
Chapter 19: Moving in with Lena

"HIYAAAA" Camila threw Lena of the couch and twisted her arms behind her back.

"Camila! What are you doing!" I yelled at her.

"Saving you Y/n! Run now! I only have 1 banana left!"

"Camila get off her! There's been a misunderstanding!"

"Camila! you've always been a good assistant, but if you don't get off my back I might consider firing you." Lena huffed. "I also want to mention I can easily throw you off but since you are Y/n's friend it would be a bad idea to hurt you."

"Uh what are you on about y/n"

"Well long story, but it seems like Lena is my fiancé."

Camila got off Lena and took a step back. "Your what?!"

"Dinah's outside waiting in the van and Normani and the others are ready to storm in, you could've told us something y/n."

"Well I'm back from the UK just now..."

I had never seen Camila this confused but we sat her down and invited the others in. We told them everything, from when I last contacted Dinah to the revelation of our engagement and Lena's side of the story.

I could see Lena get uneasy around the part where Lauren kissed me, but she grinned as I told them about rejecting her. 

"Well I warned you about Lauren, that bitch is crazy" Dinah muttered when we got to the part about the letter.

"I should have known better" I sighed. "But I honestly thought I could trust her, she had always been honest with me before I left her"

Once the story was over Lena went to the kitchen to get us drinks, cause honestly some of us needed one. 

"Holy shit y/n. You don't know how worried we were and rightfully so... and what now? Are you going to marry Lena?"

I blushed. "I mean... I don't have my memories anymore, we should take it slow you know... but eventually? Maybe yes? I mean I loved her before and I still feel something when I see her. So it could work."

"CAN I WALK YOU DOWN THE ISLE, Y/N?!" Camila exclaimed excitedly.

"You're already planning our marriage y/n?" Lena was back with the drinks and I couldn't help but turn beet-red.

"eh.. hehe no Camila is getting ahead of herself"

"I wouldn't mind though" She winked and sat down next to me handing me a glass.

"So what are you guys planning when Lauren returns? She will try to find her, and when she has her mind set on something she doesn't stop." Normani asked.

"Well I was thinking, if y/n doesn't mind being around me all the time, that me and her could move to Ireland"

"WHAT"Camila spat out her drink right in Dinah's face. "You are leaving us?!"

Dinah angrily glared at Camila while wiping off her face.

"I mean it would be the safest option, and I bought a house there around the time me and her got engaged. I think we were planning on moving there."

"Will you be safe there?"

"Safer than where Lauren has her whole underground empire. Besides I've got some of my friends coming with me.I just need to know one thing." Lena spoke to Dinah. "How to disable those things that stop supergirl? I need her to be able to protect y/n if we decide to move to Ireland."

"It's quite simple. The supergirl-block-thingy needs to be able to connect to all my access points. I only have those in national city, but since she's on our side I can disable them here too. I'll just destroy the machine."

"Thanks Dinah, and thank you for wanting to protect y/n. Even though you guys didn't understand what was going on you still had the best intentions for her and I'm grateful for that."

We talked for another hour before the guys made their way towards the door. "We'll talk to you tomorrow. Sorry again for the banana, Lena"

I stood up to go home with them.

"Where are you going, Y/n?" Lena asked with a somewhat disappointed look on her face.

"Home with them?" I replied.

"y/n, I was hoping that maybe you'd stay here with me..." This was the first time I'd seen her this shy before. Of course I wanted to stay with her.

"Really? If you don't mind..."

"Of course I don't Y/n. I want nothing more than for you to move in with me and if you were with them I'd be too worried something might happen to you."

Lena and I ordered pizza and settled down on the couch again. There was a bit of an awkward silence while we both sat facing each-other.

"Y/n..." Lena took my hands and looked me in the eyes. "You didn't say anything earlier, so I was a bit worried, but would you be ok moving to Ireland with me?"

 "Absolutely. I was just shocked that I finally have a real chance to move back to Europe after so many years. Of course I want to go with you."

"I'm looking forward to starting over with you" Lena smiled. "You'll love the place, I'm sure of it."

After a while Lena scooted a little closer. I felt myself getting extremely nervous. She held out her arms for me. "you don't mind cuddling, do you?"

"I don't"

We sat together in peace. However we'd soon have to prepare for a very busy and risky weeks ahead of us. But right in that moment the only thing that mattered was Lena.


The following days, surprising news started coming up, about an uprising. The Nightzone was expanding above ground, and the streets became more and more unsafe. Many people joined them. Houses were being searched and Lauren's tactics became more and more aggressive.