

Kelani Jordan is a girl who's been through hell and back, the tragedies in her life led her to a dark world where she becomes a top rated assassin with her unique beauty and seductive yet domineering aura she can swoop any man without lifting a finger. In this dark world of her's is there any hope of love?... Kayden Kross Black is a well known billionaire who finds himself tripping for a woman he knows nothing about. Is it love or lust?? Let's find out in the story

Speziellecucu42 · Urban
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His Ex or his Wife??

Let's go eat something. As we arrived to the living room I took her to the dining table. And started piling food for her to eat. What brings you here Patrick? I asked with the least interest. Don't sound so immature, I'm here for important reasons...

    Get to it then! He gave a fleeting look at her and then me.  Actually there's a party at the Johnson's, the family is invited and... Leila is back in town. So?? How's that my fucking business?

     Dad needs you to be present, says there's something important he has to show you. Well... I'm sure you love your life kiddo so leave my house while I'm still in a good mood. He spoke in a calm voice that sent chills down his spine. I had already filled her plate and she was eating silently paying no attention to our conversation. Honestly her carefree attitude is what piques my interest the most, just who the hell is this innocent lamb in the lion's den?

    I'll take my leave I said, turning on my heels to leave. Walking in this devil's territory is a big risk and I really have no power here. I still can't wrap my head around how he landed so much power, and authority over everyone. People literally worship the ground he walks on. It's still a mystery to me. I'll keep building my little group till it's enough to take him down and he will be shocked to see me pull him down. I smirked as I walked out.

     I don't know why, but the mention of a woman's name makes me jealous, plus his reaction. He seemed to be not interested and upset at the same time,is she someone important to him or... What's even my concern in it? I mean it's not like we have anything between us, and I'm just a freeloader in his house anyways. I had gone deep in thought that I stopped eating without noticing.

     Little lamb! His seductive voice called me, waking me up from my worries. Yes ... how would you like your evening to look? Would you like to go out or catch some fun somewhere around the house? No thank you came my short reply, Little Lamb... Hmm? Are you okay? He asked with clear worry in his voice.

Yeah I'm fine,..I ..I just want to rest for a while, I just feel weak.  Do you mind me taking you to your room... No! I answered rather too quickly in denial, umm.. I'll manage. He raised a brow at me

I don't understand why she just left, she didn't even finish her food, did I do something wrong? Or is it about what my useless brother said? She's the most confusing woman to deal with. At one point I feel like I understand what's happening with her and on another hand it's like she's closed herself. She even rejected my assistance,more like she didn't want me around her. Should I follow her or should I give her some space? Maybe we'll talk in the evening I have to be in a meeting at 2:00 PM. I stood up and headed straight for my room upstairs .

    No thank you.. I'll just manage on my own. I stood up and walked up to my room. Honestly I can't even understand why I'm feeling this way,or what's even happening, why I'm I feeling this jealous over a man that hasn't said anything about interest to me? I got to my room and pushed the door closed after which I slumped on the bed and fell asleep an hour later. I only woke up at 6:00PM . And decided to shower, after which I dried up and wore a short slim gown with flowers all over it. I let my hair fall ,it was in deed long. I decided to take a stroll around the garden. It felt so peaceful around here, the breeze is cool on my face,I don't know why but this moment feels really perfect although there isn't much I remember, but I just feel this peace that I don't think I've ever had. And then a hand came around me, but just when I was about protesting his voice calmed me. Hey little lamb.. my breath hitched. What's it with this man? Everything about him screams dominance and sexiness, I can't even utter a word right now. He spunned me around to face him as he gave me a quick peck on the lips and smiled cheekily,why have you been avoiding me today? My eyes went wide ...me? I. I'm not... I'm just..  You're just.. ? Well... I pushed him away and looked away. A frown appeared on his face. Did I do something wrong?  Yes! ...who I'm i to you? Because I don't understand... we've kissed.. we've gone so far in romance but what are we? I don't know why I was having this outburst right now or why I was even crying,it just hurts me to think I may be his sex toy or something else. I'm nothing to you right? Baby..

Answer me! I screamed at him.

