

“Your life as a Knight has over, Rezvan.” In the life and death situation, I only have two choice: Die as The Weakest Knight or Stay alive as a Secret Magician. Even though I'll struggle alone in this hell, as long as it can protect my family from this chaotic world, I'll keep striving to become a Supreme Magician!

R_M_2897 · Kỳ huyễn
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79 Chs

Temple Dungeon Invasion

Chapter 25 Temple Dungeon Invasion

"This is the fourth dungeon temple, eh?"

Amdarais asked me while I was hiding behind the bushes in a city park.


I answered it shortly because I was still focused on Knight Raid Team, approximately two miles away.

The Raid Team just out from the Dungeon Gate.

Looking at the brightness of the Dungeon Gate, I know they have not yet finished the Raid.

It might be the Dungeon Boss has not yet been defeated.

Or they may still need to finish exploring the Temple Dungeon.

Since night had come, The Raid team went to their home to rest.

I can even vaguely hear the Raid Team Leader say they will continue the Dungeon Hunting tomorrow morning.

Several minutes passed, and the Raid Team left the Dungeon Gate.

Only some of polices who guarded the Dungeon Gate for tackling reckless people to the gate.

"Okay, this is the time. Raise the gate, Amdarais."

I stood and stretched myself for a bit.

It is my time because there will be no Knight in this Temple Dungeon.

"My my… the Daredevil is passionate about hunting those Halflings. Poor Halflings. They might have no chance against him."

Amdarais hold his chuckling while creating the magical gate for me.

"It is you who is very enthusiastic in those hunting."

I scoffed.

"Heheheh… come on, Rezvan. Admit it, you enjoy defeating those bastards."

"Nah, I'm not vengeful psycho like you. They deserve to get this because they attempted to attack my city."

"You sound like those boring Knights. You're Magician, Rezvan. A Magician needs to become vicious and dangerous."

I just shrugged, then went inside the gate.

Not caring about Amdarais, who laugh behind me.

As the blue light of the magical gate disappeared, the fog rushed toward me.

It's only a few minutes until the fog diminishes.

I can feel the stone floor as I continue my steps.

The dimmed hallway around me becomes clear.

Looking at the light of the magical torch placed along the hallway, I can see it can be used for walking down to the center of the Temple Dungeon on the lowest floor.

As far as I remember, The Raid team will walk down this hallway to reach the Dungeon Boss on the lowest floor.

It took time for them because several traps, Goblins, Beasts, and Halflings guarded the hallway.

As tough as it be, I'm not following that way.

"Their downfall is not eliminating you.

It is you who remains intact in the deep of destruction.

Your being who is always along with the universe.

Come to me, Soul's Spirit."

I'm casting the Soul's Spirit quietly.

As the magical barrier forms to protect my body, I stare at the lowest floor from the hollowed wall on the left side hallway.

The range is around 200 feet.

Since many magical torches on the lowest floor are placed on every side, I can see many Halflings march there.

Those halflings bow toward the holly coffin containing the Halflings leader's corpse.

I heard from Amdarais its Halflings ritual for strengthening their magical enhancement.

They do that for seven days straight as preparation for defeating any Knight who comes to this Dungeon and for conquering the city if the Knight has failed to defeat them in seven days.

I sharpen my look and confirm that all Halfling equip their pendant and magical rod with blue crystals.

Like the previous Temple Dungeon, those Halflings are obviously prepared with a magical attack.

"Ready to roll, Daredevil?"

Amdarais chuckled.

"This is the last Temple Dungeon. Let's get over it."

I replied, then took a deep breath.

As my mind and soul have prepared, I jump from the highway into the lowest floor.

It feels like the wind breeze as I plunge into the surface of the Temple Dungeon.

Since the Soul's Spirit had enhanced my body and feet, I landed heavily on the lowest floor.

The stone floor cracked along with the fleeting quake that made all Halflings gasp on my arrival.

"W-what?! I-is that a Knight?!"

"Impossible! The Knight can't be landed like a savage orc!"

"I-it's the enemy!"

"H-how dare he?! Disturbing our sacred ritual! It's blasphemy!"

I had heard similar cursing like this on my previous hunting on Temple Dungeon.

I'm guessing Amdarais will proudly introduce himself after this.

