
The Tales of The Magic Lover

An average looking Female Teacher are coming home after works. She was a anime lover but she don't time anymore after she got a job. In this mundane life something suddenly happened... Maybe she can live a better life after this event.

GAHU_GEHA · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

5. A Female Elf


A sound of string being pulled can be heard.

"Don't move!!" - ?

Elin then heard a feminine voice with authoritative tone from her behind. She is not responding shocked by the event.

"Who are you!!? Why did you come so close to Alf's Royal Forest!!?" - ?

It's seems that her thought yesterday have come true. Well at least she know where her whereabouts are. She is close to Alf's Royal Forest, the house of the high elves.

Alf's Royal Forest is the house of the elves royalty. Their king currently, Larfal Ljos Alf, hate the Gods considering them a being that only seek amusement, that's why he decides that the elves should not be corrupted and keep most of them inside of the forest. Because of that the elves also developed a sense of pride compared to the other race.

Following the other person demand, Elin stopped and begin thinking a couple of scenarios. Unexpectedly her mind become calculative, different with how she would do if she is still in her old world.

'So I am close to the elf forest... so there is also a high chance that the person behind me is also an elf. If that so, she probably doesn't have a falna since their king hates Gods. Although from the sound earlier, it's seems that she also bring a weapon possibly a bow and already pulled the string... I should just follow her demand. Anyway, let's answer her first.' - Elin

"I am sorry, I didn't come here on any particular reason. I just lost my bearing... I didn't know I am so close to your Royal Forest." - Elin

Elin answer confidently. The other person raised her guard. She thought that the trespasser as someone dangerous, after all she doesn't seems to show any fear even with weapon pointing at them. It would also be bad if the trespasser have received falna and decides to attack her. She then carefully move into more safer distance. After she reach what she think the safe distance were she wants to start interrogating the trespasser again. But...


"Ah..." - Elin

A loud rumbling sound can be heard from our Elin. She haven't eat her breakfast after all and she also haven't ate any proper food besides berries since arriving in this world. Elin begin blushing, her cool and calm facade come to shambles like always.

Because of this the other person is lowering her guard considerably. She then begin scanning the trespasser 'camp'. She took a notice that it's really shabby and while the trespasser looks really in a perfect condition from behind, they probably indeed in a dire situation. She then lower her guard and decide to help our Elin, in their eyes she looks in the need of help. Of course if she think about it more the trespasser is really out of place but somehow she doesn't realized it.

"Hey... do you want some food?" - ?

"Eh..." - Elin

Despite her out of control clumsiness earlier. Somehow it works... The other person is no longer in guard with her.


Two female figures can be seen sitting in front of a tarp. In one hand is a female human and the other hand is a female elf. A wooden bow and stack of arrow can also seen placed again the side of the tarp. This is really out of place if we consider how close their are from the Alf's Royal Forest. In front of them is also two wooden bowl with mix of vegetables.

Elin then took a glance at the female elf. The female elf have a green eyes and cropped front long green hair. She also wear light green dress unsuitable from their surroundings. She looks like a clumsy person that follow the others around. She looks familiar but Elin can't identity who she is.

*The Elf's Looks*

"Here you go, a salad. I hope you don't mind." - ?

"Ah, Thank you." - Elin

The female elf give Elin one of the bowl. Erin then wait the elf to pick their bowl before they start to eat it together. The salad taste considerably good, although an addition of meat would be better Elin doesn't want to trigger the other person. They then enjoying their food before they start to talk once again.

"Uwaa... That's taste really good!! Thank you once again!!." - Elin

Elin show her gratefulness while smiling at the elf, the elf blush for a bit before answer her.

"Yeah, thank you. Although I only prepared some vegetables, I am glad you like it." - ?

"Yeah I really liked it!!." - Elin

"Thank you... By the way is it alright for me to ask. Why are you so out in here?." - ?

"Ah..." - Elin

It's seems even if she is in a better situation, Elin still can't escape from her interrogation. Like a cog of machine, her mind is thinking faster and become calculative again. While Elin don't notice it, a flash of blue light also shining through her eye for a brief second. Thankfully the other person doesn't notice it.