    He went quiet.

I thought as much, I said as I turned to leave ..

I love you! Those words rang in my ears like a sweet melody but I wanted more.

You love me? I asked turning to look at him

   Yes! I completely do. ..

But what are we?? Who I'm i to you? Okay fine you love me, suppose someone walks in here right now and asks you who I'm I to you what will you say? He said nothing..

I thought as much. Good night! I said that and walked in to the mansion he ran after me only to be called by his men as he entered the house. Boss..

What!?? He asked really irritated

Miss Leila is here. He stopped and turned to look at him then me because I had halted the second I heard that name. He started walking towards the living room.


     What do you want Leila? He asked in the most composed manner.


    Is that how you welcome visitors?

Don't ask useless questions go straight to the point!!

So unromantic!...hmp When are you going to change?

I'm I supposed to change? I hate too much words,get to the point or use the way out,I said showing her to the exit. Now wasn't the time for drama, I love someone and I don't even have a label on it yet and to top it off she's mad at me right now, so I really don't give a fuck what this bitch wants,I only want to sort things out with my little lamb. If not I'm done for!!... something about her is both attractive, scaring and intimidating,...I have fallen deeply in love with her over a short period of time that I can't even stand her being mad at me.


     Fine! She said hesitantly, I want to give us another chance..

      Excuse me! What do you mean by US?? Was there ever an us? Use the door..I have important things to attend to I said turning to leave.


    You mean that whore?!! She fired making me halt in my steps..

    I turned and scanned her in a disgusted manner, and spoke in a deadly tone " if you ever.. call her that again... your corpse will be my dinner!!! Fear was written all over her but she still pressed on,....

    I'm no longer the Leila you once knew...

      And I suppose you assume I've changed? I asked in an icy tone that made her tremble. Show yourself out of my house in the next 5 minutes, I'm not so nice when pushed. She grabbed her bag and stomped out of the mansion. I turned to see my little lamb leaving angrily. Indeed this one is an angry bird,I need to set things straight else I'm so screwed. I followed her as she exited the living room, smashing the door on my face immediately I approached it.

James POV

Wow man I never knew our boss had a heart I mean see him begging a woman to open up,in deed love does things, I'm shocked by this change in him . I hope they sort out their misunderstanding. I shook my head in pity as I left.


       Little Lamb... please let me in let's talk I promise to set things right I          coersed  but she didn't budge,


     Go away! I don't want to talk to you.

     Baby please let me in,I promise I'll set things right. I begged more.


    You promise? Yes baby I promise you I'll be honest with you, .... door creaks open and she stands there looking as beautiful as always. She walks to her bed and seats down,I step in and close the door. 


       Baby... I'm sorry for hurting you,or making you feel unimportant, I just  didn't want to rush you...

    Who's she?

     She?? I asked confused.


   She I said emphasizing on the she.

     Oh! An ex I never loved,we never actually dated,

      You didn't sleep with her??


    I did,...I was .. actually her first! I confessed!

    Oh!  came her short reply,. ...

      hey you're both not the same, you're both different, I love you..I know it's not been long but I love you,I just want to give you what you lost before anything else that's all. But.. please will you be my girlfriend?      


      The words flew into my ears like a sweet melody, you.. you.. want me to be your girlfriend?

     Yes I answered hoping she doesn't say no.

      Will you be mine alone as well?? She asks innocently.

     Entirely yours alone I respond. Yes I'll be your girlfriend and I love you too a lot.  The joy I felt was more than anything I've ever felt, it's like I just achieved the biggest trophy ever,I felt over joyed to the point where I started kissing her, she responded gingerly and I slowly found my way until I gained access in to her mouth our tongues entertwined with each other, and the gentle kiss soon turned rough, she tried hard to catch her breath but the beast in me had been set loose to ravage her,I slipped off her dress without stress as she held tightly to my hair messing it up like a crazy baby as we kissed as I slowly laid her on the bed,I broke the kiss and  bit her ear lobe as a moan escaped her lips,I went further to sock her nape ,then grabbed one of her attractive mounds that were as shiny as the sun and sucked on it with pure pleasure ,I moved further to socking the other one with my mouth while using my hand on the other,her hips slowly starting grinding on me,I almost lost it but quickly regained myself. And so pinned her hands down and smiled at her...no touching my hair again little lamb, she pouted but her eyes showed no fear. I traced my fingers from her breasts down to her belly button erratically... and socked on it playfully earning a satisfied moan from her, she bit her lips to hold back the anxiety , but I wasn't done yet,more was what I wanted to hear from her and that was what I went for,I slowly slipped my hands into her panty, which was lace and she tensed up calling my name .

