

Kelani Jordan is a girl who's been through hell and back, the tragedies in her life led her to a dark world where she becomes a top rated assassin with her unique beauty and seductive yet domineering aura she can swoop any man without lifting a finger. In this dark world of her's is there any hope of love?... Kayden Kross Black is a well known billionaire who finds himself tripping for a woman he knows nothing about. Is it love or lust?? Let's find out in the story

Speziellecucu42 · Thành thị
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5 Chs

The mysterious woman and the twists in her life.

She walks in red..hair silver and long, eyes captivating, lips seductive,her body is perfect and flawless, the second she moves to the music she captivates the crowd. Her body language is in perfect sync,her hips can kill without effort who is she that makes me want to grab her and claim her at this instant? Kayden Kross Black asks himself as his eyes scanned the beautiful woman on the stage. Never has a woman interested me, but this one... there's something about her...I feel like owning her without a reason. She's too beautiful to be ignored. I danced to the music seducing every man in sight but I had a mission and I will leave here successful I said smiling within. After the dance as expected my prey came to me like a blind rat chasing cheese. Bonsoir ma Belle! He greeted with a flirtatious smile, bonsoir monsieur! I responded with the same flirty smile.

I would like you to join me for dinner in my private room,if you don't mind? He proposed.. Sure monsieur I said smiling charmingly at him. He vai juste lave est apres he be venir shez toi. Dacor apres ma Belle. Oui monsieur I responded with a wink. Being an assassin makes me too smart, there's absolutely no language I can't speak,I mean.. it's part of my job to be good at everything I do. I took my bath and found the perfect outfit for my prey, you'd never be able to tell who I am, I always go undercover and today was different I wanted to dance with my real hair but no one would think of it as my hair because it's a really rare color. I wore a long red gown ,a black wig that covered my hair completely,I kept my eye contacts on because I knew I had strange eyes,I really I'm blessed with unearthly beauty, my eyes, my hair and my body,I do sports and lifts, I'm a marshall arts expert and nothing is too difficult for me. I wore a 7 inch heels,my gown was backless and had a split that ran all the way up to my upper thigh, my makeup was just perfect to disguise the real me, this was one hell of a kill that I didn't have the luxury of time.  When I was set,I left the room and strolled straight to the private room of Monsieur Boujoir.

   Knocks...Oh ma belle c'est toi? He says with a smile. Oui I responded smiling at him, pardon moi ma belle sil vout plait entre'... he said opening the door wide for me to enter. I walked in swaying my hips seductively. Excuse' moi ma belle me'st je juste voulai te dit...oui monsieur?? TU est manifique! He said and his eyes held nothing but pure lust...gross! I spat in my mind. Merci shu shu I responded smiling at him.  He offered me a drink which I took and had a sip,he had guards in the room. So I had to get rid of them. Shu shu...oui ma belle.. pardon moi met je voulais reste selement avec toi,I said this acting all shy, while indicating with my eyes what I mean. He understood and told his guards to go out. I decided to set my plan in motion and so I gave him a hot lap dance then took him to the bed after minutes of just massaging his back I snapped his neck and stabbed him in the heart, and left through the window. Sky was already waiting for me in the van, but then I bumped into this hot guy!

  Hey watch where you're going to,I screamed as I bumped into his hard chest. He didn't say a word, he had this dominating aura that made me shreak the second I looked into his eyes,his black eyes held nothing..it was the very first time I came across a man who turned me on without uttering a word. I.. I'm I'm sorry I stuttered. Hmm! Was his short reply as he walked away. I couldn't help but look at his exiting back. He's sexy! I blurted out loud only to hear someone clear his throat. Sky! ...Seduce! He called me by my code name. Let's go now before you rape someone's son he said looking as serious as always, making me roll my eyes at him. Don't worry I don't have that luxury of time to fuck any asshole! I fired at him walking ahead of him and slipped in to the car.

Kayden POV

   She disappeared after the dance and I was left blank, again! Sir Mr Rome is waiting for you in his private suit for the meeting. I nodded stood up and left. After the meeting I was on my way to my car when this sexy damsel bumped into me... she looked damn familiar but I couldn't make out where, staring at her rant and then go mute just made me realize that I'm still the same cold blooded human beign. No emotions to show especially with how she kept staring at me like a scaredy cat. I didn't have the time for drama..I wanted to get home and have a good rest. So I simply responded and walked away. I wish I had that woman on the dancefloor but she's just a slut and who knows how many men have already fucked her? Scott let's go I commanded my right hand man the second I sat in my car and we drove off.

The Dark Shadow

   Seduce! Boss! ... everything went well. As expected was his simple reply. Get me the eagle on your way out we have important issues to attend to, he with his usual relaxed expression. Okay Boss. As I turned on my heels to leave he called me. Seduce.. Yes Boss! Good job! Thank you Sir . You may leave! With that I left. The big Boss is like a father to us all, he took me in at a very tender age and made me who I am today,my teacher promised me that he'll help me find out what really happened to my family but up till date nothing. I've been doing my own research for the past 1 year without their knowledge,I will find out the truth eventually.


Knocks on the door. Who the fuck! Dares to disturb my sleep I grumbled walking towards the door. M... master the maid stutters with her head hung low ... Speak!  Your Mum is here to see you. I'll be there in 30minutes. I answer and shut the door. What does she want this time around? It's not like she really loves me...as a matter of fact she's not my real Mum so what brings her this far? I take a shower and throw some sweatpants on with a white T-shirt as I take the stairs lazily.

Good morning Jayden! She calls flashing a charming smile at me that didn't move even an inch of my body. What brings you here came my emotionless voice.  I came to see you because I missed you so much... Why?! Do I look like your son? I asked in a very carefree manner while sipping a cup of coffee. She shuddered at the sound of my voice and carefree outburst. I..I know I haven't been a good mother to you.. but I..I want to make it up to you. I see... came my short reply.

I'll always love you as my own,I ... Show yourself out when you're done here,I don't have time for drama. I said standing up and walking towards the stairs. I halted mid the stairs and said,.. this should be the very last time you walk in to my territory without permission,I won't be held responsible for anything if the worst comes to the worse. With that I walked up the stairs disappearing through the corridor.

   Mary's POV

Useless brat! I'm only nice to you because my son needs a promotion,I never loved you, your Mom was my mortal enemy, killing her was the best thing that ever happened to me. Grr! How do I get his attention now? I really need this, but it's safer to be on his good side than be an enemy of his, but we're his family and I'm sure he won't be that heartless with us. Anyways.. I'll keep trying till he listens to me, I need the money and if not for his wealth I'd be a nobody. Who could have thought that Rebecca's useless son will turn out this successful?? I don't know why I spared him while he was still a kid,I should have killed him long ago. She angrily storms out of the house and leaves the mansion.


   Hello Carlos! Yes Boss! I want you here in thirty minutes, make sure you come with everything I asked for else... you'll have the dungeon to deal with. I hung up and decided to work in my study. I was attending a conference call when I was interrupted by a knock on the door . Come in! He walked in shut the door and stood waiting for me to let him sit. Okay Mr Lim my PA will make the necessary arrangements and bring to you, that said have a wonderful day Mr Lim. Thank you Mr Kross he said,I ended the call.

