
The Tale Of The Blue Wolf

Life is like a playground the gods use to play fate. Nineteen year old Velma has extraordinary and forbidden powers but is yet to wolf out making her an outcast in the society. When she finally does— at the blood moon festival, she is rejected by her mate the Alpha of Aysun because she's the wolf that was prophesied about. The coming of the Blue Wolf would be the beginning of chaos. Artemis is only an Alpha in replacement of his sister's dead mate. As Alpha he has the responsibility to protect the people and reinstate his sister back to her position. He is ready to go to any length to restore his sister's sanity and take revenge on who killed his sister's mate. When he finds out his mate is the blue wolf that was prophesied about, he must make a hard decision to abandon her in order to protect the things he holds dear to his heart. As events unfold, he realizes the deeper meaning behind the prophecy and unravels dark secrets; his enemies are closer than he thinks. Velma is the one that holds to the key to the chains that binds him but it might just be too late for him...

Inkbank · Kỳ huyễn
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202 Chs

Chapter Thirty Three: A Dangerous Encounter

She circled the rock slowly and lay down. Her chest heaved slowly and she remained unawares of the danger that lurked around.


A dark figure loomed over Velma, watching the rhythmic rise and fall of her wolf's chest. It sat by the rock and watched her with a grin, stroking her occasionally. "How beautiful."

It's fangs gleamed under the dim moonlight dangerously, it's skin so pale and white was a compliment to the moon. "Such good smelling blood." It muttered but of course, the creature was one of pride and would never ambush another unprepared. It would wait for its prey to be aware of it's actions before attacking.

Then it would drive its prey mad by sinking it's teeth into it's preys skin slowly and painfully. Sucking out the life out of it gradually until there was just little hope of survival. The creatures victims almost never survived, when they did, they were never sane.

A wild vampire.