
The Tales of Giselle Lynette

In the world of ivory young Giselle's world changes when her family receives an unexpected invitation to a family gathering. Little does she know, this event will catapult her into a world of magic and adventure beyond her wildest dreams. As Giselle navigates the world, she discovers her own latent powers and forms unlikely alliances with fellow students at a prestigious magic academy. Together, they must unravel secrets, fight enemies, and harness their newfound abilities to protect those they love. Along the way, Giselle's journey of self-discovery leads her to unlock her true potential and become a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Rushana_Parr · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The attack

As Jenny and I stepped out of the carriage and approached the orphanage, the sight of the church's vibrant red and green hues filled us with a sense of warmth and comfort. As we drew nearer, a group of women, dressed in the traditional garb of black and white, hurried out to greet us.

"Those must be the nuns," Jenny whispered, her voice barely audible amidst the bustling atmosphere.

Observing the nuns as they approached, I couldn't help but admire their serene countenances. Clad in their modest attire, they exuded an aura of purity and reverence that commanded respect.

One of the nuns, who appeared to be the eldest among them, stepped forward to address us. "Hello, young ones. We noticed your arrival and assumed you must be of esteemed status. Please forgive us for not making proper preparations; we were unaware of your visit," she expressed apologetically.

In response, I introduced myself and Jenny, explaining our familial connection to Frisca Lynette, the ruler of these lands. The nun's reaction was one of genuine surprise and delight.

"My, how splendid! To have relatives of our esteemed ruler grace our humble abode. I am Julie," she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with reverence and admiration.

"Hi, Julie. We've come today to deliver some food for the orphans," Jenny announced warmly.

"Well, don't just linger outside. Come on in," Julie beckoned, her hospitality evident in her invitation.

Stepping into the church, we were greeted by the sight of several children, ranging from infants to those around our own age.

Julie took charge, addressing the children with an air of authority. "Children, today we have some kind guests who are here to deliver food, a gift from the gods," she proclaimed, her words tinged with reverence.

Feeling compelled to clarify, I spoke up. "Actually, it's from us," I interjected, though Julie and the other nuns seemed surprised by my statement.

However, Julie quickly redirected the credit, attributing the act of kindness to the divine intervention of the gods. "Thanks to the benevolence of the gods, young Giselle and Jenny were inspired to provide this nourishment for us," she declared, her faith unwavering.

Though I found Julie's inclination to credit the gods somewhat amusing, I couldn't deny the sincerity of her gratitude. Sometimes, attributing good deeds to a higher power could inspire even greater acts of kindness.

With smiles exchanged between Jenny and me, we proceeded to distribute the food among the eager children, who gathered around a large dining table. As Julie initiated a prayer of gratitude, I observed the solemn reverence with which the nuns and children clasped their hands, their gestures a testament to the profound impact of faith and generosity.

Following the lead of the others, I joined in the gesture of prayer as Julie expressed her gratitude to the gods. Her words, though simple, conveyed a profound sense of reverene, acknowledging the divine benevolence that had guided us to this moment.

As the meal commenced, Jenny's curiosity prompted her to inquire about our beliefs. "Um, so who's your favorite god?" she asked, her question hanging in the air.

Julie's response was steadfast and unwavering. "There is no favorite god; all the gods are one," she asserted, her conviction apparent in her tone.

While I respected Julie's perspective, my own understanding of divine hierarchy suggested a competition among the gods. However, I chose to remain silent, not wanting to disrupt the harmony of the moment.

Jenny nodded in understanding before turning to me with a whispered suggestion. "Shouldn't we go now?"

"Not yet. Let's stay for at least ten more minutes," I decided, wanting to linger a little longer in the company of these resilient children.

Reluctantly, Jenny sighed, and we remained seated, observing the children as they enjoyed their meal and engaged in lively conversation. Their laughter and chatter filled the air, a reminder of the simple joys of childhood.

As the time to depart drew near, Jenny and I bid farewell to the orphanage, expressing our gratitude for the opportunity to contribute in some small way. Returning to the carriage, we set off back towards the main city, my thoughts already drifting towards a much-desired visit to a restaurant.

However, our journey was soon interrupted by the sudden onset of a loud and ominous sound, disrupting the tranquility of the ride.

A deafening boom shattered the tranquility of our journey, jolting me from my reverie. Before I could comprehend what was happening, I found myself sprawled on the carriage floor, Jenny beside me, her body unnaturally still.

As I attempted to rise, a searing pain shot through my leg, eliciting a primal scream of agony. The sensation was overwhelming, and I struggled to make sense of the chaos surrounding me. With trembling hands, I tried to find the source of discomfort, only to discover an object embedded in my leg.