    Good day Boss,..he said handing me the envelope. I see the Williams are taking the wrong directions and are trying to get a contract with me at the same time I thought as I stared at every piece of information in the file. 

   Carlos POV

He's been staring at the papers without a word,his face is emotionless, nothing seems to change about this his Boss, you'll never know what he's thinking or planning to do. You can never tell the next word or the next thing he's about to say.

   Tell them I'm not interested in their proposal,if they ask why...you know what to do. His voice brought me out of my thoughts,...Yes Boss. With that he woke up to leave when I remembered to tell him what his father said. Boss ... What?!

   Your father has asked for your presence at your family mansion,he says the family of the Lukes  will be gracing the event...Tell him I'm not available. With that he left me in the study room.

     The Kross's Mansion

Dad why do you even keep trying to get his attention, it's not like he's a member of this family... Shut up! Derick thundered at his second son. But Dad... I said shut that thing you call a mouth young man! He's your elder brother, whether you admit it or not the reason why you're still standing there alive and unscathed is because of him,his name and his kindness, the best thing we can do for him is to get a good and decent bride for him from a noble family. And you think Annabelle is the best option? I set my eyes on her first,why must it be him who has to get all the beautiful things isn't that wrong Dad? 

    If you set eyes on her first what stopped you from doing the right thing? Answer me!  You waited for her to be chosen for your brother before you jump up to lay claims on what was never yours to begin with. If you speak again, I'll forget you as my younger son and show you why I'm your father. With that he stormed out.

At the far end of the living room stood his younger sister who was 16  Jayden is her favorite, even though he's never smiled at her, she found him really cute and more of an elder brother, she's seen him once but that was enough to stir the sisterly love for her brother in her. She has absolutely no idea why her brother hates her step brother so much but she doesn't care, because she sees nothing harmful in Jayden. All of them have just weird rumors about him,at first when her mother described him she thought he was a monster both in looks and attitude. But the day she set eyes on him she could testify that no man could match her brother's handsomeness,he could even pass a beauty test. I just hope that things go well at the family meeting, and I really hope he shows up.

         Kross's Company 4:00PM

Good day Boss I settled everything you asked me to,Mr Lim signed the documents, the Williams will no longer ask for a contract from us and... I was concentrating on the paperwork in front of me while listening to Carlos' report when his voice halted. I instantly knew that was a glitch something went wrong and his face says it all. And what?... Boss your father says if you don't show up at the family dinner, he'll sign a marriage contract between the Lukes and the Kross, with you being the groom and Annabelle being the bride. Is he mad I thought,in my head with a very calm expression on my face which was the exact opposite of how I felt within. At what time is the dinner? 7:00PM .  I have a board meeting in 30 minutes make sure the car is ready before 7:00PM and Carlos!... Yes Boss. Tell Andrew to dig up every nasty stuff about Annabelle,they just messed with the wrong man.

      Seduce' Room

Knocks on the door..

Come in! Oh good evening sir... good evening  seduce how are you? I'm fine Sir. Heard your mission was successful, congratulations! Thank you sir! You have another mission tomorrow night, it's Mr Francisco, he's a Chinese man, you'll disguise as a Chinese tycoon, he's smitten by smart women,get his suitcase titled B65032 everything you need to know is here in this file he said dropping a blue file on the table,do a clean Job. I trust your abilities, make me proud. He said and turned to leave,ok sir was my short reply. I've always known my teacher has a soft spot for me, which may have grown to feelings but I don't feel the same way which is why I never get too deep in to conversations with him because I might just be my usual self and blurt things out. I see him as an elder brother and that's where the line is drawn. 


     7:00PM at the Kross' Mansion

Everyone was sited at the table eating and chatting,they gave up that he was going to show up,mid their meal a tall, handsome, beautiful and we'll defined young man stood at the entrance of the house with a face void of any emotions. He lazily strolled to the dining section and watched the faces of the people in the dining room,his eyes gave a fleeting look at the girl on the table with her family and his supposedly family members. He pulled out a sit, and sat down without uttering a word. Everywhere was dead silent, the maid didn't dare lay food nr wine for him because he didn't trust any member of that family. He shifted his gaze to his younger sister, she's grown. I thought staring at her angelic face, she's a spitting image of my Dad, which is weird. I shifted my gaze to my Dad and then asked Carlos to come in. I signaled him to hand over the file to my Dad which he did. I sat quietly staring at him, I watched his face grow pale instantly and I then turned to the girl who hasn't stopped staring at me since I got in, what's that name of yours again?? Annabelle she said smiling at me shyly,..wow she looks innocent but are her parents aware?  So you woke up and came here with your parents, so that we'll have a contract marriage..are you that useless? I asked with the least interest.

A frown settled on her face. Miss ...do something reasonable with your life! I said standing up and walking out with Carlos, mid way I stopped remembering something and.. this should be the very first and last time you pull me out with a threat,I don't want to show you the other side of me. With that I walked out.


    I don't even know why I spoke a lot I rarely do that and so I hope this never repeats itself. I'm getting tired of their persistence. Carlos tell Tiger to meet me tomorrow at 6:00PM I have an event to attend, you'll handle all the important issues at work I have other important things to fix. I hate showing up at events but this is different.. he made a good offer and so I hope he keeps it up to my expectations.

I spent the rest of the day planning my mission,it looked simple but tricky at the same time, everyone wondered why I became the chief's favorite over night, it's not like I didn't deserve it,I was the best but they weren't giving me a break. It's more like they were trying to distract me, it's not like they could because I will always go back in search of the truth and like it was magic,I received a call telling me that I'll be receiving a package by 9:00 PM . I found it convenient enough for me since I'll be done with my mission by 8:00PM. Enough time to know the truth. Staring in to the mirror checking out myself one more time before stepping out, my Boss handed me a gift which I wholeheartedly accepted but knew better than to wear it. The dark shadows knows how to keep tabs on everyone and I need no eyes on me after 8:00PM so I won't risk it. I walked out, with sky being my driver, he's a hacker the best so far that I think is in the world, because he gets paid for his job, he's my eyes and ears in every mission. Seduce are you set he asked the second I stepped in to the car which I nodded to. I was dressed in a black body suit, which had a veil running from the shoulders to the floor my makeup was masking enough and my eyes were covered with contact lenses, I was looking like a dominant business woman, and I was ready to do my job. We arrived at the venue, leaving sky behind to do his job I stepped in to the Hall which held various business men and women. I strolled elegantly and got a glass of wine. I mingled and associated with the crowd and when it was time,I got the attention of my prey and we got talking and just like that he fell right in to my trap and I made a way for us to have some privacy I did a clean Job and stepped out at exactly 8:00PM looks like I'm set to go. I turn on my heels drop my empty glass and start heading down the stairs when I realize I took a long track,I decided to use the back entrance and just like before I bumped into a hard chest since everywhere was pitch black. I couldn't see a thing but that perfume, it's that sexy guy! I thought excitedly. He held me still and said...why choose a dark path when you're a lady? I'm sorry came my honest reply... That voice... it's you again, seriously what's it with you and strange places?? You're a lady for Christ sake!! He spoke in an annoyed tone. I sat quiet, he switched on his touch and stared at me for a while... damn he has the sexiest eyes I've ever seen...who is he? He stared at me for what seemed like forever and then suddenly walked away leaving me alone to myself without another word.

