
chapter 4: a new friend or enemy?(part 1)

"hm?. where am i". I heard birds tweeting and opened my eyes, i could feel myself sweating and it was a bit uncomfortable now. I rose up quickly and started coughing. why is it so hot in here all of a sudden?. I opened up the window to let in some cool air. did i really sleep until morning?. I got out of bed and walked downstairs, I saw one of my dad's shirt on the ground and my moms sweater."um?..". Please don't be what i think it is, please dont be what i think it is. I slowley walked down the rest of the steps and peeked from around the corner of the wall. what the?. My mom was wearing her short sleeved summer shirt and laying on the couch faning herself, My dad had his shirt off laying on the ground." what are you guys doing?". My mom looked up at me." oh..hey sweetie. sorry about the heat, your father accidentally broke the heater". I sighed, Of course it was my dad. I looked to the side of the wall and saw that one of of the pipes were actually broken. how?,no more even why?." um I'll be outside getting some fresh air, you guys..keep doing whatever your doing". I walked outside and closed the door behind me and took in some of the fresh air. finally, away from that horrible scene. The neighborhood seemed quiet, atleast i wasn't going to be bothered. The house across the street from ours looked like it was empty. No, i am not going near that thing. even though i have a thing for mysterys, theres no way I'm getting myself killed, buut, there could be alot of undiscovered things in there. No! No! No!. i sighed and sat down in front of the front door. mabey i should go inside.Just then i heard a loud creak come from across the street, I looked up and saw someone sneaking into the shed near the house. wait a sec, why wiuld someone sneak into their own house, unless. They don't live there?, wait is this a robbery, should i do something?, say something?. I couldn't help myself, i ran across the street to the house, as scared as i was, i quietly walked to the shed door which was banged up and had chains on it. As i slowley opened the door it creaked and the inside was dark, there were tools on the ground and old car parts, it seemed like a normal shed where people would put normal stuff. I sighed in releif, mabey i was just seeing things, i should head back before the neighbo-. Just before i could finish my thought i felt a hand touch my shoulder." hey, what are you doing in here". SELF-DEFENSE MODE ON!. I grabed their arm and with all my force i flipped the person over and onto the ground. crap, what did i just do?." u..um..don't move". The ground creaked and cracking sounds were heard, suddenly the floor broke and we fell. "ow". My back ached in pain and i could feel my face covered in dust. I sat up and coughed, dusting myself off i looked around. Where am i?." Hey!". I turned around and walking of out the darkness was a girl with long black hair and dark blue eye, dressed in a short black dress, she glared at me with an angry face. Wait..was she.. the person i flipped over..." you are in so much trouble!". I gulped and looked at her with a nervous face, I'm dead...