

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Fantasy
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79 Chs

Calling The Soul’s Spirit

Chapter 9 Calling The Soul's Spirit

"Follow me."

Amdarais's right palm emits a gray light that quickly becomes a magical gate.

As far as I know, only Monsters can create a magical gate that links earth and a Dungeon in the other world.

Does that mean Amdarais is a Monster?

Maybe yes.

Even though it is strange to see Amdarais's hatred toward Monsters.

I don't know the details, but I heard he hates them because of their betrayal.

Probably that makes him become revengeful.

I thought Monsters were only a bunch of brutes who wanted to conquer the earth, but it seems there is an internal conflict between them.

While diving into my deep thought, I walked inside the magical gate.

In just a second, the sunny and cloudy blue sky captivated my view.

Under the blue sky, many old houses are ruins, with an enormous tower located at the east end.

I see thousands of stairs to reach the tower.

Passing through these old houses makes me feel like walking in an ancient European city with a classic design.

Despite my curiosity about the town, Amdarais move forward emotionless toward the enormous tower.

I guess I can ask that to him later.

I continue my walk, following Amdarais from behind, to step up a thousand stairs.

It was a very long step up, but somehow, I managed to enjoy it without losing my breath.

I believe it because Amdarais had done 'something' to my body.

After a long way, I arrived in front of the tower.

The tower founded of stone and have a high structure like the sky tower in my city.

At the top of the tower, I see a large clock ticking, similar to the clock in the secret room.

"The clock ticking here makes the time scale different from the time scale on the human's place."

Amdarais explained after he realized my attention toward the tower's clock.

"One hour in your place could be years in this tower."

Amdarais stared at me with a grin.

"So, I will spend years in the tower, huh?"

I shrugged it off.

At least, years here are not equal to years on earth.

I don't want to make my sisters worried.

Amdarais chuckled.

He continues to open the tower gate only by showing his right palm.

The first thing I noticed inside the tower was a large number of a bookshelf lined up and circling the room.

"As a Magician, understanding and mastering the Soul's Spirit is a basic."

Amdarais suddenly explained while looking at me.

"The Soul's Spirit? What is that?"

I asked.

Amdarais pointing at me.

The gray light in his right palm shines simultaneously, making my body emerge with a gray line of magic.

"This gray light is a sign of Magician foundation. It is in your body now, but it is still weak."

I look at the gray line magic spread in my body like a tattoo, then it disappears.

"How I strengthen it?"

I ask curiously because I feel this gray line magic is alive and could resonate with my heart.

It's still abstract to me, though.

Amdarais now points out the bookshelves in this room.

"The knowledge is important for understanding The Soul's Spirit. All of the books here are important for gaining this knowledge. Read and learn all those so you can develop the Soul's Spirit in your body."

Man, even just look at a glimpse, hundreds of books exist here.

Never thought being a Magician was to study like a college student.

"There are a lot of books in here."

I mumbled.

"You have years, Rezvan. Read and learn carefully. You said you want to prove it to me, right?"

I breathe in for a while and exhale slowly to calm my heart.

Amdarais is right.

It's my second opportunity in life, and I will prove it!

"Okay! Let's get started!"


Four months have passed.

It took me over five days to finish one book.

Every book has Monster's language, so it took me a while to understand its context.

Overall, there are sixty books I have read about the Soul's Spirit.

To be honest, I do not grasp what the books I read to want to tell me.

One point constantly getting repeated in those books is the story about the downfall of the Monsters.

Many stories told me about: the tribal war on the Orc clan, the injustice of the Dark Elves clan, the persecution of the Goblins and Beasts, the massacre of the Dragons, the annihilation of the Halflings and the mayhem on the Demons.

Personally, it's pretty interesting to read the chaos on Monsters.

But I haven't understood the meaning of all of this.

I asked Amdarais for another direction, but he told me to find it myself.

"Keep reading. Learn what you need to connect your heart with the Soul's Spirit. Then, simply do it."

He keeps repeating these messages without explaining more.

In the end, I continue reading the book on the bookshelves.


Eight months have passed.

I can't count correctly books I have read.

Even though the hunger and thirst are gone while I'm here, the headache of reading those books makes me almost pass out.

Many books are scattered on the floor because I usually read two to three books simultaneously to understand the connection between the books.

A hundred books I have finished reading still tell me about the downfall of the Monsters.

The difference was that one Spirit remained alive among those chaotic events.

That one Spirit is known as Soul's Spirit.

What does it imply?

Amdarais said the Soul's Spirit was already in my body, but why I can't even feel it?

I might have some understanding of the history of Monsters and their relationship with the Soul's Spirit since they always use it to generate their power.

Then what?

Why can't I do the same?

Is there something missing?

Am I failing again?

Damn, thinking that way make me upset.

I'm still not giving up!

Only the books on the five bookshelves left that I must read, and I will finish all of them!


Is it the 12th month?

Maybe yes, or it could be far longer than that.

I placed the last book as I had finished it, then I was lying around with a headache and nausea.

The last books on the last five bookshelves become more complicated to grasp because I must connect them with almost four to five other books.

The content mainly told me about The Soul's Spirit-neutral journey to all the Monsters clan.

Despite being used for good or evil, The Soul's Spirit remains neutral, and it always survives after the Monsters clan who used it is destroyed because of war.

If Soul's Spirit is neutral, why is it so difficult for me to reach it?

Is it exceptional for a human who wants to use it?

All of these questions make me irritated.

I quickly stand and lean into the bookshelves behind me.

Hundreds of books are in disarray as far as I see the room.

But I don't care because the fact I still do not fully understand the Soul's Sphere makes me annoyed.

"It's about damn time you prove it to me, Rezvan."

Amdarais suddenly appeared in front of me like a blazing black fire.

"Well, it's also about a damn time you tell me how to 'prove' it, Amdarais!"

I yelled with anger.

"Have I told you over and over that you must 'read and learn'? You have finished all the books! It's time to conduct it!"

"How the hell am I supposed to do when all these books only tell me the story?! There are not any single clues for me to do that!"

Amdarais stared at me annoyedly.

"You are a Magician, not a child! Grasp the meaning of the story and recite it with faith!"

"Recite it?! Do I have done that to those hundreds of books so the Soul's Spirit will help me?! Well, if I need to do that, I will-"

Amdarais interrupted me by flicking my forehead.

It's damn hurt.


"Grasp the meaning, then recite it, fool! Thinking about it more calmly! You gain nothing by your impatience!"

I squeeze my painful forehead as I try to take my breath more slowly to calm my heart.

Looking back at what I have read so far, if I take it from the Soul's Spirit perspective, it is like the journey of never-ending chaos.

The chaos and destruction might always come, but the Soul's Spirit always survives and strive.

As a Magician, I should recite it with a clear mind and not focus on the ambitious goal.

In that condition, I need to let the Soul's Spirit emerge strongly in my body so we can cooperate.

A few hours passed as I stood firmly with full concentration.

My mind goes blank because I let everything flow.

As my heart resonates with something inside my body, the encouragement emerges and pushes me to recite these books' meanings.

"Their downfall is not eliminating you.

It is you who remains intact in the deep of destruction.

Your being who is always along with the universe.

Come to me, Soul's Spirit."

The sudden gray light on my body emerged and became crystal clear.

The gray line of magic light blazed its aura that linked with my mind and body.

The strength of this aura makes me believe that I have reached my first step as Magician.

Soul's Spirit, thank you for lending me your strength.