, towering over Joharis with his muscular build and rugged features. His black hair was tied back into a ponytail, and his intense gaze seemed to bore into Joharis' soul.

"Tell me, young hero." Roderick said, his voice low and menacing. "Have you ever held a weapon before?"

Joharis hesitated, feeling a bead of sweat trickle down his back. "Well, I've never actually used a real weapon," he admitted truthfully. He knew that the experience from virtual world was different from the real world, and what he was about to experience was something different.

"Don't worry, you'll learn to wield various weapons soon enough. In the meantime, why don't you run around the field until I tell you to stop?" Roderick said, his tone firm and authoritative. "And while you're under my training, you'll address me as Sir Roderick or just Sir, is that clear?"

"Yes, Sir!" Joharis replied quickly, not wanting to upset his trainer. Running around the field seemed like a simple enough task.

Joharis ran around the field, his eyes fixed on Sir Roderick, who watched him with a stern expression. Every time he slowed down, Roderick's voice boomed across the field, commanding him to pick up his pace. After three gruelling hours, Joharis could barely breathe, and his legs felt like jelly. He collapsed on the ground, gasping for air.

"Not bad for a beginner," Roderick commented, "But you'll need to push yourself harder if you want to become a true warrior. And don't think I'll go easy on you just because they've told me to."

Joharis nodded weakly, too exhausted to speak. He knew he had a long way to go before he could match the strength and skill of the other warriors. After his body was only level three.

"Very well. That will be all for today. The true training will start tomorrow," Sir Roderick announced. "By the way, you have a guest. She's been waiting for almost an hour." He gestured towards Princess Jezebel, who sat on a nearby bench, clutching a cylindrical object in her hands.

Joharis stumbled towards the princess, his body aching from the hellish training he had just endured. He could barely stand upright as he approached her, his eyes drawn to the object in her hands. "Greetings, Princess Jezebel," he managed to say, his voice a little hoarse from exhaustion. "I apologize for keeping you waiting."

The princess blushed as she handed over the tall cup filled with the bright orange liquid to Joharis. "I-I hope you don't mind that I came to see you," she murmured softly, her eyes darting away from his gaze. "My father asked me to accompany you to the court magician, but I also wanted to bring you a drink." She bit her lower lip nervously, unsure of what to say.

Too tired to think about anything else Joharis took the cup, feeling the coolness of the container on his palms. As he lifted it to his lips, he caught a whiff of the sweet aroma and savoured the taste of the refreshing liquid, feeling it soothe his parched throat. It might have just been a simple cup of juice, but at this moment, it was the most delicious thing he had ever tasted.

"Thank you, Princess Jezebel, it was refreshing." Joharis said, grateful for her kindness. "And please, just call me Joharis. There's no need to put 'Sir' in front of my name." He felt strange being addressed with such formality by a member of royalty.

Hearing his request, the princess fidgeted with her dress. "Um, I don't mind it, Joharis," she said softly. "Could you maybe call me just Jezebel as well?" She smiled at him and then looked down "And, um, yes, I'm glad you liked the drink. It's just fruit juice, but I like it a lot."

Joharis hesitated, feeling a bit nervous about using the princess's name. But her shy and innocent expression made him feel at ease, and he decided to take her up on her offer. "Alright then, Jezebel," he said with a smile.

Joharis felt a bit nervous about using the princess's name, but he didn't want to be rude either. He watched her expression, trying to gauge her reaction. "Uh, sure, Jezebel. Do you know why we're heading to a court magician?" he asked, not noticing a slight blush creeping onto the princess's cheeks.

"It's most likely to measure your magical talent," she said with a soft smile. "But, since we have some time left, would you mind taking a detour through the gardens with me?" she asked, hoping he would accept her offer.

Joharis gave a small smile and replied, "Sure, I'd love to take a stroll through the gardens." He could feel her eyes on him, and though he sensed her attraction, he wasn't quite sure how to respond. He couldn't deny that she was charming, but he didn't share the same feelings. Besides, though his body appeared to be 17 years old, he was actually ten years older on the inside.

Nonetheless, he didn't want to hurt her feelings, so he kept his thoughts to himself and followed her lead. He didn't know much about this world, and he couldn't afford to make an enemy out of a princess. He decided to enjoy the walk and take in the beauty of the gardens, hoping that it would ease the tension between them.

Joharis and Princess Jezebel wandered together through the stunning gardens, surrounded by the heady perfume of blooming flowers. The petals brushed lightly against their skin as they passed by, creating a dreamlike atmosphere. For a moment, Joharis lost himself in the peaceful serenity of their surroundings.

As they reached a particularly stunning section of the garden, where the flowers glowed with a gentle blue hue. Joharis couldn't help but comment on their beauty. "These flowers are truly exquisite. What are they called?" he asked in awe.

Princess Jezebel's expression changed, and a tear glistened in her eye. "They are moonlight roses," she responded in a soft voice. "My mother loved them so much. She used to tend to them every day before she passed away."