      I stared at his disappearing figure when someone spoke to me through the telecom. I think that's enough staring seduce how about we go back to the base? That'll be enough ease-dropping for you today Sky! I scolded him already pissed. You can return to the base I have something to take care of. The chief won't like this,...he tried to warn me. Well don't worry I'll save my ass myself.  If you insist he said giving up.               

            He drove off,I checked my watch I still had 30 minutes left, looks like that sexy guy stole some of my minutes. Well I don't have the time to catch fun,I walked towards a certain direction and took my bike I took off every tracking device and climbed the bike wearing my helmet,I reached the exact location where we were supposed to meet, it was a secluded area.

                He handed the sealed envelope to me and left. I took in a deep breath and opened the envelope, brought out the file and scanned the contents and everything within me was clouded by range. The truth was too bitter to be true. The same organization that took me in killed my parents, the people I've killed for them turned out to be completely innocent,they aren't what the organization accused them of. Everything became too difficult for me to understand, where did I go wrong? What did my parents do to deserve this wickedness? All they ever did was show kindness to everyone, I thought I was cursed when everything happened and I lost everything,I thought the organization loved me since they took me in wholeheartedly, turns out they are the worst thing that ever happened to me. They will pay with every drop of their blood I swore in anger.  I got on my bike and drove to the base. I decided to bomb the entire organization and I wanted to do it regardless of the outcome,I wanted all of them dead and forgotten. I got on my bed and cried myself to sleep woke up the next morning and went straight to the chiefs office, since he summoned me.

Good morning chief! Good morning seduce. I was told you didn't return to the base last night. I needed to blow of some steam chief the missions keep adding up. I see but your trackers weren't working.. he said scanning her body language with his eyes. Not my fault chief,must have been a glitch from the base and my location. He narrowed his eyes at her, Seduce isn't a top rated assassin for nothing. She's actually the best and even her teacher isn't as good as her, she can hack, she can create things you never imagined, killing her parents was a great benefit to the organization. Congratulations on your accomplished mission yesterday. Thank you chief. You may have your day to rest. Thank you I said stepping out of his office.


    Hello Mr Dante...yes I'll be there soon.. dials hawk's number. Chief!...

Hawk keep an eye on your student,I won't like it to end badly for her. It was a threat that hawk knew too well. With that the chief hung up.

   Hawk's POV

What is Seduce up to this time around? It's not like I never noticed that she's been investigating, I've known for a very long time but dissuaded her by making sure she gets the wrong investigators, the truth will break her so protecting her is the only option I have. What is she chasing at this time around? It's not going to look good if she screws things up.  I'll need to stop by her flat later. Right now I've got business to attend to.

*************Seduce Flat************

      She was busy packing up bombs which she was going to use on the base,her state of mind was a mess she couldn't think straight, everything was messed up and the only thing she felt right now was hatred, serious hatred for her life and the organization,they turned her into their puppet, she did everything they asked her to do, everything! Without questions, she became the best in everything because she wanted to be praised by her teacher Hawk. Hawk lied to her, because there's absolutely no way that he won't know the truth about her identity. How can she face her grandfather now, her only surviving family, the one she can trust, how can she?? They will all pay with their blood. After getting everything set, she put her plans in motion, seducing her way through every corner where she felt like placing the bomb. The most difficult part was the computer center handled by Sky. I had to be smart, because even though he's a computer wizard, women aren't his thing, getting his attention wasn't difficult,I wore a nice sexy gown, that revealed both my boobs,back and gave out a perfect shape of my figure. I walked in the IT unit, he was with another weirdo, I signaled him to give us some privacy, which he did still scanning me with lust as he stepped out. I strolled up to sky...I held his chair and spunned it around for him to be facing me, the second he saw me he started sweating. Seduce.. what the heck! Why do you look like that? He asked with a shocked expression on his face,his eyes were almost popping out of their sockets. I want to have fun Sky and I want you I said dragging every word in a seductive manner while leaning forward to give him a clear view of my cleaverage. S..See.. Seduce! He stuttered staring at my cleaverage in panic, I leaned in trying to kiss him but he fell with his chair and ran out. Good boy! That was easier than I thought, looks like you're also affected by women.


    I switched off everything and somehow,it seems like what I did made him take a serious break, he left the base and went to God knows where. When everything was set I went to my Flat to get the remaining stuff,as I stepped in and grabbed my purse I turned to exit when the main door creaked open,I instantly threw a dagger at the door which missed my target just by luck as I heard him say... Nice shot! Hawk! I said and my eyes darkened. He turned to look at me and instantly went dumb, I smirked at his lustful stared,he quickly collected himself and said... Where were you last night? Around.. came my curt reply. You know what I'm talking about Seduce! He barked with his hazel eyes staring at me in an intimidating aura. Well.. well.. well aren't you the most seductive teacher I've ever seen,I said stepping down from the stairs seductively and walking towards him,I stood directly Infront of him and touched his hair,his face, eyes and then I stared at his lips and bit my bottom lip then stared at him. You're fucking hot Sir! I could tell the exact change in his body language and I liked it , there's no better way to kill a prey than to lure them into the trap laid for them. Seduce! I'm not one of your missions he barked angrily. I leaned closer to his lips and said..If not for the titles hawk, I'd want you to take me raw.. but! Then again... I'm heading out why don't you calm that little brother of yours while I catch some fun and return I might still want to be the woman under you loosing her pride and staining your sheets. He shut his eyes tightly to control his mind and by the time he opened them I was standing behind him leaning on the door. That's what I am,..a hot tease that makes you dream of sex but will never let you even taste my skin.

     Seduce! Came his authoritative voice,I bit my bottom lip, licked it, opened the door and stepped out with a sexy smile on my face. He won't recover too quickly from that which means I have enough time to get out and blast this damn place including him. I thought while walking my way out of the base.


Hawk's POV

    I walked in and only missed the dagger by chance, turning to look at her...holy fuck! She looks damn hot and everything seems in place,I collect myself and ask her a question that she answers in a less interested manner . I try to intimidate her but she ends up throwing flirty words at me and even almost got me,I tried so hard to control myself and I almost lost in when she spoke about giving herself away,I had no idea my body was already acting on it's own,as I shut my eyes to open them later, she was standing at the door still teasing me with every action of hers,her lips are damn seductive! How on earth did she end up with everything perfect in the first place? I now understand why all her preys never go scot free. She's really sly.

Why on earth is she trying to Seduce me? What did I ever do to deserve such torture?? It took me 30 minutes and the noise from my ringing phone to get out of my lustful mind.

