
The Twilight Goddess : Chaos and Order ( MLBB 515 Fanfiction )

reven_dance · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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7 Chs


Once upon a time....

in the place called " Land of Dawn " where the war never stopped but when a woman named Lunox came which is also called the Twilight Goddess heal the tension between the Moniyan Empire and The Dark Abyss because of the power of her weapon.....

The Twilight Orb that has the balanced power of chaos and order which ease the drift between the two empires but it was only temporary because when Lunox release the power of the Orb, she was absorbed by the Twilight Orb and it still now it was hidden.

Then the Moniyan Empire tried to find the Orb to protect it from the Abyssan People and also to the greedy Queen of Apocalypse, Alice which also want to seek the power of Lunox' Orb.

But now the orb was nowhere to find but a girl found it.. She was called Amity.

Is she the next Twilight Goddess who will heal the rift between the two empires?


~ Guys for this novel yung language ng prologue is English but the chapters will be in Filipino Language to understand by the Filipino readers and to represent Filipino Language in the MLBB Crossover Writing Contest. Thank you for reading ~ revendance