
The Tale Of The Blue Wolf

Life is like a playground the gods use to play fate. Nineteen year old Velma has extraordinary and forbidden powers but is yet to wolf out making her an outcast in the society. When she finally does— at the blood moon festival, she is rejected by her mate the Alpha of Aysun because she's the wolf that was prophesied about. The coming of the Blue Wolf would be the beginning of chaos. Artemis is only an Alpha in replacement of his sister's dead mate. As Alpha he has the responsibility to protect the people and reinstate his sister back to her position. He is ready to go to any length to restore his sister's sanity and take revenge on who killed his sister's mate. When he finds out his mate is the blue wolf that was prophesied about, he must make a hard decision to abandon her in order to protect the things he holds dear to his heart. As events unfold, he realizes the deeper meaning behind the prophecy and unravels dark secrets; his enemies are closer than he thinks. Velma is the one that holds to the key to the chains that binds him but it might just be too late for him...

Inkbank · Kỳ huyễn
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202 Chs

Chapter One Hundred & Ninety Nine: Brothers Unto Death

Use the vanity mirror as a portal to Aysun. I cannot promise you that you shall end up there as I am not sure which path it shall take you. One thing is sure though; you will end up very close to Aysun. The incomplete path inscribed shows that. It is that or a point of no return. Due to the size of the mirror, you must enter in such a position you can contort your body easily.

Make haste, you must not wait a second longer. Someone amongst my people have grown envious of your power and has dabbled in sorcery to steal what you have. The gods would have me punished if I stand and do nothing. Moreover, your people are in great danger.

May the gods be with you as you leave.

With trembling fingers, she folded the note and tucked it in her pocket.

So that was the reason she felt incomplete? Someone did try to steal her powers from her.

How was it even possible? Surely the moon goddess would not let that happen to her.