       Hello.. she knows! And... And what?! He barked. She's going to blow up the place. WHAT!!! Came his shocked voice. She seduced me to distract me. What the fuck Seduce! The chief would hunt you down if anything goes wrong I thought running out of her condo in search of her. She was already holding the remote control for the explosives. But her position could kill her. I rushed and pushed her almost the same time she pressed the remote control that caused a massive explosion. And she fell unconscious. Seduce! Seduce! She wasn't responding. She had lost consciousness. How can you be this careless? I asked at her unconscious figure. I carried her to a private center hospital,meant only for people like us. The deed had been done...I had to clean her mess,at least she won't remember anything when she wakes up. She'll get the life she's always wanted. I'm sorry... I said staring at her sleeping beautiful face as I placed a kiss on her forehead. Is it necessary? asked Charles our Doctor who's also my close friend. Yes! Do it... it's for the best! He said giving my face one more look before walking out of the Organization's private center. He halted at the door. When the deed is done,send her to the UK hospital. But... But nothing! She's going to be safer very far away from here, from us and from all of this.. he finished his words and left.

      You're in deed one lucky girl and your beauty can charm any man. I hope you find luck with your new life Charles said before he started carrying out Hawk's order. Let's hope you fall in to good hands.

      She's been this way since she was brought here, she hasn't moved a muscle. The doctor examining the patient on the bed said. I can hear voices and beeping sounds... where I'm I? I asked myself as I struggled to open my eyes repeatedly, untill I was successful. Doctor! She's awake.. the nurse said, making the doctor halt in his exiting steps. He turned towards the patient and started examining me. I was told I had an accident and I have been in a coma for two months. They asked me for my name but... I don't know..I can't remember! I couldn't remember anything.. nothing at all. Was my accident that bad? I asked no one in particular. Not even your name?? I shook my head in denial.

Days had passed and it's been two weeks since I woke up,I decided to leave the hospital and get a life. I left the hospital thanking the doctor who showed me nothing but pure care and concern during my stay at the hospital. It was dark when I left, everywhere was strange to me. I walked for hours and saw a big mansion,I was wearing a simple white flir gown,I don't know why but I just felt safe around here. I sat beside it and saw a car driving towards my direction,I hid behind a tree and waited for it to go inside as I stood at the gate I felt hungry,I could tell it was really late because of how dark it was I stepped out of my hiding place and decided to knock on the gate to beg for food..I don't know how I ended up in this secluded area or mansion in the first place,it is confusing. As I knocked someone approached,I was startled and scared but then he scanned me and his eyes could tell me clearly that I was really attractive just by one look because he kept staring at me without uttering a word. Please.. can you help me with food.. I'm hungry. My small voice creaked as I spoke. He blinked repeatedly before telling me to wait outside. While I was waiting I felt dizzy and passed out in front of the gate.

What the heck Carlos!! I barked angrily from the abrupt halt of the car. I'm sorry Boss but there's an unconscious lady liying Infront of the gate,... What?!

     I screamed. I got down from the car to see what he was saying only to be met by a beauty... she looks really familiar. But how did she get here?? I thought confused. I carried her and got into the car.. Carlos you can continue. I kept looking at her unconscious face...

     This is crazy! I thought as we drove in to the compound, I stepped out of the car and carried her into the house, she looks fragile and weak,..call the medic! Yes Boss.

      I've been staring at her for like...I don't even know how long, bingo she's that dancer from that party in Spain. But.. how did she even end up here?? Spain isn't close... how did she really end up here, Infront of my gate?? I thought really confused, while staring at her as the doctor examined her.

        She's fine she's just starved, make sure you feed her well and.. she stirs in her sleep and opens her eyes. What the fuck! Are those her real eyes or contact lenses ? They are damn sexy and beautiful I've never seen anything like them before. Miss? The doctor called her attention and she stared at him, he froze for a minute. Yes ...was her reply in a very melodic voice. Are..are you okay? Mmhmm! I'm just really hungry she said batting her eyes cutely. Please where I'm I?

   You're in my house! Came his calm but intimidating voice. That voice sounds familiar.. but I've never seen him before. I ...I.. I'm sorry I didn't mean to...I was just...I just begged for food. I ...I didn't know ...I didn't know I'd end up here ... I'm sorry I stood up to go but he made me sit back. Calm down and sit quietly, you may leave. He said to the doctor who quickly excused himself. I just noticed her hair... it's silver. What a strange hair color. I walked up to her and stood in front of her looking down at her, and she gulped in fear. I scanned her with so much curiosity that didn't show in my eyes. What's your name?

I ..I don't know... I looked at her in disbelief. Honestly..I really don't know, she said with pure honesty. What do you mean by you don't know? You're not 5 years old and you're not a baby so what do you mean by you don't know? I truly don't know...I woke up two weeks ago at the hospital,I couldn't remember anything,I was told I had an accident and that's all I know..no one showed up at the hospital for me so I decided to leave, I really don't know how I ended up in this area because I was just walking absentmindedly. He stared at me intently without saying a word. Are those your real eyes? Came his curious question. Yes they are,was my honest reply. A knock interrupted us. Come in Nanny Mercy, she walked in and gave the food to her and left. You should eat! I said getting up to leave. You're leaving me alone?? I asked scared. He raised a brow and then turned to me with an evil smirk,then walked up to me and said... Are you scarred little lamb? I swallowed hard at his question... he's very handsome! I thought while biting my bottom lip,his eyes darkened. He stared at my lips and then my eyes. Good night! I'll see you in the morning. With that he left me alone. It was when he left that I realized I was holding my breath. He's really handsome and seductive too I thought shyly.   


     Carlos! Boss I want you to find everything about her, and when I say everything I mean every damn thing about her. Yes Boss. You may leave! I poured out some whiskey in a glass and sipped on it while sitting down thinking about what just happened. I never let strangers in to my house, but today here I am housing a total stranger,her voice sounded like the girl at the parking lot but she looks like the dancer. What's happening here? Are they the same person or are they different people? I questioned myself deeply. She looks so innocent and very seductive too, how can she seduce me without even knowing? Is she that powerful? She doesn't need to do anything at all, she's like a natural seductress. I almost lost it when she bit her lips. What I'm I really thinking? She's really innocent she doesn't even have a name. Damn! This is so fucked up! I spend two hours working on some papers, I'm exhausted and nothing feels better than a good bath.

        I need a cool bath, and a good sleep I have a lot to do the next day. Stepping out of my study I see someone walking down the stairs towards the second floor, looks like she finally changed her dress, but why is she still awake at this hour? And how did that thin thing end up on her body? This is physical seduction, I really hope she's really lost it.


     Kelani's POV

I've been tossing and turning on the bed non-stop,I feel so empty.. like I've lost something very important in me, there's this guilt I'm feeling but I can't seem to understand why. The nanny handed a really thin silky satin nighty for me to wear to bed, she says she'll get me something comfy tomorrow. I don't know why but...I don't mind sleeping in it, but.. this isn't my house and wearing it feels awkward,I don't want to pass the wrong information to the owner of the house who let me stay here without questioning me , it's really late.. I'm sure no one is still awake, looking at the watch it's 12:00AM already. I pulled myself out of bed and twisted the door knob,I peeped outside and everywhere was dead silent. I stepped out and shut the door. I just wanted to walk out of the house and take some air, I'm really alone in this world...no family.. nothing at all. 

