
The Tales of Giselle Lynette

In the world of ivory young Giselle's world changes when her family receives an unexpected invitation to a family gathering. Little does she know, this event will catapult her into a world of magic and adventure beyond her wildest dreams. As Giselle navigates the world, she discovers her own latent powers and forms unlikely alliances with fellow students at a prestigious magic academy. Together, they must unravel secrets, fight enemies, and harness their newfound abilities to protect those they love. Along the way, Giselle's journey of self-discovery leads her to unlock her true potential and become a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Rushana_Parr · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Exploring berlynne

As we neared the heart of the city, the lively scene unfolded before my eyes. The streets pulsed with energy, teeming with people engaged in various activities. Among the hustle and bustle, an array of shops beckoned with their colorful facades. From cozy cafes to inviting restaurants, from inns to bustling merchant hubs, the sights were plentiful.

Amidst the passing scenery, a particular establishment caught my attention: "Magic Books and Equipments." Its intriguing name sparked my curiosity, prompting me to interrupt our journey with a decisive "Stop!"

As the carriage came to a halt, the door swung open, revealing Dorren's inquisitive expression. "Miss, why the sudden stop?" he inquired, his tone filled with curiosity.

"I'm drawn to that place, and besides, we were bound to disembark sooner or later," I replied with a hint of excitement, urging Jenny to join me.

With a nod of agreement, Jenny followed as I made my way towards the intriguing store, Dorren trailing behind us, curious about our impromptu detour.

Stepping through the door, we were greeted by an ambiance that could only be described as antiquated, with an air of dustiness clinging to every corner. It was clear this wasn't the most glamorous of stores. Jenny couldn't help but comment on the dusty surroundings, to which I could only agree with a wry smile.

Before we could fully take in our surroundings, a voice cut through the silence. It belonged to a woman who seemed unfazed by our unexpected arrival. "What can I do for you kids?" she inquired, her tone a mix of curiosity and perhaps a hint of amusement.

Undeterred by the less-than-inviting atmosphere, I approached her with a polite introduction. "Hello, I'm interested in exploring your collection of magic books and equipment," I stated with a hint of eagerness.

The woman leaned in, her eyes curious. "Any specific requests, pretty girl?" she inquired, ready to assist in our search.

Considering her question, I pondered aloud, "I'm particularly interested in books that delve into mana control and sensing, as well as ones that provide detailed explanations of elemental magic."

"And what about equipment?" she pressed further, her interest piqued by our specific needs.

"Perhaps a staff, as it's known to aid in mana manipulation," I replied, hoping to find the right tools for my magical pursuits.

Turning her attention to Jenny, the woman inquired about her preferences. Jenny, seemingly content to stick with my choices, simply nodded in agreement.

As we discussed our interests, Jenny leaned in to suggest a detour to the food store afterward. I couldn't help but chuckle at her appetite. "Hungry already? Well, why not? Let's make it a plan," I agreed with a grin.

Before long, the woman returned with a stack of dusty books, the very sight of which sent clouds of dust swirling into the air as she placed them on the table before us.

Amidst the stifling clouds of dust, Jenny and I ventured forward into the shop, our steps accompanied by a symphony of coughs.

"Why is there so much dust in here?" I couldn't help but ask, my voice muffled by the particles swirling around us.

The woman behind the counter shrugged indifferently. "Dust is a fact of life, dear," she remarked nonchalantly, seemingly unfazed by our discomfort.

Jenny, ever the practical one, questioned the lack of cleanliness. "Couldn't you use some cleaning magic or something?" she proposed, her tone tinged with curiosity.

With a dismissive gesture, the woman replied, "You want the goods or not? Here are the books and the staff you requested, priced at five silver coins each."

Feeling a pang of hesitation at the seemingly steep price, I dared to inquire, "Isn't that a bit much?"

The woman's response was blunt. "Take it or leave it, simple as that," she declared, leaving little room for negotiation.

Just when it seemed like we might have to relent, Dorren, ever the resourceful one, stepped forward. "Misses, I've been entrusted with funds by the head maid to ensure your well-being. Allow me to take care of the payment," he offered, his voice steady and reassuring.

Grateful for his intervention, I smiled warmly at Dorren. "Well done, Dorren," I praised, feeling reassured by his presence.

