
The teacher at Hogwarts is a Dark Lord!

Tewell Fawley, Durmstrang's finest graduate ever, arrives at Hogwarts. "One day, Muggles will be able to use science to observe magic, see through our magic, and build a mathematical model of every spell. "What will the wizards do when that day comes?" "Be locked up in a cage like a rare animal?" "Or..."

patience9704 · Kỳ huyễn
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97 Chs

Bookstore Conflict

Malvolio was given a book on human transfiguration, and Tewell walked alone towards Diagon Alley.

The book was specially written by his teacher to instruct him and was the only one of its kind in the magical world.

Speaking of which, the most dangerous aspect of transfiguration is human transfiguration, which could result in permanent harm if not careful.

Only a person as bold and meticulous as his teacher would dare to research such an ability.

However, Malvolio wasn't concerned about this danger; for him, it was only a matter of insufficient ability.

With his already remarkable transfiguration skills, he would be able to grasp the essentials of human transfiguration within a month.

Removing the transfiguration on himself and changing back into his own robe, Tewell arrived at Diagon Alley.

Immediately, he felt the difference between these two adjacent commercial districts.

Sunlight, bustling crowds, and joyful smiles were everywhere.

He felt his mood brighten a bit. However, this joy was quickly shattered.

"Excuse me, could you please stop!"

A shop attendant dressed man shouted loudly, his voice carrying from the bookstore to the street, naturally drawing the attention of passersby.

Whether muggles or wizards, watching a commotion was human nature.

After finally pushing through the crowded people, Tewell managed to enter the bookstore with difficulty.

Lucius Malfoy, whom he had just seen at Borgin and Burkes, was embracing another man in green robes on the ground, ignoring the persuasions of the crowd.

Books fell off the shelves one after another, and of course, the Weasley twins, who were watching the commotion nearby, had their share of the credit.

"Separate them."

Tewell's command fell, and Lucius and Arthur Weasley were forcibly separated.

At this moment, Hagrid also walked in and, seeing the two still trying to wrestle each other, quickly held down their heads.

"Alright, let go, Hagrid, if you press any harder, they'll suffocate,"

Tewell said, looking at the slightly red faces of the two under Hagrid's big hands.

Their hands hung down weakly, devoid of any resistance.

Hagrid belatedly released his grip.

"Oh, sorry, Arthur."

Hagrid patted Mr. Weasley's body a couple of times with his big hand, seeming to want to help him dust off, but he didn't realize this was where he was most injured.

"That's enough." Mr. Weasley stopped Hagrid's movements.

Seeing this, Mrs. Weasley finally breathed a sigh of relief, angrily glaring at her husband before coming to Tewell's side.

"Thank you very much for helping to separate them. I can't believe my husband would do such a thing in front of the children."

"Professor Fawley!" George suddenly shouted, catching everyone's attention.

"Mom, this is the Professor Fawley I often mentioned to you during the summer!" Fred ran excitedly towards them.


Mrs. Weasley's mouth dropped open in surprise.

"You're the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts for the children? I heard you were young, but I didn't expect you to be this young."

"Professor Fawley's strength is much greater than his appearance suggests!" Draco walked over, not wanting to be left out, and said proudly.

Lucius also noticed the situation here, trying hard to maintain a calm expression on his face, but his swollen right eye looked a bit ridiculous.

"So, you're the child from the Fawley family," he said familiarly, reaching out to Tewell. "Thanks to you, Draco has been taken care of at school."

"As a professor at the school, that's what I should do." Tewell exchanged pleasantries with Lucius.

"I heard Draco say you wanted to visit my estate this summer?" Lucius emphasized the word "estate" deliberately.

"Yes, indeed, it's much better than living in a pigsty like some parents' places. It's quite normal for you to choose our home,"

Mr. Weasley, who had recovered, erupted in anger. If it weren't for Hagrid holding him back, he probably would have lunged again.

"I just want to talk to you about some things." Tewell smiled innocently.

"I reckon it's because young Malfoy has been causing trouble at school, so the professor decided to pay a visit," Ron suddenly remarked.

Lucius cast a cold glance at the Weasley family.

"Draco's affairs are none of your concern. What you should be concerned about is how to get yourselves better textbooks."

With that, he took out Ginny's second-hand textbook and rudely stuffed it into her cauldron.

Then, without giving the Weasleys a chance to retaliate, he grabbed the reluctant Draco and turned to leave the bookstore.

"You shouldn't bother with him," Hagrid comforted the furious Mr. Weasley. "Some people are just incorrigible."

The shopkeeper wanted to intervene, but Tewell smoothed out the book's wrinkles and returned it to the shelf, and the shopkeeper gave up on the idea, perhaps partly due to Hagrid's imposing presence.

They walked conspicuously down the street, with Hermione's parents, the Grangers, following along, looking both curious and somewhat worried.

"Professor, what are you doing here? Are you here for Mr. Lockhart's book signing?" Hermione asked excitedly.

Tewell's smile faltered for a moment. "I've had that book for a month now."

"Wow!" Hermione exclaimed loudly, disregarding the onlookers on the street. "So, the professor reads his books too?"


Fortunately, Harry rescued Tewell from his silence.

"But what's the deal with this Lockhart guy? He says he's the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor for next year and wants us all to buy his book."

"Wait, is the professor being replaced by him?!" Harry exclaimed in shock.

All eyes turned to Tewell.

"Don't worry, next year's course will be taught by both me and Professor Lockhart. He'll be more responsible for the theoretical aspects."

As for the textbooks being replaced with his own work, Lockhart said it was for convenience in teaching.

Although Tewell felt he simply wanted to sell books.

Harry and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

So did Hermione, who, despite admiring Lockhart, still considered Professor Fawley the most formidable.

"Professor, what will you be teaching us next year? We seem to be lacking textbooks," Hermione asked.

"You'll only need your wands," Tewell replied with a meaningful smile.

Harry and the others cheered immediately. They undoubtedly preferred practical lessons, despite being tiring, to boring exams.

They escorted them all the way back to the Leaky Cauldron.

Tewell also took the opportunity to answer many questions about school and Hermione for the Grangers.

It wasn't until evening that they watched the group leave.

As for Ginny, she suddenly stopped as if sensing something, and looked back.

She saw Tewell smiling and waving at her, then quickly blushed and shyly ran to catch up with her family.

"What's wrong?" Mrs. Weasley asked with concern.

"N-nothing, just a bit curious about that young professor," Ginny replied, her face turning red.

"Professor Fawley is very kind," Harry said with a smile. "You can ask him anything if you have any questions."

Ginny's face flushed even redder, instantly forgetting her earlier gaze with Tewell.