     I walk till I see stairs leading to the second floor and I kept walking till I saw another leading to the third floor. Wow so many stairs! I said feeling tired already...who builds a house like this?? You walk till you're tired,ha what if someone passes out while climbing these stairs? I sit on the stairs feeling exhausted already, because I could clearly see that this wasn't even over.  I sit down.. looking at my life now...I don't get it...why is everything happening to me this way? I start crying and sobbing while cleaning my tears,whom did I really offend? God what did I do to deserve this? Do I really have no family? As I kept crying I felt a presence and saw a handkerchief. Here take...

     Jayden's POV

I followed her down the stairs and heard her grumbling repeatedly, till she lazily sat on the stairs, she's been talking to herself for a while and before I know it she ends up crying. I actually thought I was dreaming but then she asks herself three questions and cries even more. What the heck is happening to her?  I don't know why but I felt like wiping away all her tears and making who's responsible for it,pay with their lives,or his or her life. I just have this urge to protect her. I walk up to her and handed out a handkerchief to her. Here take this. She raised her teary eyes to look at me.


           ...thank you! She responded gingerly collecting it from me. You should stop crying. If you were the one will you stop crying? She asked me tearing up even more. Look... crying won't fix anything because...

    You're not the one who woke up in the hospital alone, with no family,no friends and no memories. You don't know how you got there.. nothing feels familiar, everything feels new to you. I had no idea my words would affect her wrongly,she really feels frustrated. I'm sorry.. came my short reply surprising even me. It's okay I'm sorry too and thank you.. for taking a total stranger in to your house... I'm grateful. Don't worry I'll leave tomorrow morning... It's okay, you can stay, I'll try my best to find out if you have any relatives left. Thank you very much she said hugging me,I was surprised with her swift movements that I didn't respond to her hug but she didn't mind. She kept hugging me saying thank you. It's okay you should go to bed it's really late I said informing her. Oh okay..was her reply. She stood up to go but damn her nighty was really short,it had thin arms and ended under her bum. Her cleaverage was really exposed and her nipples were pointing directly at me. I stared at her thin heart shaped lips which were really red and then her eyes,...I gulped down a lump on my throat, she's spotless and flawless,her long hair is loose and runs all the way under her bum. She looks shy and avoids eye contact while trying to cover up her body with her hands. I smirked... silly lamb! What do you think you're trying to do I asked while walking up to her.


      His eyes are dangerous,they make me shiver,they make me shy.. and I didn't notice until I covered my body up with my hands. And then he smirked and said silly lamb! What do y think you're trying to do? His voice was very seductive and scary at the same time that it made me step backwards and I tripped but he caught me. He stared at me, my body then his eyes landed on my lips and lingered there for a while. Then he surprisedly carried me up bridal style while climbing the stairs and got to my room. He laid me on the bed and stared at me again without saying a word. I felt like disappearing. But then he kissed me on the forehead and stared at my lips but... the next second he covered me up , stood up and walked out of the room without a word. I was still sweating from the effect his eyes had on me. What is this strange feeling I have towards a complete stranger I just met? Maybe I'll know tomorrow or the day after or a year from now. I just hope he helps me find out about me..I really want to know

      I don't know what is happening to me. What is she doing to me? I'm slowly loosing control... what is happening today? In just a few hours of being with her I've lost my sanity. Her shyness almost made me snap. What is really happening to me? I just hope I can keep it together, because I don't want to pass the wrong information to her, she's damn innocent, even though her features aren't. I guess I'll just sleep over it and avoid her tomorrow.

Khelani's room

       I was woken by the chittering and chipering of the birds and the blinding lights from the curtains that sent me blinking rapidly. I yawned and stretched and decided to take a shower. As I stepped out of the bathroom I decided to dry my hair and dress up,I untied the robe and threw it on the bed, going to the closet to get something to wear when I felt a presence behind me...I turned only to be met by those seductive pair of dark eyes staring at me,... gasps! I quickly ran to the bed and grab the robe and covered up looking away quickly. He still stood there unfazed, nothing to read from him but..his eyes scanned me and I instantly felt transparent. Hm hm clears throat. I'm sorry for coming in without knocking thought you'd still be sleeping,he said still staring at me,I refused to face him..I mean he just saw me naked. I don't know what's happening with me lately. I'll be out for a while, feel at home! He informed me and turned to leave... I'm sorry! He turned around to look at me with a raised brow..? I..I ..I didn't mean to leave the door open, and.. it's your house you can walk in when ever you feel like it.  Is she serious? I thought...yh it's my house but walking into a girl's room without knocking is inappropriate. Just get dressed was my short reply. And I turned to leave again but then...can I come with you? Was her next question. I turned around and stared at her again and said..No! Stay here. I have a busy schedule. Was all he said and left.

Hello!.. Yes send everything to my email I'll check on it once I get to the office. Tell Harper to lay low for a while,tell Bruce to take over at the dungeon, I'll stop by at the training center for a bit. Any news on the Andrews? Yes Boss! They want to propose a mining contract to you. Tell them to send the details to you, make sure you examine them..I want no mistakes,..you know what would happen if you mess things up. Yes Boss! About Her tell Tiger he's in charge of her protection,any mistakes would be on his life. Yes Boss. Good! With that I hung up and went to freshen up quickly and head to work. On my way out I saw her wearing a modest gown with her head tied in a ponytail. She was smiling with Tiger. Is this how it's going to be? Smiling with just anyone,he noticed my presence and I signaled him to come over. I told you to be her body guard not her comedian..so get to work before I teach you a lesson you'll never forget. She came rushing to me with a cute smile.. you're leaving?


Can't I tag along? She asked batting her lashes like a cute little bunny, I was left in a trans. Just what exactly is she? She's seducing me without even lifting a finger. 

No! I said turning to leave.. but then she grabs my arm. Please..I really don't want to stay here.

I gave her a quick glance and said.. fine! 


We got into the car and drove off, when we got to the company all eyes on us, she on the other hand refused to leave my arm, she clung to me like a baby holding it's favorite ice cream, I'm not the touchy type of person but..I don't know why I can't stop her from getting away with what she wants. She's been a good company and a good distraction through out my meetings, she doesn't say a word but my only physical meeting kept throwing lustful glances at her, which got me so pissed that I nearly strangle the guy,

Mr Zou we'll talk when you're ready for business. I said announcing the end of our meeting. He tried begging but I'm ruthless with business and everything,so begging me would be useless. When he left,I got on an online board meeting with foreign investors and just when no one could come up with a reasonable solution, she spoke leaving me in shock.

How about they increased production and reduced prices it'll help balance profits and increase customers thus fighting competition and increasing profits she replied in Chinese. She herself was surprised.

