

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

The First Soul’s Strike!

Chapter 10 The First Soul's Strike!

"At last! The Soul's Spirit arise!"

Amdarais congratulate me with his menacing laugh.

Despite the enormous strength in my body, the dizziness in my head has not yet gone because it took one year of reflection to reach The Soul's Spirit meaning.

Phew, finally, I could have time to rest.

"…. but this is not enough to prove yourself, Rezvan."

Amdarais suddenly shouted while making his right palm radiate the yellow light of magic.

The yellow light of magic formation quickly formed in front of me with a sudden quake that trembling my step.

I became more concerned because this magic formation is vast compared with the usual magic spell formation.

"Amdarais! What are you-"

"Life of Magician is not about reading the books and learning! You must prove it in a real death battle!"

The second Amdarais finished his interruption, the gigantic stone, shaped like a giant human fist, appeared from his magic formation and successfully struck my body.

I'm thrown away brutally, crashing one of the tower walls behind me until it cracks.

All my muscles and bone feel painfully torn, making me vomit like crazy.

While maintaining my consciousness, I heard the convulsing giant steps on the tower floor become closer to me.

I immediately lean in fear to the cracked wall behind me when I realize those giant steps come from gigantic stone, formed like an unbelievably massive muscular human.

"It's your first partner for sparring, Rezvan. You can call it Golem."

Amdarais explain it casually.

"What the hell?! I just barely finished learning The Soul's Spirit, and now you throw me this brutal Monster?!"

I yelled angrily while coughing in hurt.

"You have The Soul's Spirit now, Rezvan! Use it wisely before the Golem slams you into a speck of dust!"

"But I-"

I stopped at the time the Golem quickly rushed into me while preparing its fist to destroy me.

I covered my body with my hand instantly.

The gray aura in my body shines brightly as it becomes a perfect magical barrier that protects me.

The second Golem's punch struck me again.

The magical barrier clearly reduces the damage, so it is not painful as the previous one.

However, that damn punch pushed me hard, so the cracked wall broke down, and my body bounced away.

The world seems to spin endlessly.

The blue sky and the old houses I see feel like they are in a reverse position.

All these dizzy worlds stopped when my body finally landed harshly on one of the old houses in the town until its debris scattered.

I coughed in the middle of the debris smoke.

Because of the magical barrier, it might as not hurtful as the first punch, but I am not sure if I can hold that brutal punches forever.

There is no option to escape.

The only option for surviving this is to defeat that bastard Golem.

But how can I do it?

I just learned The Soul's Spirit!

How the hell do I use it to fight Monster?!

The town's land shakes as the Golem just landed from the tower.

From far away, I can see the yellow eyes of the Golem staring at me with murderous intent.

Just as I thought it would take time for the Golem to reach me, the Golem dashes toward me like hell.

The ravaging quake that becomes stronger as the Golem closes its range is the sign that I should hold endure the third punch.

No, it will not be finished if I constantly block its brutal punches.

As I clenched my right palm, I felt the gray aura in my body wrap around my fist.

It is the same feeling as I try to protect myself from the second punch.

So, this is the way of controlling the Soul's Spirit?

At least now I know how to use it in the middle of despair.

The cracked ground near me indicated The Golem was almost reaching me.

I took a lot of breath in and exhaled, so the nervousness was temporarily controlled.

When I swallowed all my fear, I rushed toward the Golem.

The Golem's third punch comes to strike, but I immediately counter it with my punch.

The gleaming of gray and yellow light emerges like a firework, followed by an explosion of our clashes of punches.

The Golem and I getting pushed because of our magic blast.

I stumbled to one of the old house's rooftops and landed hard inside it.

The darkness from the old house became apparent as the house rumbled into pieces because of my hard landing.

Well, I never thought my magical punch could counter the Golem's punch.

But the pain in my right-hand forces me to kneel and wait until the warmth of gray light recovers it.

Even if the punch is effective, something feels off.

"You dumb! You're a Magician, not a Knight or a Brute like Orc! Use your spell!"

Amdarais's sudden yelling somehow answered my confusion.

"I already use it, right?"

"Yeah, that works for protecting you! But don't you want to destroy your enemy?! So use it with a smart mind and do it more calmly!"

