
The Two Sides of Fate: Hero and Demon Queen

In a pulse-pounding turn of events, John is abruptly whisked away into a bizarre yet eerily familiar realm, reminiscent of a game he once conquered. Staggered by his bewildering new existence, he soon uncovers a startling truth: he now inhabits not one, but two distinct bodies, each derived from his past game avatars. Embodied as Evilian, the fierce demon queen who once ruled the entire world, John must come to grips with the overwhelming power at his fingertips. Simultaneously, he finds himself inhabiting Joharis, a former low-level character who has now become a valiant human hero, summoned from a distant world to prevent Evilian's cataclysmic return. As John grapples with the staggering implications of his dual existence, he finds himself thrust into the heart of a complex, perilous political landscape. With both sides of his identity destined to collide in a cataclysmic confrontation. Will he be able to avert the seemingly inevitable clash and ingeniously weave a path forward in this captivating new world? Warning: It is important to mention that this novel is primarily an experimental undertaking of mine. The release of subsequent chapters will occur solely at my discretion, without a consistent schedule. Therefore, it should not be expected that there will be regular updates. At times, a new chapter may be posted on a weekly basis, whereas at other times, there may be an extended period of abandonment before the release of several chapters in one day. Furthermore, it is noteworthy that this marks my first attempt at writing a novel and English is not my native language. As a result, the quality of writing may fluctuate.

Rin_Elwyn · Kỳ huyễn
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12 Chs

The Dual Perspective

John was astounded. He had never thought that controlling two bodies at once was even possible. But here he was, experiencing it first-hand. It was like trying to pat your head and rub your tummy simultaneously, except on a much more complex level. He had to be fully focused on both bodies to avoid them repeating the same action.

"Are you feeling unwell, hero? You look a bit unwell." The King exclaimed, his eyes focused on Joharis' confused face. "Don't worry, any feeling should clear off soon."

"I'm fine, don't worry." John's both bodies answered as he was still trying to make sense of the 'dual perspective'.

Evilian's attendant expressed her worry for her queen. "Mistress, how was I supposed not to worry? You've been hibernating for almost a century."

The King's deep voice reverberated in the room, his eyes filled with urgency as he addressed Joharis. "I am relieved that you are well, hero. But let me explain the reason behind your summoning," he said, his voice increasing with passion. "The Goddess of Light has sent us a dire message: The Great Demon Queen Evilian has returned." Joharis felt a sense of unease at the revelation, his mind racing with questions.

Was he truly capable of facing the demon queen? Was this Evilian the one he played as? As he pondered, he was almost certain that his second perspective was none other than Evilian's. The thought sent shivers down his spine, realizing he might have to fight himself.

"If she is not stopped, the existence of humanity might be threatened once again," the king continued, his voice filled with emotions. "Please, hero, we know we have dragged you here, but you are our only hope," he pleaded with Joharis, his eyes full desperation.

Joharis didn't want to accept the king's request, but he had no other choice, at least for now. He focused solely on Joharis' body and with all his roleplay experience, he replied, "If you're truly in such dire need, then I shall do my best to aid you. But know that I am not a warrior. Are you sure you wish for me to take on this task?" Surprisingly, controlling one body at a time was not as difficult as he thought it would be. He simply needed to maintain his focus on one perspective.

The King's face lit up with joy as Joharis accepted his plea. "Thank you, hero and don't worry too much, the summoning ritual chose you, which means you have a blessing that will aid you in opposing the demon queen," he said, reassuring Joharis. "Now, if you could follow me, I have something to show you," the King added, leading the way. Joharis had his doubts, but he kept them to himself as he followed the King, hoping that he wouldn't regret his decision.

"Mistress." spoke the demonic beauty from his other perspective, she must have noticed Evilian zoning out. "I know you're thinking about all the ways you could make humans pay for what they did to you, but we must hurry. There are other urgent matters to attend first. Please allow me to help you get ready." She approached Evilian with a set of clothes, her voice honeyed and persuasive. John watched, his heart racing with a mixture of fear and fascination.

"Very well, do as you wish." Evilian replied with a hint of curiosity, completely unaware of the surprise that awaited her. As she lifted the bed sheets, she discovered that she was completely naked. Evilian was taken aback as the game didn't allow nudity and she never downloaded any unsavoury mods, fearing that they would ruin her experience.

As the demonic attendant began to dress Evilian, John found himself struggling to maintain his composure. His second perspective was overwhelming him with tantalizing images and sensations he had never experienced before. However, he knew that he must resist, for the sake of his own sanity. Focusing all of his awareness on Joharis' body, he was determined to complete the other task first.

King gestured towards a room and as they entered, he settled himself onto an armchair. "We can have a more casual conversation here," he said to Joharis. "As long as we're in private, you may address me as Verlon. And what shall I call you, hero?"

Joharis hesitated for a moment before answering. He wondered if he should give his real name or his character's name. In the end, he decided on the latter. "My name is Joharis," he said, trying to sound confident.

"I'm glad you've accepted our request Joharis, I know we've dragged you here without asking you for consent, but we had no other option," King Verlon explained. Joharis couldn't help but feel a twinge of annoyance at the king's words. He wanted to voice out that he never consented to being dragged into this situation, but he knew it wouldn't accomplish anything. Plus, he had a secret that he couldn't let anyone know about. He was not just in control of Joharis, but also the Demon Queen Evilian. King Verlon had no idea that his hero was also his greatest enemy, and Joharis was determined to keep it that way.