Thank you Mr Kross! They said and I ended the call. I stared at her intently.. just who the hell are you? I thought to myself. I decided to check my email and I watched all that Carlos had gathered about her, she was brought her 1 month ago in a black sedan Van,they dropped her off at the hospital in an unconscious state,they look like shady people,it was done at odd hours of the day so no one could actually tell, parts of the videos were tampered with, I decided to call Carlos.


Yh I saw everything you sent, do more..I need results with that I hung up,

I checked my watch and it was already 4:00PM . Did I take that much time? She hasn't eaten anything yet and she seems to be fast asleep. I carried her to my secret chambers at the office , and laid her down. I prepared some food and when she woke up she was looking very beautiful. I don't know why but I find myself staring at her continuosly.

I showed her to the bathroom where she took a shower and wore my shirt and pants. Her hair's still damp and her lashes too her lips are really red and she walks to the table. 

You cooked?

Yep! Eat ! I said after filling her plate she started eating silently...I ate mine in the same way. After a while I poured out some juice for her to drink after the meal. I decided to work on some papers and I had no idea how far my curious lamb had gone. The next thing I heard was laughter..then music. I decided to check on it only to find her in my room drinking wine and dancing with my shirt on and nothing else under. Where did the trousers go to? The next thing I knew a dagger came flying my way and I really missed it by luck.

Knock before you enter, this isn't your house! She said in a commanding tone.

Wow! Interesting! I went straight to her, and then she noticed it was me, she tried covering up while looking away.

I see...so you've still got some sanity Left?  Look at me! "She faced me, and I stared at her for a while,then looked at the number of wine and whiskey bottles she's take

..ten! ?? I turned to look at her with a shocked face.

You're cute! Was her reply. Me..? You're hot, and sexy and seductive and.. "I kissed her to shut her up. But this little lamb was too curious her hands were clinging tight to my shirt and then she pulled me in for More. The demon in me lost it's way instantly and I pinned her to the wall kissing and romancing her breast which earned a moan from her, she kept moaning and I kept kissing her, she pulled up my shirt and I took off her shirt she was left in her panties,I stared at her body with pure admiration and then I looked in to her eyes and saw fear. I noticed I had gone too far I pulled away and kissed her forehead, lifted her up and placed her on the bed."

I'm sorry.. "she didn't respond she instead pulled me in for another kiss,I used all my willpower to resist. I pulled away and stared at her eyes,"

whatever you're craving for...you can't have it. "I lifted her up and took her to the bathroom, just as I was about taking off her clothes to place her in the bathtub, she clung tightly to me and refused to take off anything. I gave up and carried her to the bed and covered her up.  When I was about leaving she grabbed my wrist."

Don't go.. she said with pleading eyes, ..? "Sighs and I sat down beside her. After 30 minutes of silence..."

I'm I not beautiful and attractive enough? "Came her question...I was puzzled and so I asked her what she meant." 

You suddenly stopped kissing me and dressed me up.

Because you're not in your right state of mind! You've still not answered my question..

You're very beautiful, sexy, attractive and very seductive even when you're not trying to be. I just don't want to do the wrong things and...

"she kissed me again this time around passionately, things got so heated,her things were all off just when I was about going down.."

P..P..Please.. stop I'm not ready please..I I'm not....

Shhhhp it's okay.  she looked really scared.

"I'm really loosing it. What was I trying to do? Damn! Jay you messed up big time."

I'm sorry...I apologized sincerely. "What has really come over me? I got dressed and wore her shirt back on. I wanted to leave but she held me again. This thing is getting out of hand.."

I can't stay...

Please just stay. "I looked at her she really makes me feel helpless. We sat there for a while...no one saying a word."

I'm sorry I couldn't continue...I just..got scared.

It's okay,is it your first.. time? Are you.. I paused and finished the sentence. a virgin?

I..I .. don't know.

"That's right she doesn't remember anything,.."

It's okay. I'm not upset,I just don't like how far things went I almost lost it. This shouldn't really happen again..


Because it's wrong, it's like I'm taking advantage of you..

But you're not!

Changes nothing! Look .. you're drunk and I'm sober, things shouldn't go wrong between us right now. 

Okay she answered quietly. Where are we?

My office. Oh was her reply, "she seems to be drifting to sleep. That's good. I tucked her in and slipped out of the bed to the other room and sleep. Today was a crazy day. I hope tomorrow will be less stressful. I fear for her. Tasting her is a bad idea,I don't even know her name on anything, and I'm not that evil to sleep with her in that state, I'll try my best to prevent this from happening again. In just two days I've grown a serious liking to her,is this love or lust?

    Time will tell, with that I drifted off to sleep. I woke up feeling a warm and soft thing wrapped around me, she smelled like fresh vanilla, and her hair like roses. I opened my eyes to see her sleeping figure. How did she get here? She seems to be running a fever!

No!... Please.. don't! Stop! Please stop she kept saying in her dream.

Hey I said trying to wake her up,I kept shaking her until she woke up and hugged me tight. Woah! Calm down I'm right here..no one is going to harm you okay? Shush calm down.. I'm right here nothing is going to happen to you,sssh shhhh, it's okay. I tried to calm her down. She seems really terrified.

After hours of soothing her I decided to take a shower and get food delivered, because I need to know what is happening to her, she can't keep screaming like this while sleeping. Phone rings.... Carlos! Boss I did some further digging turns out she seems to be more than just a pretty face.. get to the point Carlos don't waste my time! I fired..I hate twist and turns it's really bad for me reason why I'm heartless. She's been spotted with various business men and politicians, but the thing is she's always looked different, and the interesting part about this is all of them end up dead. And another thing is no one finds out, she's seen only in few instances on the CCTV footage,the rest is yet to be seen. I c... just keep digging till I tell you to stop with that said he hung up. One thing about Mr Kross is that he gets to know what he wants to know, you'll never see him in gatherings, he's as rare as the word itself. I'm impressed,no wonder my gut feeling kept telling me that I'd seen her somewhere else, I'm smitten by her boldness, I get why she so effortlessly threw a dagger at me last night despite her drunken state. We'll see how good you are little lamb,I thought with a smirk on my face.

       Patrick Kross Condo

What the fuck are you doing here? He said looking really disgusted by the sight Infront of him. Before he found out about bianca,he desired the woman so bad but after finding out that she's been with almost every man out there, the mare sight of her irritates him. Come on Patrick, of course I'm here to see you,we both know how bad you want me. She said dragging on every word seductively while batting her eye lashes to lure him. I see you want to be insulted.. came his short reply.   Absolutely not! She said denying it,... aren't you going to offer me anything? She said walking seductively to a sofa and then took her precious time to sit. Her dress was a short black strapless flir  gown which gave a clear view of her toned legs and smooth fair skin. In deed she was a beauty, with her  blonde hair in a messy bun giving her an innocent yet seductive look. She was a sight to feast on and she knew too well. Even Patrick couldn't take his eyes off her features, being a natural playboy he knew free food whenever he sets his eyes on it and she was definitely serving him free food. How about a glass of shampeign to begin the feast. I thought your brain was slow but since you're still smart get to work! She said playing along. She hasn't been laid for a while now and she was really craving for something good and Patrick was her best option. Mr Kross would have tasted better but that's a man she won't want to mess with ever again in her entire life. Today she's going to get laid and to her that feels like Christmas. Here you go..he said handing out a glass of shampeign to her and having a toast. They drank got tipsy, bianca stripped, fondled and played with Patrick and Patrick did same. In not less than an hour resonating moaning sounds had covered the entire room. They had repeatedly had sex that day and before she left they decided to exchange contacts and stay in touch just in case they need each other to do the deed.