With the transaction settled, Dorren took charge of the dusty books, promising to clean them before handing them over.

Exiting the shop, we were eager to leave the dusty confines behind. Making our way back to the carriage, we set our sights on a much-needed trip to the food store, ready to leave the dust and haggling behind us.

After a brief three-minute journey, we arrived at our destination. Stepping out of the carriage once again, we were greeted by a bustling marketplace filled with an array of tantalizing aromas that stirred our senses.

Everywhere we looked, there were sights to behold: freshly baked breads, neatly butchered meats, vibrant vegetables, and luscious fruits, all tempting us with their delicious offerings. The sheer abundance of food filled me with an overwhelming sense of joy, and I found it difficult to tear my gaze away.

Amidst the sensory feast, Jenny's suggestion brought a sense of purpose to our visit. "We should buy food for the children," she proposed earnestly, her compassion shining through.

Perplexed by her statement, I turned to her, seeking clarification. "Whose children?" I inquired, curiously.

Jenny's response struck a chord with me, her empathy tugging at my heartstrings. "The children at the orphanage. Since they have no parents, it would be a kind gesture to provide them with food," she explained, her voice filled with sincerity.

Moved by her suggestion, I agreed wholeheartedly. "You're right. Let's purchase a generous amount," I declared, eager to contribute to such a noble cause.

Before proceeding, I turned to Dorren, seeking information about our available funds. His response caught me off guard. "Miss, Casia entrusted me with 20 gold coins," he revealed, his words carrying a weight that stunned me.

Twenty gold coins! The realization hit me like a tidal wave. In our world, where even 12 silver coins could sustain a family for months, this amount was staggering. My mind raced to calculate the value: 100 silver coins equaled one gold coin, and our mother's monthly grocery budget of five silver coins seemed paltry in comparison.

In Jonathon town, where money was scarce and valued greatly, even a handful of silver coins was considered a fortune, typically found only in the hands of the privileged few.

The currency system followed a precise progression: one hundred copper coins equaled one bronze coin, one hundred bronze coins equaled one silver coin, one hundred silver coins equaled one gold coin, one hundred gold coins equaled one large gold coin, one hundred large gold coins equaled one platinum coin, and finally, one hundred platinum coins equaled one large platinum coin.

As I mentally calculated the staggering wealth entrusted to us, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and responsibility. With such resources at our disposal, the possibilities were endless, and the impact we could make on the lives of others was immeasurable.

Observing Jenny's stunned expression mirrored my own astonishment, yet neither of us uttered a word. Instead, fueled by a newfound sense of abundance, we embarked on a frenzied shopping spree, eagerly snatching up nearly everything in sight.

My purchases ranged from a generous assortment of twenty freshly baked breads to a colorful array of onions, tomatoes, peppers, and various seasonings. The convenience of finding pre-packaged seasoning amazed me; back home, flavoring meat often required a multitude of ingredients, but here, a simple bottle contained all that was needed to enhance its taste.

In just twelve short minutes, our shopping extravaganza came to an end. Jenny's basket was brimming with an eclectic mix of food, juices, and fruits, a testament to her own shopping prowess. With our purchases secured, it was time to fulfill our mission at the orphanage.

The notion of visiting the orphanage resonated deeply with me. Unlike us, fortunate enough to have parents to care for us, these children relied solely on the camaraderie of their fellow orphans and the kindness of the nuns who tended to them.

Returning to the carriage, Jenny and I set course for the orphanage. Fifteen minutes later, we arrived at a quaint building that bore a striking resemblance to a church. As we prepared to embark on our charitable endeavor, I couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation, eager to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

As the tension simmered in the air, a beastwoman reported to the commander.

"Commander, everything is ready," she announced, her voice tinged with determination.

"Excellent. With our preparations complete and everything in place, it's time to initiate the attack," the commander declared, his resolve unwavering.

"Yes, sir," the woman acknowledged, her loyalty evident in her response.

With a decisive nod, the commander issued his final command. "Inform the others that we are ready to commence. Let the operation begin."

"I'll relay the message at once, sir," the woman affirmed before briskly departing.

As she disappeared into the shadows, a vow echoed in the commander's mind, a promise fueled by vengeance and determination.

"Frisca Lynette, I will dismantle everything you've built. I'll avenge my comrades and ensure your downfall when the moment is ripe!"