A wave of disbelief washed over me. "Steel? In my leg? But moments ago, everything was fine," I murmured, my mind struggling to process the sudden turn of events.

Dazed and disoriented, I grappled with the excruciating pain and the sight of blood pooling around me, threatening to engulf my senses. Panic threatened to consume me as I battled against waves of nausea, my fear of blood intensifying with each passing moment.

Suddenly, a familiar voice pierced through the haze of confusion. "Gis? Giselle, what happened?" Jenny's concerned inquiry cut through the chaos, drawing my attention to her battered form.

Meeting her gaze, I felt a surge of terror grip my heart. Jenny's face bore the marks of the ordeal, her skin marred with scratches and streaks of blood.

"I don't know... I woke up on the ground, and now there's this steel in my leg," I confessed, tears welling in my eyes as I struggled to comprehend the surreal nightmare unfolding before us.

"Sshh, calm down. Crying will only make it worse. We need to figure out what happened," Jenny reassured me, her voice a lifeline amidst the turmoil.

As Jenny surveyed our surroundings, a grim realization dawned upon her. "The carriage... it's upside down," she observed, her words casting a chilling clarity over the situation.

Nodding in agreement, I acknowledged the gravity of our situation. In the aftermath of the accident, uncertainty loomed large, shrouding our future in an ominous veil of uncertainty.

A thunderous roar echoed outside the overturned carriage, sending a shiver down my spine. Jenny, driven by curiosity or perhaps fear, approached the window, only to recoil in horror, her eyes brimming with tears.

"What's wrong?" I pressed, my voice trembling with apprehension.

"Shhh," Jenny hushed me, her tone fraught with fear as she drew closer.

With a trembling voice, Jenny whispered her dreadful revelation. "There's a monster outside... like a giant green creature with tusks."

In that moment, a chilling realization struck me. "An orc," I muttered under my breath, recalling the descriptions of the savage, green-skinned beasts known for their ferocity and large appetite.

"It's... it's eating Dorren," Jenny confirmed, her words a grim confirmation of our worst fears.

Dread seized my heart as I contemplated the gruesome fate that had befallen our loyal companion. How had an orc found its way into the city, and was it the cause of our overturned carriage?

A bone-chilling voice pierced the air, its menacing words sending a shiver down my spine. "I know you're in there... I can smell your blood," it taunted, its words dripping with malice.

Realization dawned upon me with sickening clarity. It was my blood that had attracted the creature's attention, a stark reminder of my mortal vulnerability.

With trembling hands, Jenny hastily tore a piece of her blouse to stop the bleeding, her actions a desperate attempt to relieve my pain.

As the monster's sinister laughter echoed around us, Jenny urged me to silence, her finger pressed against my lips in a gesture of desperate urgency. In the face of such primal terror, we clung to each other, praying for salvation from the looming threat that encircled our overturned carriage.

Amidst the chaos, another voice shattered the tense silence, declaring defiance against the vile creature.

"You evil thing! I will not let you trample on this city any longer!" the voice boomed with righteous fury.

Recognition dawned upon me at the sound of the familiar voice. Swordmaster Crusade—the renowned warrior whose valor and skill were legendary.

The clash of swords and the sickening sound of flesh being torn could be hear, prompting me to tightly shut my eyes against the brutality of the scene unfolding.

Suddenly, with a resounding crash, the door of the overturned carriage was kicked open, revealing the gallant figure of Swordmaster Crusade standing before us.

"Swordmaster Crusade!" I exclaimed in relief and gratitude, my heart soaring at the sight of our valiant savior.

"Do you require assistance, my ladies? Allow me to lend you my aid," he offered gallantly, his chivalrous demeanor contrasting sharply with the grim reality of our situation.

Despite his noble intentions, I couldn't help but inwardly cringe at the cliché unfolding before me—a damsel in distress rescued by her dashing hero. It wasn't exactly my favorite narrative.

"Enough with the theatrics. Just help us," Jenny snapped impatiently.

Acknowledging Jenny's plea, Swordmaster Crusade focused his attention on the task at hand. With practiced expertise, he carefully took my leg from the steel, eliciting a searing wave of pain that tore through my senses.

As I screamed in agony, blood gushed from the wound, staining the ground crimson. Yet, despite the pain, I felt a glimmer of hope as Swordmaster Crusade administered his healing magic, invoking a bluish energy that enveloped my injured limb.

Though the pain persisted, I could sense the miraculous transformation occurring within me, as the ethereal energy worked to mend my flesh. With Swordmaster Crusade's aid, I had been granted a second chance at life, spared from the brink of death.

"I've only managed to stop the bleeding, but the wound isn't fully healed. You'll need to return to the mansion for Madam Frisca or the head maid to tend to it," Swordmaster Crusade explained, his tone grave with concern.