Joharis felt a pang of guilt at his words, not realizing the effect they would have on the princess. "I'm sorry," he said softly. "I didn't mean to bring up painful memories."

Jezebel shook her head, giving him a small smile. "It's okay. It's been a while since she passed away, but I still miss her," she said, her eyes misty. "She loved this garden, and I try to take care of the roses as best as I can in her memory."

Joharis felt a sense of admiration for the princess, who was able to find solace in her mother's memory through the garden. "That's a beautiful way to remember her," he said sincerely.

The princess's cheeks reddened slightly, and she gave him a shy smile. "Thank you," she said softly. "I'm glad you understand."

They walked in comfortable silence for a while, enjoying the beauty of the garden. Finally, Jezebel spoke up. "Let's continue our walk, Joharis. I want to show you the rest of the garden," she said, her voice back to its cheerful tone.

Despite the small mishap, Joharis found himself thoroughly enjoying the stroll through the garden. The flowers and plants were unlike anything he had ever seen before, and he couldn't help but feel like he was in a fantasy world. It was a welcome escape from the confines of the palace, and he couldn't help but hope that he would have more opportunities to explore this new world outside of its walls.

As they arrived at the tower, Joharis gazed up at its towering structure, impressed by its grandeur. "Wow, this is quite a sight," he said, turning to the princess. "Thanks for bringing me here."

The princess smiled, her eyes bright with anticipation. "I'm glad you enjoyed our little detour," she said, her voice tinged with excitement. "Now, let's see what the court magician has to say about your magical abilities."

Joharis took a deep breath and approached the door, his hand poised to knock. Before he could make contact, however, the door swung open of its own accord, revealing the court magician standing in the doorway.

Joharis was taken aback by the sight of the young man who answered the door. He had expected a wizened old magician with a long beard and tattered robes, but instead was greeted by a sharply handsome man with short silver hair. The young man's robes were sleek and modern looking, a stark contrast to what Joharis had imagined.

He wondered if this was the court magician's apprentice, but the confident aura emanating from the young man made him think otherwise. "Um, excuse me," Joharis stuttered, trying to regain his composure. "I was sent by the king to meet with the court magician. Are you perhaps... him?"

Mage chuckled at Joharis' confusion. "Yes, I suppose I am a court magician," he said with a grin. "But let's get to the matter at hand, shall we? Your highness, could you give us some privacy?" he requested, turning to the princess.

Jezebel hesitated for a moment, her eyes lingering on Joharis before she finally nodded and made her way back to the castle. Joharis watched her retreating figure, wondering what was going through her mind.

Once they were alone, Mage turned back to Joharis with a sly grin on his face. "I bet you expected some old geezer, didn't you?" he said teasingly, leaning against a doorframe.

"Blazen Charles de Ignis, but you can call me Blaze," the court magician introduced himself before Joharis could respond. "And what is your name, young man?" Blaze asked, his tone friendly.

Joharis felt a bit taken aback by the magician's attitude but managed to gather his thoughts. "My name is Joharis," he replied, still feeling a bit confused.

"Joharis, I'm sure you have many questions about why you were summoned and your role in all of this. But don't worry, I'm here to answer them all. However, before we delve into that, we need to assess your magical capabilities. Follow me up the tower," Blaze spoke in a rapid, yet composed tone.

He led Joharis up the winding staircase to his office at the top of the tower. Once inside, he instructed Joharis to place his hand on top of his palm. "I need to measure your magical talent," Blaze explained as he closed his eyes and began to concentrate. Joharis felt a warm sensation in his palm, as if a soft breeze was blowing through his hand.

Blaze's eyes widened in surprise as he studied Joharis' magical abilities. "Incredible," he muttered under his breath. "You have an affinity for every element!" he exclaimed in amazement. However, his expression soon turned sombre as he continued, "But your mana pool is quite small, so you'll have to work extra hard."

Joharis felt a sense of disappointment. He was a level 3 character in the game, which meant his possibilities were endless, so it was expected that he had an affinity for every element. But now, with the game's interface gone, he didn't know if he could improve his mana pool.

"Is there anything I can do to increase it?" he asked curiously.

Blaze shook his head. "Unfortunately, for most people, there's nothing that can be done about their size of mana pool," he explained. "But as a hero, after your awakening, you should acquire the hero's blessing, which removes that limit."

Joharis pondered, his mind drifting to memories of the game he once played. In the game, there was a term called "awakening," where players could remove the cap on skills and abilities after finishing a special quest. But now he was in a different world, and he wondered if Blaze was referring to something similar.

"Come back to me after your awakening and we'll continue your training," Blaze said with a smile. "For now, train your body, so when the time of your awakening comes, you'll be ready."

With those words, Blaze dismissed Joharis, and as he left Blaze's office and headed back to the castle, Joharis knew that from now on his life would become harder than ever before.

She tends her flowers

With gentle hands and sorrow

Her mother’s garden

Rin_Elwyncreators' thoughts