       ********Kayden Kross'private condo**********

          Since I woke up I've been having repeated dreams of me being locked in the coffin,as punishment, today it was the same but I got out and there were a bunch of people chasing me,all dressed in black suits,I ran non stop but they kept raining bullets at my direction until I was caught by one,I fell to the ground they grabbed me and started pulling me on the ground,it felt so real.  She said completing her sentence . It's okay no harm will come to you here, eat! I said pointing at her food. As I turned to leave her voice halted me.. you're leaving me alone? I turned around and raised a brow?  Can't you stay? No! I've got work to do! Was my short reply . At least have some food before you leave... Jayden...? Why does she even care? We aren't that close yet , shouldn't she just stay in and eat, watch TV then catch some sleep? I'm good came my short reply. I turned around to leave again but this curious lamb won't let me, she sped to where I was standing and hugged me. I honestly didn't know how to react so I just stayed still. She loosened up from the hug and smiled at me. Please can we eat before you leave? She said with pleading eyes,I was trapped again.. staring in to those mesmerizing eyes of hers. Fine! I answered and she pulled me to the table and filled my plate with food . Not everything little lamb,I don't eat spicy food,a steak that's less spicy and a cup of coffee will do. Okay she said taking note of what I just said. After the meal I left for an important meeting in Brazil, it was urgent so I had no time to tell her. Hello Tiger? Get to my office around 4:00pm and take her home make sure she's safe, else you'll have me to deal with. I hung up. This trip came out of the blue but.. let's get this over and done with.

    *****4:00pm at Kayden's office****

      Hey Sir... Miss let's go home, the boss isn't around and he'll be gone for a few days, I'll be your bodyguard permanently as from today. Okay... she answers meekly, she looks sad but tries to hide it. We arrived home in an hour,I decided to make good use of my lone time to read books, newspapers,go shopping since he also left me his black card, and that's how days turned to weeks and one afternoon while I was in the kitchen discussing with the maids and laughing,we were informed of the young master's presence and thus most of the maids rushed out to welcome him. Good day master Patrick... Good day Nanny where's he? The master has been away for approximately three weeks now, and we don't know when he'll be coming back. Okay tell him My Dad dropped this for him he said handing out the file to the chief maid.

     Nanny I'm starving should I just serve my food? ..a female voice was heard and there she was standing at the hallway pouting like a baby. No miss I'll be there shortly you are not supposed to lift a finger. She replied remembering her master's orders the last time he called. Patrick lost all knowledge of his surroundings the second he set eyes on her

   Patrick's POV

Damn! She's beautiful! I've never seen anyone like her,her body glow's like milk and honey,her lips damn sexy,her hair and eyes are unique. Just where on earth did my brother get such a goddess from. Even without trying she looks very beautiful,her pouting just made her look more seductive. Before I could realize I walked up to the stairs and stood Infront of her..hello pretty how are you?

      I.. I'm okay, and what's your name?... he's obviously flirting. Who the fuck is he, because I really don't like the vibe he's giving and God save him if he tries anything stupid. Why ask? Just curious cause you're a sight no man can resist. Then you can as well keep your aching and useless manhood to your desperate self! Woah! That's harsh but I take it as a compliment. He said with a smile on his face, just when he was about touching my hair... What are you doing here Patrick?! Came a very domineering voice from the entrance,as usual he was dressed in a black suit looking as sexy as ever. 

You're back! She said excitedly and rushed to him hugging him really tight which he returned meekly still maintaining the emotionless look on his face. Dad sent me to drop a file for you,I responded still staring at the scene Infront of me, she didn't smile even once at me but there she is hugging him tightly like he was her life.

        I'm here now,get to it and calmly leave! He said with a carefree tone. Why the rush brother? Scared your kitten might get caught in my web? He asked with a challenging smile but got no response nor reaction from him. Fine! I'll leave he said walking down the stairs and then stood in front of him ...trust me I can fuck her if I feel like it! He said to rile him up but instead received a hard slap from the humble lamb. Everyone was Left awed by her actions, she looks so harmless. The next time you feel like bragging about where you put your dick.. leave me out of it, else you'll be surprised. She said staring daggers at him while walking out of the living room. Kayden smirked at her reaction, he didn't seem surprised, infact he found it appealing. Good luck! He said and mounted the stairs.

     Patrick's POV

No woman has ever done that to him,not only did she ignore his looks but she even slapped him and threatened him. Just who the fuck is she? Well... when I want something I always get it, you'll definitely be mine,he thought with determination. As a mischievous smile graced his lips,as he walked out of the mansion.


      I can't believe how this body of mine attracts trouble,I mean who the hell does he think he is? He had better watch out, because more may come his way if he keeps this up. But why I'm I this furious? I asked myself surprised at my own actions.

         Because you have every reason to be, little lamb. That voice, how bad I've missed it I turned to his direction immediately.  When did you enter? Actually I did when you were busy insulting yourself. She looked away feeling uncomfortable. How was  your stay? Empty! .. she blurted out before she could even think. I see.. and why's that? I...I don't know she said looking away. Are you sure I said taking steps to meet her where she was standing, she kept moving backwards until she collided with the wall.. gasps. Little lamb... I called her in a teasing tone whispering in to her ears.   Because I missed you!   She admitted covering her face,.. but you left without a word. I'm sorry.. little lamb, but it was urgent he said apologetically. It's fine, come let's eat! I need to.. please! She begged holding on to my arm. I gave her a fleeting look and then... okay! So far he's the only one I really feel comfortable around,he doesn't talk but I really enjoy his company,his eyes are the prettiest and darkest I've ever seen. I don't know what this feeling is but I just want to enjoy this moment,I don't know what my memories hold in store for me, and I just hope I can handle the revelation, I'm happy he came my way for he's a blessing in disguise. I'll join you at the dining I need to freshen up, with that he left me for his room. It was then I noticed his room is on the far right hand corner of the top floor, and mine is just on the left side. Wow we're so close to each other but very far too. Sometimes it's like I can reach him but other times I get confused. I haven't seen a strikingly handsome and beautiful man like this before, maybe that's why I enjoy his company. But maybe it could be more...

He came to the dining room 30 minutes later,his hair was dripping wet which shows he just left the shower,he looks like a sex god. His white long sleeve shirt gave a clear view of his eight hard packs judging from how it clung to his body, this man is damn alluring I wonder if he has a girlfriend. That thought alone brought jealousy to my heart, I hope not. Wait..why I'm I even thinking this way? What are you thinking about sneaky lamb? His voice jolted me from my thoughts making me look away quickly but then he smirked and sat on the master's seat. Penny for your thoughts?