"Aunt Frisca isn't here, and I can't walk on my own," I confessed, feeling helpless in the face of my injuries.

"I'll assist both of you in getting back," Swordmaster Crusade declared, his determination unwavering in the face of adversity.

Perplexed by the urgency of the situation, Jenny interjected with a question. "What's happening?"

"The city is under attack. Monsters have overrun the streets, mercilessly slaughtering innocents. We must hurry and get you both back to the safety of the mansion," Swordmaster Crusade explained urgently.

With their support, I struggled to my feet, leaning heavily on Swordmaster Crusade and Jenny for support. Every step was a battle against the pain and the chaos engulfing the city, yet we pressed on, determined to reach the safety of the mansion.

Amidst the cries and screams of the innocent, we forged ahead, navigating through the chaos that threatened to consume us. The streets were filled with the lifeless bodies of both humans and monsters, a grim testament to the brutality of the ongoing conflict.

The sight of lifeless bodies strewn across the ground sent a chill down my spine, a stark reminder of the fragility of humans.

The tranquility of the moment was shattered by Swordmaster Crusade's sudden cry of pain, jolting us from our stunned silence.

"Swordmaster Crusade!" I cried out in alarm, my heart lurching at the sight of him pierced by a menacing spear.

As he collapsed to the ground, coughing up blood, Jenny and I were overcome with a profound sense of helplessness. The gravity of the situation weighed heavily upon us, as we grappled with the realization that even the mighty Swordmaster Crusade was not immune to the horrors that beset our city.

"I'm okay!" he reassured us, his voice strained with effort.

Determined to aid our fallen comrade, I urged him to use his magic to heal himself, desperate to alleviate his suffering and ensure his survival.

But Swordmaster Crusade remained resolute, his unwavering resolve unyielding in the face of death. "No, I must confront the beast and prevent it from harming both of you. In doing so, I will honor the code of the swordmaster and meet my fate with dignity," he declared, his words ringing with the solemnity of a warrior prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice.

With a heavy heart, I watched as Swordmaster Crusade prepared to face his fate, his bravery a testament to the indomitable spirit of a true hero. Though the path ahead was fraught with peril, his unwavering courage served as a beacon of hope amidst the darkness that threatened to engulf us all.

"No, stop trying to act like a hero. It's okay to flee when your life is in danger," I pleaded, my voice tinged with desperation as I implored Swordmaster Crusade to reconsider his sacrificial resolve.

But he remained steadfast, his determination unyielding in the face of our protestations. "Go!" he urged us, his voice a command borne of selflessness and bravery.

Jenny, ever pragmatic, seized my arm and urged me to follow her lead. "Come on," she urged, her voice a mixture of urgency and determination.

Yet, I hesitated, torn between the instinct to flee and the nagging guilt of abandoning our valiant ally. "No, we can't leave him. He helped us," I protested, my heart heavy with the weight of our decision.

Despite my protests, Jenny persisted, her grip firm as she guided me away from the impending danger. With each stumbling step, I cast a fleeting glance back at Swordmaster Crusade, a lone figure standing resolute amidst the chaos.

As Jenny led us to safety, my mind raced with conflicting emotions—guilt at leaving behind a friend in need, and fear for his safety in the face of overwhelming odds.

Finding refuge in a secluded hideaway, I could only pray for Swordmaster Crusade's survival, haunted by the lingering echoes of his selfless sacrifice and the knowledge that, in times of peril, even the bravest souls must confront the harsh reality of their mortality.

"It's my fault... because I'm a nuisance. If it weren't for me, he wouldn't have met such a fate," I lamented, my voice heavy with self-blame and regret.

Before I could dwell further on my guilt, I felt a sharp sting across my cheek—a slap from Jenny, cutting through my despair with a jolt of harsh reality.

"He can handle himself. He's a swordmaster, after all. He's not so easily defeated. Pull yourself together, Giselle. This isn't the time for self-pity. I prefer the confident Giselle who put Abby in her place this morning," Jenny admonished, her words a much-needed wake-up call.

As I touched my stinging cheek, I realized the truth in Jenny's words. Swordmaster Crusade was a seasoned warrior, skilled and capable of facing even the gravest of threats.

With renewed determination, I resolved to shake off my self-doubt and fear. If I allowed myself to succumb to despair, Jenny and I would be doomed before we even reached the safety of the mansion gates. This wasn't the end for me—I refused to meet my demise so easily.

With Jenny's encouragement echoing in my mind, I straightened my posture and steadied my resolve. Though the road ahead was fraught with peril, I would face it with courage and determination, refusing to let fear dictate my fate. For Swordmaster Crusade, for Jenny, and for myself—I would fight on, undeterred by the shadows that loomed on the horizon.