Man, this damn Skull Magician never gives me a specific answer when I need it.

I want lots of curses to throw at this Joker, but suddenly, the ground shakes vigorously.

There's no time left for babbling because The Golem has arisen again.

The Golem's right hand initially cracked because my magical punch was patched, which is not entirely the right part to destroy the Monster.

Regardless, I stand up after my right hand has almost recovered, then think more calmly about the next attack.

As I moved my left and right palm together, I realized the gray aura in my body moved harmoniously.

The moment I remembered how I protected myself and attacked the Golem using my magic, I knew I could control my magic further than these.

I pointed my right middle finger and ring finger to the Golem like a gun.

As I strengthen the flow of Soul's Spirit, the gray aura in my right palm becomes concentrated.

Holding my nervousness, I aim my right palm at the Golem's left knee.

Back when I was still a Knight, my weapon was a bow, so I was confident with my aim when it came to shooting.

In the past, I could strike an enemy with my bow accurately, but it was useless because the arrow was weak and lame.

The giant stomp from The Golem that comes near me feels like throbbing my heart.

If I'm late to attack, then The Golem surely will destroy me first.

The second that bastard Golem lands its left knee, I focus on my breath that triggers the Soul's Spirit to blast the magical gray bullet like a shooting star.

The Golem stumbled and lost its balance to stand when its left knee collapsed entirely because of my Soul's Strike.


The Golem falls to the ground with its body slammed brutally.

However, The Golem crawls slowly with its hand to continue murdering me.

I know it is still dangerous, but at least it's easier for me to aim for the crippling Golem.

Now I point out my palm to The Golem to aim its head.

Before the Golem's giant hand crushes me, my Soul's Strike pierces its head accurately.

The yellow eyes of the Golem stopped glowing as its body instantly stopped like a statue.

A few seconds later, The Golem collapsed and disintegrated into thousands of small stones.

Is the Monster die?

Are my magic spell works?

My shaking right palm still aims toward the wreckage in front of me.

If I see a glimpse of movement at any moment, the Soul's Strike will pierce once again into whatever it is.

"Bravo, Rezvan! That's what I'm expecting!"

My heart almost stopped when Amdarais's voice came out of nowhere.

"You aimed The Golem's leg to destroy its balance, then you shot its head for total destruction! Pretty impressive!"

I'm just getting annoyed despite Amdarais's acknowledgment.

Even if it's just an instinct, I aimed Amdarais's head because I remember clearly this Joker summoned the damn Golem to attack me brutally.

"Whoa…calm down, champ. It's just a trial to prove your Magician skill. I have warned you, right?"

Amdarais hide his grin.

It's rare for me to see him so satisfied.

"But it's alright for pointing that out. It's useful for staying sharp anytime, even with your partner or friend."

"So, am I proven enough now?"

I ask menacingly while pointing to Amdarais's head.

"Of course! You're the Magician now, Rezvan! You should be proud of it! Your life as a lame Knight is history!"

I'm stopping my aim toward Amdarais.

I want to rest after all trials, but strangely, the sudden desire to fight as a Magician rises again.

Am I being curious?

Or am I become obsessed with fighting the Monsters?

Like the Soul's Spirit, the desire sticks into my mind, still craving more fighting so I can become the better Magician.

"The Golem sourced from you, right?"

I asked Amdarais tonelessly.

Amdarais nodded to answer it. He looks curious to me.

"Summoned it again, two of them if you can, and let me destroy all of them into pieces."

Amdarais, who was initially quiet for a moment, gradually grins widely.

Even his black cloak wavers like a blaze of black fire.

"Of course, my apprentice! I can summon even eight of them! But…! Don't blame me if you are getting slaughtered because of your carelessness…."

"I know the risk. Let me fight it."

"Well, if you insist…."

Amdarais's palm hand emerges its yellow magic that becomes two gigantic yellow magical forms, which I know will be a gate for summoning The Golems.

I quickly stepped back to have a strategic formation to shoot The Golems at long-range.

I don't clearly understand this weird desire to fight those monsters.

Still, if it is meant to be a better and stronger Magician, I will do it over and over again!