
The Tale of Vance

Vance is not the brightest or anything close to it but he always tried his best (even if he screwed something up in the process). Vance got a new game call, HERO: Rising Tides. He loved the game so much he wished to go into it and be his character. Vance got his wish and the tale of his adventure begins here...

Assatur · Kỳ huyễn
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The Dream

Vance woke up getting ready for his job as a construction worker because it was his only option. He loved the job as much as He loved HERO: Rising Tides. Vance's daily routine was waking up at 6am, brushing his teeth, taking a shower, playing 45 minutes of Rising Tides in the morning then leaving for his job.

When Vance got to work on this day though, he has a dream that he was in his favorite game. He felt like he was his character, Michael. Michael was a fully maxed out Warlord (Warlord is a melee character). He was fighting against hundreds of Trolls, basilisks, orcs, and so many other races. He was having the time of his life and then he woke up. When he realized where he was he was a bit sad because he felt like It was so real.

After his day at work, Vance went home and made himself dinner. It was just some leftover spaghetti from his friends. they brought it to him knowing that he isn't the best cook (They experienced his cooking first hand, it was deadly). after he ate, he went to his living room ro play Rising Tides. He played for hours apon hours. He didn't realize how late it was when he got off, it was 11pm. he rushed to bed because he didn't want to wake up late for work the next day.

When he went to sleep. He had the wildest dream, he felt like he was his character. It might be common to dream about being something you love so he didn't think much about it. He went around slaying monster for around 2 hours.


Name: Michael

Race: Human

Class: Warlord

Level: 99

Health Points: 2400

Mana Points: 540

Stats |

Strength: 509

Agility: 458

Dexterity: 423

Intelligence: 210

Luck: 10





When Vance checked his status. He was on why he had errors on where his abilities should be.

Not long after he finished his fight, he went to go find a town or city to sleep in. He found one after 20 minutes of walking. The sign said "RICHFRONT". He didn't remember that being a town in the game but it could of just been poor memory. He asked around for a inn and he found the Moonlight Inn. He went inside and got a room for 25 Drilon (Drilon is the currency). He got some food before he went to his room. He was confused on why the food tasted so real. When he went to sleep.

After around 9 hours, he woke up and realized he was still his game character. He was like "Oh SHIT!!!" He was so happy but confused on by he was still in the game.

After a bit, he went out to the local adventure guild to get some quests and that's where his tale will continue..

PS. This is just to give you a smile 😌 I will be ending it like tale will continue so it seems more interesting.

You guys have a good one.