
chapter 3: A stalker across the road

I was sleeping peacfully, warmed in my blanket and cushioned by my chair, i didn't want to get up at all. Then i heard a knock and woke up, annoyed i got out of my sweet cocoon and walked over to the small door. I opened it and saw that no one was their, as confused as i was i tried to ignore it, I was going to go back to sleep when the sweet delicious smell of broccali, chiken and white rice filled the air. The chinese food is here!. I climbed down the staircase and then downstairs to the dining room. Of course my parents were already eating their dumplings and noodles. I sat at the end of the table where i wouldn't be bothered by their slurping, honestly they should know better then to slurp their food so loud. As i was eating my food i tried to recap some of the anime episodes in my mind, just to keep me busy. But then thats when i rembered, my mom squirted some ketchup into her tray and i had the most weirdest thought. That thing the nieghbors were carrying, i still had no clue what it was, more importantly why they had it?. My mom gasped and i got startled," dear we forgot to buy the extra soap". she said to dad as she took the trays and threw them away. My dad had his (can't believe we forgot that) face on, then he turned to me. I of course looked around the room wondering why he was looking at me." soria, do you mind going out to the near by pharmacy and getting some soap". Thats when i knew, me?, going out at night!?, um excuse me but i do mind. I already saw enough creepy things today, but i am not going out alone in the dark just to buy soap. I tried telling my mom to tell him to go out and buy it himself but she said that he had to finish up some work. It was obivious, there was no way to convince them. i went upstairs to my room and got my sweater and sneakers on. I brought my phone, headphones and keys. I thought of bringing a weapon just in case, but it seemed a bit extreme. I walked downstairs and torwards the front door. More then anything i wish i could of just teleport the soap here. I walked out and closed the door behind me, it was worse then i thought. The dark night sky and the dark houses made the neighborhood look and feel like a ghost town. I put on my headphones and played some music to keep me busy and walked done the sidewalk to the pharmacy that was all the way on the other side of the neighborhood across the street. Once i was in the store i felt safe due to someone being inside and cameras being around, i took of my headphones and calmed myself down. Sadley the safety had to end when i bought the soap and walked out. Why me of all people. As i was walking back, i suddenly heard a strange noise that came from behind me, it sounded like...footsteps?. I didn't want to turn around so i tried speed walking, the steps sounded louder and closer, i started running."Don't look back, don't look back, don't look back". It was strange i felt the steps starting to desappear, but i continued running. Thats when, as i ran i saw a creepy black shadow from across the street looking at me. Once i was at my house, i walked inside quickly and closed the door behind me locking it."sweetie your back so fast. why are you out of breath?". Oh i don't know mabey because a creepy stalker was chasing me!. I handed her the bag with the soap in it and ran upstairs to my room. I kicked off my sneakers and hid under the blanket on my bed. I'm not leaving this blanket until it's morning. My heart was still racing from running but soon it slowed down as i fell asleep in bed.