'What should I say... I really looks out of place in this forest. Although she also looks out of place. Anyway, should I just say I am from the Far East coming to Orario, this forest should be between them and the Far East is pretty familiar with feudal Japan which I also know for a bit... No, I don't know about her but elf is a long lived race. She would find something wrong with what I said... What should I say?... Ah...' - Elin

"Did you saw the bright light yesterday?" - Elin

"Yes, I am actually on my way into the outside of the Royal Forest when I notice a bright a ray of light coming from above. Thankfully the the distance is pretty far otherwise I think our king will thinks that there was a god coming into his forest." *giggle* - ?

"Anyway, what with this light?" - ?

"Well I don't know... I was living my life when suddenly a bright light consume me and I suddenly in this forest..." - Elin

Elin answer her 'perfect' answer. She truly saved herself with this one. She didn't lie either, a bright light truly did consume her before she suddenly appear in this forest. What a marvelous answer.

"Eh...?" - ?

The female elf show a doubtful looks at Elin, at what possible way that a person was moved with indication of a bright light. She looks at Elin, at her eyes Elin looks 'pitiful' and shockingly she believe her for a bit. Although it is certainly not heard before it's not impossible. And once again if the female elf is thinking more thoroughly she would find many hole in Elin story.

"Is that so?..." - ?

"Yeah, and I don't know I really close to your royal forest and actually walks towards it..." - Elin

Elin answer truthfully once again, she doesn't know what other excuse she can say after all.

"Ah... I see... I am glad you met me first then. At worst the others would immediately shot their bow if you were seen by them, they doesn't like trespasser in their holy land after all." - ?

Elin realized how lucky she was. In fact she's been in a streak of lucks since she arive in this world.

"I see... thank you for listening for me then..." - Elin

"Yes, you looks to be in the need after all. So what is your plan?" - ?

"Actually I already decide to go to any nearby settlement before I met you. I want to know where my bearing are and fortunately you already answer it for me. After that I wants to go to Orario." - Elin

"Eh... you don't want to go back?" - ?

"No, the place where I am from is too far from here." - Elin

"I see... Well I am on my way to go to Melen to regroup with someone. You can tag along if you want to. After that it's pretty easy to go to Orario, but you would need to defend yourself agains the monster." - ?

"Eh... Are you sure?" - Elin

"Yes, I am okay with it and you are great to be with around." - ?

The female elf offer Elin to go with her to Melen. Elin then begin recalling about Melen. Melen is a fishing located nearby Orario, if she arive in there she can reach Orario easily.

"Then I would be in your care then. By the way my name is Elin, Elin Volva." - Elin

"My name is Aina, Aina Tulle. I am in your care too Elin." - Aina

Elin is shocked. Somehow in this forest she had met our white rabbit advisor mother.


*Aina POV*

I am right now on my way to Melen to meet with Riveria-sama. Previously I had visit the Royal Village after a long of time. Even thought I don't want to, I really need to meet that king. *sigh* Thankfully they don't treat me that bad after the event where I decide to follow Riveria-sama to escape from the village.

Anyway on the way I notice a bright ray of light coming nearby the edge of the Alf's forest. It's along the way of my walks so I can check it later. It's probably about a day before I reach where I thinks the light are anyway.


It's already the next day and I already reach the river nearby where the light is. I follow along the river before I saw a fairy tale looking image. I see a stunning human female with beautiful long white hair and unreal bright blue eyes. She is playing peacefully with squirrel and birds. I don't want to disturb her but she is really close to the edge of the Alf Forest so I decide to interrogate her.


Turns out she is lost, I offer her a meal and she accept it. The looks of her smile when she is thanking me is really stunning. Her future partner is really lucky to have her. After some talk turns out she is the victim from the light, she was moved far away from where she was and transported near the Alf's Forest. They must be in a bad intention, the elves here is really protective and often attack on site when they see a trespasser to their holy land. I then ask what her plan is, she wants to go to nearby settlement before going to Orario... I suspect like the others she wants to go to Orario to explore the dungeon... I hope she is alright, I might ask Eina or Riveria-sama for help... Just to be safe...


Thank you for checking this work. If you find any mistake feel free to point them. Also I am open for any idea.

This was quite hard since I actually wants Elin to go to the elf village but I find it a bit impossible. So, I decide to go for the next plan and go to Melin. Anyway, let me hear your thoughts are.

Tomorrow will be another work day for me so I am glad I can think or white this work while I am busy working and not getting bored.

Thank you once again, see you next time.