"Last time we've waited with summoning for too long and we almost lost the war," King Verlon continued, unaware of Joharis' inner turmoil. The hero nodded along, keeping up the facade of a willing participant. He knew that he had to tread carefully, for his fate was at stake, but he couldn't shake the feeling of unease at the thought of having to fight himself.

"But for now, I have pressing matters to attend to," Verlon said with a gentle smile. "Please make yourself at home and wait for my daughter. She will arrive shortly and provide you with all the necessary information you seek." Joharis couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease at the mention of the king's daughter. He wondered what kind of person she was and what role she played in this grand scheme of things. Nevertheless, he nodded and thanked the king for his hospitality before settling down to wait.

During the time Joharis and Verlon had their conversation, Evilian was being escorted down a hallway which bore an uncanny resemblance to the corridors within her game hideout. Adding to her confusion, she realized that she was being led towards the bathroom area. It struck her with a sudden realization - could this world possibly be a reflection of the game she had played?

As the demonic attendant led her to the bathroom, Evilian's heart was pounding in her chest. The demon's features were uncannily familiar, almost as if she had stepped out of the game itself. And then it hit her - this was Luxuria, the very same companion she had created to help her overcome her gynophobia. The one who had been by her side through countless battles and trials.

Luxuria, or "Lux" as Evilian fondly called her, was one of the seven deadly sins companions that she had crafted. Now, faced with a real-life version of her creation, Evilian couldn't be sure if her fear of women had truly dissipated or if it was just the thought of bathing as female that made her uneasy.

Fortunately, the king has left, so John had a moment to focus on controlling his 2nd body. Evilian cautiously called out her companion's name, hoping for some recognition.

"Lux," she whispered her companion's name, testing the waters. To her surprise, the attendant turned and responded eagerly, "Yes, Mistress? How may I serve you?" A bit shocked, Evilian pressed on. "Why are we heading to the bathroom?" she asked, trying to conceal her aversion to bathing together. "Didn't you tell me there were urgent matters to attend to?"

Luxuria smiled serenely, her crimson eyes gleaming with a hint of mischief. "I did say there were urgent matters, but your hygiene is equally important, Mistress Evilian," she said, her voice as soothing as a lullaby. "Besides, the warm water will help relax your mind and prepare you for the upcoming meeting with your subjects. You wouldn't want to make a bad impression, would you?"

Evilian was just about to object when the sound of the door opening interrupted her thoughts. Finally, the aforementioned princess had arrived. Evilian cursed under her breath, realizing that she hadn't yet mastered the ability to hold two conversations at the same time. She had no other choice but to agree with the attendant before shifting her focus back to Joharis' perspective.

With a gentle smile, the princess introduced herself to the hero. "Greetings, Hero. I am Jezebel de Iveria, a third princess of Iveria Kingdom." she spoke with poise and elegance. Her beauty was above average, with a lithe figure that made her look no more than seventeen years old. "My father has entrusted me with the task of guiding you around the castle and answering any questions you may have. Please feel free to ask me anything." She added with a graceful and polite bow.

Joharis was about to respond, but his words were cut off by the sudden appearance of Lux's ample bosom in Evilian's face. Without warning, Lux took hold of Evilian's hand and pulled her towards a massive bath.

On the other side Joharis' face turned beet red as he looked down, feeling embarrassed and trying to hide his emotions. However, the observant princess noticed his reaction and couldn't help but feel a little flustered herself.

She felt her heart skip a beat as she saw Joharis' face turn red. What was he feeling? Did he like her? She secretly smiled as she thought of her own appearance. She had long and silky hair that shone like gold and a cute face that made people praise her beauty. She was confident in her charm. But now she was curious about his looks.

Her eyes scanned his body, following the curves of his clothes that revealed his muscular figure. He looked strong yet agile, like a wild animal ready to pounce. He seemed to be around her age, maybe slightly older, which made her feel a strange excitement. She quickly looked away feeling her cheeks heat up, trying to calm down the fluttering in her chest.

With a small cough, the princess pushed aside her thoughts and addressed Joharis. "Shall we begin the tour of the castle, Hero?" she asked, her voice slightly awkward.

Despite the awkwardness of the situation, he managed to stand up and accept the princess's offer to show him around the castle. "I...I'll be in your care then." he murmured softly, still unable to meet her gaze.

Jezebel led Joharis through the winding halls of the castle, pointing out various rooms and their functions along the way. The walls were adorned with intricate tapestries and paintings, and the floors were made of gleaming marble. The princess seemed to know every nook and cranny of the castle, and she spoke with pride as she explained the history of each room.

Joharis should have been awed by the majestic beauty of the castle, but his mind was preoccupied by the sudden flood of sensations in his second body, leaving him barely able to form a coherent thought. He could sense the princess beside him, and although he tried to focus on her words, his attention kept drifting to the overwhelming stimuli. His feeble attempts at conversation only added to the princess's misunderstanding of his behaviour, leaving him feeling embarrassed.

With the tour finally over, Joharis was left alone in the room with many questions unanswered. Tomorrow would mark the start of his training as a hero, and he couldn't help but feel a mix of curiosity and anxiety. As he looked around the room, he realized he didn't learn much about the castle or its inhabitants. However, he was glad that he had managed to make it through the tour without any major missteps, completely unaware of the misunderstanding between him and the princess.

He feels two heartbeats

The King reveals the danger

A casual chat

Rin_Elwyncreators' thoughts