      Huh! .. nothing let's eat I said grabbing a huge chunk of food and forcing it into my mouth. Anything to escape from his seductive eyes and voice, including his enchanting questions,not forgetting his hot face and hard abbs. Wow my brain is so detailed,I can't believe I just pervertedly described him in my head. Crazy me with crazy thoughts I had better eat and go to my room, staying in front of him is like signing up for a strip tease. 

    We'll start seeing a doctor as from tomorrow concerning your memories and nightmares. Okay came my short reply. I finished eating and stood up. Thank you very much umm... Jayden! Huh? I'm called Jayden Kross. Oh thanks Jay I'll be in my room and as I turned to leave. How about we go to the garden for a bit?    he said standing up and stretching out his hand. Um...I hesitated a bit but then accepted. Okay.. I really didn't know where I was dragging myself to..was it him or was it the garden?? His palms are really soft, and his voice is always enchanting,yet he speaks less. How can a man be this perfect? I wonder. I gasped as we arrived the garden, just how rich is this guy? It was so beautiful...I mean it literally had it's little fountains, lovely and vibrant flowers, the breeze felt smooth on my skin making me sigh in satisfaction.  You like it? Came his voice that does things only my heart understands. Mmhmm I do. He didn't utter another word we just stayed like that till it was noon, he rose from his seat to take a call. It seemed to be really important because he's been on it for quite some time,I decided to go take a nap. So I left him alone, throwing one more glance at the beautiful garden before leaving. I got to my room and slept like a log.


              Speak.. Boss it seems like a shady organization and there's a whole lot of things that we're finding really hard to uncover, so far everything seems shady enough considering the fact that all her preys are well known politicians and she never leaves a trace. I'm sorry Boss but she and this woman might be one and the same person the body language looks identical but the physical looks don't match, the women all look really different but there's something that makes them identical. Forward the footage to me, keep working on it. Okay Boss. Boss Miss Lane seeks a meeting with you considering your western business expansion. I closed my eyes exasperatedly, I totally forgot. That spoilt brat! I admire her courage, she's dark but successful, the west seems to be under her paws,I guess a physical meeting will get the contract ready. Okay scorpion, get the jet ready we'll be leaving early tomorrow morning. Ok Boss. I hung up the call. Looks like I'll use the day to catch some sleep and prepare for tomorrow, wait... where did she go? I guess my call lasted longer than expected. 

   I'll just take a nap then,on getting to my room I was left stunned and rooted to the spot. She's sleeping on my bed,in my room and to top it off she looks very beautiful and peaceful in her sleep. Her face looks really innocent. What a curious and sneaky lamb,on my bed,not like yours isn't comfortable enough. I watched her sleeping face as she lay on the pillow with her hair scattered all over the sheets,it was such a sight! I caressed her face lightly and laid next to her. I needed sleep and I really couldn't hold it back.

        I woke up to something really hard, with a very familiar scent,is it a dream or reality? I don't want it to be a dream ,I wished as I slowly opened my eyes to a handsome devil! His long lashes were closed and he was slowly snoring as he slept,he looked attractive even in his sleep,I subconsciously bit my bottom lip and traced my fingers on his heart shaped lips, he's perfect.

Little lamb can you try to be less sneaky? His voice jolted me from my actions and I tried to break free but he held me in place, his eyes were still closed. I tried to break free again but he slowly opened his eyes and turned to look at me.

You're one troublesome lamb aren't you? He said in a husky voice.

I...I ..I stuttered thinking of how I landed myself in this trouble, darting my eyes everywhere but his face. 

Look at me,he commanded making me slowly lift my face to meet his beautiful eyes that looked both attractive and scary.

I... I'm sorry I didn't... mean to... sleep here,I stuttered.

I see... Was his short reply. I'll be traveling and I'll be gone for a few days, take good care of yourself and make yourself comfortable....

Again?! Was my outburst.

Chuckles..  yh.

Don't you ever get tired of traveling?  

Don't worry some day you'll understand, was all he said. As he stood up to leave I thought of asking,...

any.. updates on who I am,..or who I may be?

"My voice broke at the end. She's not happy..her voice gave it away, she's still sad."

Let's say we're walking towards it,was all I could say, but you'll be starting your therapy session tomorrow, hopefully you'll remember something.

"She looked worse after listening to my words,I don't know why I'm affected but her pain always makes me feel worse. Before I could think I grabbed her and kissed her passionately,I had no idea I was becoming addicted to her lips,I can't hold it back. Before I could think my hands were already walking their way towards her thighs,my lips didn't break,I took off her top and couldn't help but admire her beauty as I broke the kiss for a few seconds and captured her lips again. Her moans were driving me insane and that's how I kept exploring her,I pulled out her trousers and kept teasing her,I pushed in a finger and... aaah!! she screamed in pain as her eyes watered.  It hurts.. p..p..please stop. I pulled it out quickly and stared at her as realization hit me... she's a virgin!  Woah. This is crazy,at what age? I thought confused. I'm sorry.. I'm sorry baby, please don't cry,I didn't mean to.

"Seems like nothing is going into her ears she pulled the blanket close to her body and kept sniffing. Wow great Jay! Just great she won't get over this one, what was I thinking? I punched the wall, only to have her rushing to me,, forgetting she was almost naked.

It's okay, don't hurt yourself I'm okay it was just a bit painful.

I scanned her body one more time, which made her try to cover her private parts. Sighs..I lifted her up bridal style and placed her in the bathroom.

You should clean up, here's a shirt, you can wear it when you're done I'll be waiting in the room. She gingerly accepted it and in an hour, she was done. This shirt seems to be a bad idea... she's... very tempting now. That trip seems to be the best option anyone can ever think of, I'll be free from this hard temptation. I gave her a simple smile and went to the bathroom I was hoping to meet an empty room but I guess this little lamb was not ready to leave, she was laying on the bed, one leg raised and one leg down, really sexy but she hasn't sensed my presence yet she seems to be deep in thought. Clears throat.

Oh ! She said adjusting the shirt.

What's on your mind? She smiles meekly and says

Nothing much, I'm just thinking...

About? Well.. I don't even have a name and...I don't even.. know my relationship with you.. I'm just a girl living in your house and you've been treating me like a queen here. I don't even know anything about myself...

shhhhp. he said placing a finger on my lips. We'll give our relationship a name when we're sure of our feelings,as for who you are...I don't care. I love you just the way you are. Yh I took out time and I just realized she's means more than physical attraction to me.

"After finding out she's still in tact I'm not in a rush to get her laid. I want to give her what she desires most, the rest can come later.

Y .. you love me? She asked shocked.

Yeah I do. But what if I'm a bad person? What if I'm not a saint? I smiled at her honesty.

Everyone has their own forms of darkness,we learn to live with them. She looked at me stunned by my reply. And her stomach grumbled. You should eat something. A knock on the door interrupted us. Sir young master Patrick is here to see you. I'll be there in a few minutes.




This is a special book for me and I hope you all enjoy it and please leave a comment, I'll really appreciate it

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