
The Two Sides of Fate: Hero and Demon Queen

In a pulse-pounding turn of events, John is abruptly whisked away into a bizarre yet eerily familiar realm, reminiscent of a game he once conquered. Staggered by his bewildering new existence, he soon uncovers a startling truth: he now inhabits not one, but two distinct bodies, each derived from his past game avatars. Embodied as Evilian, the fierce demon queen who once ruled the entire world, John must come to grips with the overwhelming power at his fingertips. Simultaneously, he finds himself inhabiting Joharis, a former low-level character who has now become a valiant human hero, summoned from a distant world to prevent Evilian's cataclysmic return. As John grapples with the staggering implications of his dual existence, he finds himself thrust into the heart of a complex, perilous political landscape. With both sides of his identity destined to collide in a cataclysmic confrontation. Will he be able to avert the seemingly inevitable clash and ingeniously weave a path forward in this captivating new world? Warning: It is important to mention that this novel is primarily an experimental undertaking of mine. The release of subsequent chapters will occur solely at my discretion, without a consistent schedule. Therefore, it should not be expected that there will be regular updates. At times, a new chapter may be posted on a weekly basis, whereas at other times, there may be an extended period of abandonment before the release of several chapters in one day. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that this marks my first attempt at writing a novel and English is not my native language. As a result, the quality of writing may fluctuate.

Rin_Elwyn · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
12 Chs


Finally, the luxurious bath had come to an end, leaving Evilian feeling both refreshed and dazed. She wasn't prepared for such an indulgent and soothing experience. However, she couldn't dwell on it for too long, as there were more pressing matters at hand. Taking a deep breath, she steeled herself for whatever Lux had in store for her.

As they approached the grand door, Evilian's heart began to race. The door looked almost identical to the ones she had meticulously designed in the game. With a dramatic flourish, Lux pushed the doors open, revealing a sight that left Evilian speechless.

It was a replica of the throne room she had created in the game, complete with the ominous obsidian throne she had once sat upon. The throne's jagged spikes jutted out like wicked talons, and the armrests were adorned with skulls and bones that made her skin crawl. Even the seat itself, covered in deep crimson velvet, seemed to pulse with a sinister energy. The dimly lit room was cast in an eerie glow, with flickering torches casting grotesque shadows that danced and writhed on the walls.

Evilian's heart pounded in her chest, and she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off about this place. The throne room was almost identical to the one she had created in the game, yet there were noticeable additions that she had never designed and then there was also the matter of the princess, who introduced herself to Joharis as belonging to a kingdom that had never existed in the game.

The most puzzling of all was how she had managed to triumph over the entire world in game, yet here she had been defeated. It was a mystery that left her wondering if this was really the same world.

In a worried tone, Evilian questioned the head maid, "Lux, what has happened to me? And where are the others?" She knew that it was better to ask questions and learn than to pretend that she already knew everything.

With an air of regret and sadness, Luxuria delivered the grave news to Evilian, her voice steady and calm. "Mistress, the humans refused to accept their defeat after our great victory and resorted to treachery. What they did, I am uncertain, but you were caught in a blinding light and have been asleep for five centuries."

Evilian listened in stunned silence as Luxuria continued, her voice heavy with sorrow. "Without your leadership, our kin turned on each other and the mortals gradually eroded our once-great empire to a small, feeble country that barely resembles what it once was."

As Lux spoke, Evilian took her seat upon the throne, listening intently to the intricate details of the current political climate. Luxuria spoke of the land's inability to sustain crops, the constant infighting among the demon clans, and the dire situation they now found themselves in.

Intrigued, Evilian leaned forward, her eyes glinting with curiosity. "So, what is this current situation you speak of, Luxuria?" she asked, her voice laced with a hint of impatience. "And what do you mean by mortals sealing away the deadly sins?"

Luxuria bowed her head slightly, a pained expression crossing her face. "It is as I said, Mistress. The mortals have somehow managed to seal away five of the great seven deadly sins, leaving only me and Acedia free," she explained. "As for bringing you here, it was to inform you of our situation and to reunite you with Acedia, who has been eagerly awaiting your return."

Evilian's thoughts drifted to a time long ago when she was still a mere adventurer in the game. It was then that she met Ace, a young boy of twelve whom she had saved by turning into a vampire. As fate would have it, the game's advanced AI had chosen him to be her second companion, acting as a younger brother she never had. And though she knew it was just a game, it was comforting to have someone who cared for her like family, especially since her real family had abandoned her.

Evilian's thoughts were interrupted by a loud, cheerful voice echoing throughout the throne room. It was a young boy, with striking silver hair that gleamed in the dim light, and eyes as red as freshly spilled blood. He rushed into the room, his lean frame moving with a grace and speed. Before she could even react, he had launched himself at her, wrapping his arms tightly around her in a warm embrace.

"Big Siiiiiiiisteeeeer!" the boy exclaimed, his voice filled with joy and relief. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he held her tightly, unable to contain his emotions. "I thought you'd never wake up!" he cried, his voice breaking with the intensity of his feelings.

As Evilian's hand stroked the silver-haired boy's head, she couldn't help but feel a strange sensation brewing inside her. Ace was just a character from a game, a figment of her imagination, but now that the lines between reality and fantasy had blurred, she couldn't deny the sense of joy she felt at seeing him again. It was a strange feeling, as if she had regained something that she didn't even know she had lost.