    Oh damn I don't know what planet I'm on right now but I've never been on this one, the pleasure was like no other, the way his hands played my body like a piano was on another level,I could tell my body hasn't felt like this before, because this feeling was platonic. Everything was feeling damn good until I felt his hands in my panty. I felt scared..that fear of feeling pain between my legs made me shake to the point of calling his name J..Jay.. Jayden.. I'm scared.. it'll hurt. I said as my eyes watered


     Ssshppp ...trust me! I'll be gentle okay? He said assuring me

   My eyes went wide ... I'm..his lips locked with mine as he rubbed my kitty with his fingers in a perfect rithym that had me grinding my hips with his movements in no time, and moaning like a complete mess,I could feel him kissing me hard as he slipped in a finger gently,my fingers dug deep into his back as I experienced something totally new from what I never experienced before. It was really uncomfortable but his gentle pace made me go crazy with pleasure as I moaned in ecstasy ...Oh Jayden p.. please don't stop! The words slipped out as I felt myself climbing a mountain of complete pleasure,I don't know what this is but it felt sweeter than cloud nine I couldn't even see clearly and my moans were a complete mess as he slowly picked up the pace until I came crashing in orgasm like a plane. This was crazy I said after he pulled out his finger and licked it then bent between my legs and socked me dry. I just couldn't believe how far we've gone,it was both surprising, overwhelming and beautiful. I just wanted him to be real I hoped everything he just did was because I meant something really important to him. He kissed my forehead and wanted to pull away when I stopped him. Don't... Don't go!

    I'm happy she enjoyed it but I need to leave now so that things don't get out of hand. I already have a hard on, one wrong move and I'll loose it. As I kissed her forehead and turned to leave she stopped me saying don't go....

    I'll be right back just... give me an hour..

    No ! She said taking in a deep breath as her gaze landed on my groin area. Her eyes went wide, surprised by the view

   It's not too big! I said jolting her from her thoughts.

   Huh! ... She said confused

    It'll fit perfectly! I said trying to calm her but she swallowed in fear and then said.

    Take me!

    Wait what?! I asked confused

   Make Love.. to me.. Jay. She said looking away shyly .

    No!! I refused

   Why not?

   Not yet...I don't think now's the time.. she grabbed me for a deep passionate kiss and started unbuttoning my black Long sleeve shirt, while grinding her hips on my groin,I had lost all sense of reasoning as I pulled her in for a deeper kiss, I pulled off my shirt and gently laid her on the bed and unbuckled my belt then removed my trousers tossing it to the floor, she laid on the bed looking really sexy but scared at the same time

    I got on the bed kissing her gently as I spread her legs and broke the kiss t ok look in to her eyes... this will hurt, but I'll try to be gentle and make it enjoyable okay? ...

    Mmhmm.. she nodded and shut her eyes while kissing me .. just as I was about to go in a knock interrupted us.

     Boss , Boss I'm sorry for the late notice but your junior sister is downstairs, she doesn't look okay.

What the! I'll be there in 30 minutes came my short reply as he left...

     Like right now? Why now? I thought frustrated as I kissed her forehead and smiled. Looks like even nature wants us to take things slow, I'm sorry little lamb not tonight. She pouted but understood anyway. You should freshen up I'd like you to meet someone.

    I jumped out of bed, really? ...I asked excitedly

    Yep clean up I'll do same.  And I'll be downstairs.

     After my bath I wore black Joggings and went downstairs only to have my kid sister rushing towards me in tears calling my name as she hugged me tightly. Jayden.. Jayden...