
The Truth Behind Our Burnt Bridge

Azumi and Katsuki are friends, but not in the way you'd think. It is a complicated situation. Azumi has a secret that she's kept away from him for way too long. She is not the girl he wants, but she still wants to help. "Why did I put myself in this situation?" Azumi always think to herself.

CuddlyPandaNya · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

Valintine's Flashback [M]

 "I did not change!" Azumi says angrily, turning back looking at Katsuki. "You just never cared to pay attention!" Azumi says, raising her voice. He stood frozen, she had never raised her voice at him, not once had she ever done that. "Leave, please." Azumi says to Katsuki with her back facing him. He shrugs his shoulders and turns around walking away. As she hears his footsteps disappear, she lets go of her strong posture. Her knees fall to the ground as she starts crying silently gripping onto her chest. "I hate you, I hate you so much." Azumi whimpers to herself. She inhales deeply as she exhales with a sigh. She collects her emotions and heads towards home. 

 As she walks towards her house she can see three female bodies in front of her gate. She wiped her tears as she realized that it was Uraraka, Hayami, and Tsu. "Hurry up girl!" Uraraka shouts as she is super excited. Azumi rushes over to the girls and hugs them. She opens her gate letting the girls enter first. She opens the front door while apologizing for her messy house. Indeed, her house isn't messy, but to her it was. The only actual mess was her work desk. It was covered in papers, coffee cups, and wrappers. She picks everything up and throws them away as the girls get comfortable. 

 "So, how's your story coming along?" Tsu asks Azumi. She stops and looks over at her desk with a sigh. "It's quite complicated, I can't seem to get the main character's true feelings." Azumi says in a sad tone. Uraraka and Hayami sat down on the couch as they looked over at Azumi. "Have you tried to put yourself in her position?" Hayami asks. "Yes, I did." Azumi replies. In fact, the novel she is writing is about her. No one knew of the inspiration of her novel; they just supported her unconditionally. Even Katsuki has no idea, considering he's read the first two books already. Uraraka stands up and gives Azumi a big tight hug and whispers "It's okay, I know you were crying". Azumi snuggles herself into Uraraka's embrace, Tsu and Hayami join in on the hug.

 Azumi walks over to her kitchen as she takes out the vegetables, the condom box falls out and the girls all fangirl over it. "So~ Who's this lucky man tonight? Huh?" the girls teasingly asked. Azumi blushes as she picks it up and places it on the table. "It's not for me, silly girls." She lies. "Bakugou asked me to pick some up for him later." she replies using his surname. "Bakugou?!" all the girls squealed and laughed. Hayami picks up the box and notices the XL label. "He's XL?" Hayami asks, blushing. "Well, the more we know." Uraraka says, smirking at Hayami. "I definitely didn't expect Bakugou-kun to be into that." Tsu says, rubbing her chin pretending to be a detective turning the box around. 

 "You're so lucky to know his size," Hayami says softly, slapping Azumi's arm. "Not as much luck when you really think about it." Azumi says with an awkward smile. Hayami gasps and says in a loud whisper "Did you and him..." she motions the hole and finger motion. Azumi's face turns fully red as she chokes on air. She pretends to laugh it off saying "Oh girl, no. Ew, not him". She doesn't want anyone to know. Katsuki and Azumi's friendship was different from normal. She remembers the first time it happened; it was as if it was yesterday. 

 On Valentine's Day, third year Azumi and Katsuki were walking home from school. He kept complaining on and on about how he did not get any chocolate. "Well maybe if you didn't have such a shitty attitude then girls would swoon over you, Shit Head!" Azumi says teasingly as she runs away from Katsuki. He chases her full of laughter and successfully grabbing her by the waist he pulls her into his chest breathless. Their faces are inches away from each other, suddenly Azumi pulls out a bag of chocolate from her jacket. Sticking her tongue out teasing Katsuki "Bleh! See, someone gave me chocolate". Katsuki tries to grab the bag away from Azumi but only pulls their body closer together. 

 "That's not fair! Frog girl gave those to you." Katsuki says reaching closer to the bag of sweets. "At least someone gave me something unlike you!" Azumi teases Katsuki as she escapes. They both stop in front of her house. She pats her skirt and takes the sweatpants off from under her skirt. Her mother did not like her doing such a thing as it makes her seem to be boyish. She didn't like to show her legs. The only person who has seen her legs besides her family is Katsuki and the girls at school. She greets her mother as she walks in. Katsuki also greets her mother, her mother hugs both her and Katsuki. "Alright! I'm off to work now. Behave yourself kids and don't set the kitchen on fire again." Azumi's mother says as she opens the door. 

 This was Azumi's teen life, her mother worked so much during the day but also worked at night until four in the morning. Katsuki places his bag down by Azumi's desk. They get started on their studies and finish around 10 p.m. They were home at 7 p.m. meaning they were faster than usual. It would usually take them until 12. Azumi reaches into her bag to put away her books when she sees the bag of sweets. "Hey Katsuki?" Azumi calls out to Katsuki as he lays on her bed looking at the ceiling. He hums a reply as he sits up to look at Azumi. "Do you want to share?" Azumi says to Katsuki as she puts chocolate in her mouth. 

 As she turns around to grab her wrapper that fell on the floor, she forgets that she was completely exposed to Katsuki. His gaze shifts to her lower body and blushes. He throws a small plushy at her making her turn to look at him. "What was that for?" Azumi asks. "Did you do that on purpose?" Katsuki asks, looking at her thighs. "Do what?" Azumi asks, very confused. He gets off the bed and walks over to her and picks her up and sits her on her desk. "Dude, what are you-" Azumi's words get cut off as she feels his hand softly touch her thigh. He leans in closer, placing his body in between her legs. 

 "Hey, you're being weird." Azumi tries to get his attention. His gaze stays focused on her skirt as he asks her "Do you want to try something?". "Um no thanks, I guess" she responds confusingly. He looks her in the eyes and asks, "Can you share a chocolate with me?". Azumi gives him a weird look because she had already offered but grabs a chocolate from the bag. As she unwraps it and hands it to Katsuki, his gaze doesn't leave her lips. She motions for him to take it, but to her surprise he takes it with his mouth softly licking her fingers as well. "Ew, gross. Why did you-" Azumi asks, looking at her fingers trying to ask him why, but gets cut off when he suddenly kisses her lips, smudging the chocolate over her lips. 

 He pulls away slightly as he chews and swallows the chocolate. Azumi in full shock mode turns red as she realizes what just happened. She places her hand on his shoulder trying to get off the table but stops when Katsuki asks her a question, "Can I kiss you again?". She looks up to meet his eyes, she doesn't know what to say. She nodded softly; she was unsure but felt as though she wanted to know more of this Katsuki. He softly licks her lips and gently presses his lips on hers. His hands start to rub soft circles on her thighs. Her hand on his shoulder made its way to the back of his head, softly tugging at his hair. He deepens the kiss making her hum softly, his hands make their way to her waist softly pulling her closer to his body.