
Part 3 Prelude 2.0 Time Changes

The summer Maggie came into our lives was unbelievable, who would have ever thought Maggie would be able to become friends with weirdo me!?? (and not totally dislike Jun on sight?!).

I still remember Jun's first reaction to Maggie and what he said to me, we were going to the lake for a swim, talking our heads off, normal teenager behaviour, Jun was coming home from whatever trip he'd gone on, he looked at Maggie and this look came over his face, one I hadn't seen before (if you ask me I thought it was kinda creepy, like he was Super-Man using his X-Ray vision, if you get my meaning...), Jun said in an enigmatic tone:

"Carefull what you wish for little sis! This one has got an aura that goes from violet to indigo and eyes that are all knowing." but as usual little old me didn't give a what to Jun, when I make up my mind, I'll go with it even if it gets me into trouble (word to the wise, being stuborn is not and I repeat, is not a quality, believe me I know!!).

Fortunately, up until now I have never regreted making friends with Maggie, let's hope it stays that way! ('Fingers crossed!'haha just joking...).

These two years flew by, time has always been a lost meaning to me, I have lived so many lifetimes I had stopped thinking about time until I met Maggie, she made me realise time truly is something precious, especially when you know yours is limited (Maggie's mortality was like a thron on my heart and it reminded me why I had avoided humans for so many centuries, it kinda sucks when someone you love dies...).

'!Earth to Jade!! Earth to Jade! Jade do you copy? How is that trip down memory lane going?' Jun's voice was calling me back from my thoughts.

"What?? What?" I asked shaking my head, making my hair tumble down in front of my eyes.

"So... did your trip down memory lane reminded you of something strange about Maggie, or are you still in the dark??" Jun asked while pushing my hair back behind my ears.

"Strange and Maggie in the same sentence?! You know that's normal right?? Peeps call her all sorts of stuff and strange is one of the nicest..." In the time... we...well... I had been friends with Maggie I came to the conclusion humans were worse than animals, they segregated themselves and segregated others based on anything that would take a person apart from the homogenous core that constitutes modern society...what does this mean?...well it just means people are mean and they discriminate you for being oh! lets just use the word ...different.

I have had centuries of experience in the pariah business, I actually rebel on it! but Maggie... Oh boy!! she's an all other level of 'different'... once you get to know her you'll figure out what I mean.

"Geez genius!! Strange as in strange like us!!" Jun flicked my forehead.

I was dumbstruck ..." Like us???" I screeched, "What do you mean by 'like us'? I asked trying not to go into hysterics...(failing totally, my mind was running wild, no coherent thoughts whatsover came my way, the only thing I could think...OH NO...OH NO...OH NO... not again!!!)

"The worst blind is he/ she who does not want to see." Jun loved proverbs but I had had my fair share of those already so I just gave him my middle finger and said "Spare me the bullshit, so not in the mood right now!!!"

Jun laughed "Have you ever seen Maggie's eyes turn red ?"

"Red eyes? Are you sure she didn't just pop a vein?" I scoffed. "Nope, she didn't know I was watching, she was comig home from the library and some dudes started messing, from where I was I could actually hear a sort of growl and her eyes glow red...I don't know, but I have always felt a strange vibe coming from her, she has a different feel, it's not like she isn't human ...but she's also something more than human." Jun was being serious, he actually thought Maggie was some kind of supernatural being...which one would she be??? I wonder...

"Like us you said? Hummm might I remind you we are not the same...no discrimination intended but I'm not like anything that exists and you are part of an extinct clan ... you are the only one left...and I...as you know so well...I was created unique...ahhhh...So does this mean we need to find out if Maggie is a heavenly creature or a demon??

Hello awesome peeps!

Thank you for reading...I have been a bit busy and under the weather (sick) ...

I hope you continue to enjoy The Tales of Jade Zhu...more fantastic things are coming her way so please bear with me...

I will try to post more often...

Have a great friday everyone!!!


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