"Hey, Ace," she said, smiling softly at him. "It's good to see you too."

Ace wiped away his tears and beamed at her, his eyes glistening with affection. "I missed you so much, big sister," he said, his voice filled with adoration. "I've been waiting for you for so long."

Evilian hugged him tightly, feeling a pang of guilt and remorse. Even though it wasn't her fault for leaving him alone, she still felt terrible for making him suffer. "I'm sorry for not waking up sooner," she whispered.

Ace shook his head and nestled on her lap, snuggling comfortably like a cat. "It's okay, sis. You were attacked by that human hero."

But just as they settled into a peaceful moment, Luxuria's voice broke their reunion. "My queen, if I may," she said. "Now that we have all gathered here, there is an additional matter that requires your attention. Would you be so kind as to conjure a map of the world?"

Evilian sighed, knowing that their brief moment of respite was coming to an end. She couldn't be certain if this world was exactly like the game, but she did know that the throne room had another function: to show her the current state of the country and its surroundings.

Normally, she would have used gesture controls to activate the overview, but now she wasn't sure if it would work. After all, it had just been a game mechanic before and according to the game's lore, she had been using her mana to control it.

With a shrug, Evilian decided to give the gesture controls a try. It couldn't hurt, and who knows, it might even work in this world. As she began to form the gestures, a strange sensation washed over her. It was something impossible to describe, but for those who understood, it was the "Wave," also known as the mana. Suddenly, her mind was flooded with knowledge of how to use it, as if it was always there waiting for her to tap into it.

Evilian's fingers glided through the air, and an intricate dance of patterns sprang from her fingertips, activating the long-dormant function of the throne room. In a flash, a stunningly detailed holographic map of the continent materialized before her, its beauty and detail taking her breath away. Her heart sank as she surveyed the state of her once-mighty empire. Landscapes that had once been under her rule were now replaced by countless unknown names.

The situation was even worse than Luxuria had described earlier. The territories belonging to demons were a patchwork of small, squabbling nations. Her own land had shrunk to a tiny speck, no more than a hundred square miles at most. However, the population was still higher than the three of them.

Luxuria's voice trembled as she spoke, her words heavy with urgency. "My queen, we must act fast to free the remaining five deadly sins." Her tone grew increasingly solemn. "The humans recently conducted a summoning ritual on a massive scale, and it is highly probable that they've learned about your return and have summoned a hero to eliminate you."

Evilian felt a chill run down her spine at the mention of the hero. She knew that Luxuria was referring to Joharis, her other body, but this was a secret she would not disclose, at least not yet. She knew the hero wasn't a threat, since she wouldn't like to fight with herself, but she couldn't help but notice movement of human troops, they were clearly preparing for war.

"Should we not prepare for a war instead?" she queried Luxuria, her second-in-command.

"Mistress, I beg to differ. The hero poses a far greater threat. It was his magic that almost claimed your life the last time," Luxuria implored.

"Don't worry, I won't let anyone touch my big sister," Ace interjected with determination. "This time, I will protect her!" His red eyes shone with determination as he clenched his fists.

Ace's bold statement wasn't just empty boasting. Despite his youthful appearance, he was one of the most powerful warriors in Evilian's army. As a Blood Saint, he was unparalleled in close combat, and his ability to heal himself in the midst of a fight was extraordinary. As long as there was blood to be spilled, he could heal indefinitely, making him a force to be reckoned with.

"Please, there's no need to worry about me," Evilian said, her voice calming and reassuring. "I understand your concern, but this time I'm sure the hero won't be a problem. We need to focus on rebuilding our empire and reclaiming our lands." She spoke with confidence and determination, not realizing that she had already accepted the mantle of leadership.

"As you wish, my queen," Luxuria replied with a bow, her eyes filled with unwavering loyalty towards her mistress. Though she couldn't fully share Evilian's confidence, she trusted her with all her heart. After all, she had been by her side since the day she was appointed as her servant by Evilian's parents. She had watched her grow from a mere child to a fearless adventurer and ultimately, a mighty empress.

"I mean it, sis," Ace continued, his voice tinged with determination. "I won't let anything happen to you. I'll fight to my last breath to keep you safe."

Evilian smiled at his words, touched by his loyalty and devotion. "I'm sure you will," Evilian smiled at his words, touched by his loyalty and devotion.

Evilian rose from her throne, her eyes scanning the room before locking onto her loyal companions. "Now let's go outside and see how my domain has changed," she announced, a spark of excitement in her voice. Her companions nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting her eagerness.

"We can't have the other deadly sins waiting," Evilian added, determination filling her voice.

As all this was happening on Evilian's side, John was simultaneously controlling Joharis honing his ability to control both of his bodies simultaneously, and although it was challenging, he was quickly grasping the concept of performing independent actions with two separate bodies.

Fortunately, no one interrupted him while he was training in his room, giving him the freedom to practice without worrying about making mistakes in front of others. As he improved, he noticed he was now capable of having two simultaneous trains of thought. He wondered if this newfound ability was a result of having two brains. This thought led him to wonder what would happen if one of his bodies fell asleep. Would he still have dreams while his other body remained conscious?

I tried writing something more wholesome this time.

Rin_Elwyncreators' thoughts