
Part 2 Prelude 2.0: Time changes

Told ya, overprotective and domineering but not this time... so I look her right in the eye and say:

"I'm sorry Nu´wa but there's no way in Heaven I'm going into hiding, specially at Kunlun Mountain!"

(Just between us, the last time I was there it didn't exacly go as everyone expected, especially me, I felt like a pariah, I was alone and lonely, my only friends a black cat that I named Tian Di (yes, yes like the Heavenly Emperor) and my maid Diu Li, I was so very young and although quiet by nature it seemed Kunlun and its many inhabitants brought out the worst in me...so let's just say I acted out...a lot... oh the stories ... someday I'll tell you all about my time in Kunlun...)

For now I have more urgent matters to deal with, first off convincing Nu´wa not to send my ass flying into Kunlun, it seems I might be in luck, as Jun intervenes.

"Godess, we do not know the seriousness of the threat so its too soon to be taking these kind of measures, I'm going to ask for help from all the Dragon Kings, after we have more intel we'll inform you." he said in a tone that did not allow further discussion.

"It's on you if anything happens to her!" Nu´wa said turning around as she shimmied herself back to the Heavenly Kingdom or wherever she came from, you can never know with her.

I totally crumble to the floor, my arms and legs are like JELL-O, Jun pats my back "There, there...she's gone no need to go all pudding on me..." geez I think gelatin, he thinks pudding how hungry must we be ... hahaha... actually the joke is on us.

I look up and try to smile, but the look on Jun's face says it looks more like a grimace than a smile,

"Ok...I need a few moments to get out of this JELL-O slash pudding state I'm in so could you be so kind as to help me up on the bed!??" I ask trying to get up but failing to even move.

Jun carries me and drops me on the bed like I'm a sack of potatoes, talk about being gentle.

Looking up at him I see his strained face, he's been my only constant in these many years I have been roaming the Human Kingdom, we always got each others back no matter the problem, so even though we are not blood related, Jun is so much more than my brother, my guardian or even my saviour, he's part of my heart.

In order to lighten the mood, or who knows make it worse I ask:

"So Zhu Jun Kai, do tell me why Maggie wanted to bite your head off...oh and I'm using the word BITE with many possible hidden meanings."

Jun sits on the bed and coughs looking around the room avoiding diret eye contact, ohoh...that's weird...

"I don't know why Maggie is over reacting...I was just teasing her... I do need those notes of hers you know, I don't know how she does it but she manages to get stuff even I have trouble getting!"

The puzzled look must have given me away because Jun laughed his head off saying:

"Oh the look on your face, you should see it!!!"

I start laughing but quit midway and punch him in the arm, " I'm pissed at you right now!! You should be more careful, Maggie is the first friend I made in over three centuries, besides you, she's the only other person I can open up to."

Jun looks away pensively "You know that's dangerous, she's human, if she finds out what we are there's no telling the repercussions."

"Maggie would never ...she's incapable of treachery besides she's just a young human woman, what have we to fear?" I spoke more for myself than for Jun.

"Nothing and everything, I have been looking into Maggie and she's not as simple as we thought she was, remember the first time we met her?"

"Well Duh..." I answered thinking back to two years ago, the summer when we first met Maggie, her parents had to work abroad so she came to her grandma's for her summer holidays, it was a hot June day, I had just gotten a popsicle and was sitting on my rocking chair in the porch contemplating what book to read next, when suddenly a loud noise from next door woke me up from my popsicle sucking stupor.

I remember I called out: "Oy Mrs. Moran everything alright??? Need any help???" I walked to the back door that gave entrance to the kitchen, when all of a sudden the door was yanked open and a girl quickly came out bumping into me, "Oh geez!! Are you ok? I'm sorry wasn't expecting anyone to be here!" I was totally staring at her white hair (dyed for sure) and amber eyes, her eyes got to you, when she spoke it was as if her eyes spoke with her...it took me a moment to gather my thoughts and say: " Oh no prob, I'm ok... but who are you?" the question just popped out of my mouth.

"I'm Maggie Moran, Margaret Moran is my grandmother and you?" she looked a little baffled but answered politely.

" Me? Oh...sorry... I'm Jade Zhu, we're going to be neighbors!" I smiled a brilliant smile, one I was told no one could resist, it seems it also worked on Maggie, because she smiled back.