"Well, well, well! Look who gets surprised! Does anyone miss me?"

Amdarais claps with a wide grin.

He really enjoys the terror portrayed in these Halflings' faces.

"I-it can't be! Is that Amdarais The Blasphemy?!"

"H-how it possible?! Is the seal broken?!"

The Halflings mumbled in panic.

Some of them pointed out their magical rod, prepared to throw their Ice arrow toward me and Amdarais.

"The Blasphemy… The Notorious Magician… The False Demon… what else do you have for mocking me, Halflings? Those words are boring as hell!"

Amdarais challenges the Halflings, not worrying too much about the blue light that emerges from their magical rod.

"Silence, you Uncivilized Joker!"

One of the Halflings, who wear a brown-colored cloak, yells loudly.

His blue eyes stared at me with murderous intent.

Looking at the blue light that shines bright on his pendant and magical rod in a glance, I can feel a surprise attack coming.

One second passed, and the cloudy ice above me rained its ice shard toward me and Amdarais.

I quickly barraged all those rainy ice shards with my Soul's Strike.

The shooting stars penetrated deeply, destroying those ice shards that became tiny, like a pebble that landed unharmful around me.

"Rezvan! It is the time!"

Amdarais warned me immediately when he saw other Halflings start casting their Ice Spell.

I clenched my right palm and then placed it in my chest to concentrate.

"The pride in suffocating people

The arrogance of tearing out the mortals

The greed of the Souls

Let me bravely embrace it, o Great Flame!"

As I cast the Fire Magic Spell, the Fire Wall summoned in a circling way to protect me.

The Flame of the Fire Wall ignited strongly, becoming like a flared fence covering me from all sides.

As Amdarais expected, the Halflings barrage massive Ice Arrows into my head.

But those Ice Arrows evaporated when facing my Fire Wall.

I'm still confident with my guarding since the raining ice shards also burnt into raindrops because of the Fire Wall.

"Don't stop attacking! That Magic Fire Wall does not last as long as we constantly attack with our magic!"

The blue-eyed Halfling shouted firmly to encourage all the Halflings.

I can sense they are enraged and attempt to destroy Amdarais and me since the Ice Arrows and Ice Shards' magic become massive.

However, it's still too early to declare your victory, you damn Halflings.

When I created a Fire Wall, I already concentrated on casting my great spell flame, Fire Pillar.

Those Halflings are too busy barraging their magic Ice attack without being aware of the red line of magic formed on the floor.

I'm confident about casting the Great Flame spell in these short ranges because my recitation now is growing faster.

"Nine of us had assembled

Nine of us had ignited

Reach the limitless heaven

Arise, Fire Pillar!"

The blue-eyed Halfling suddenly paled when he heard my fast recitation.

My decision to increase my Cleverness to 39+10 from Diamonds I collected from previous Temple Dungeon hunting is spot on.

He trembles in fear when he sees the nine red points on the magical red formation circling him and all Halflings in the Temple.

"W-watch out! It's the Great Flame! R-"

That warning is too late.

As I point my right finger toward heaven, a colossal Flame bursts from the magical formation.

All the Halflings burnt to a crisp with dampened screams because the flaming blaze echoes loudly.

The burst of the Great Flame destroying the Temple's ceiling until it disperses into sparks that brighten the night skies.

A few seconds passed until all the Flame was extinguished because I was pulling the fire spell.

Bones and a bit of hair are the only remaining from these Halflings, except the blue eyes Halfling.

The blue-eyed Halfling still grimaces over his burnt skin and half of his head.

Surprisingly, the brown cloak he used remained whole, burnt in some parts.

From my previous hunting, only this Halfling survived after facing my Great Flame spell.

"Ah, that's a good cloak with strong magical defense, Rezvan. Just as I said!"

Amdarais told me enthusiastically.

I took a step, closing my range toward the blue eyes Halfling.

The blue-eyed Halfling is in severe pain.

But I'm still preparing my shooting stars if he throws his quick spell toward me.

"Hurts…! It hurts…! This burning…! Agggghhh!"

The blue-eyed Halfling shivered in agony.

He gasped heavily when he realized I was standing in front of him.

"Y-you cursed wizard…! I know it is you who kill Master Judy!"

The blue-eyed Halfling yelled toward Amdarais.

He knows it after seeing the magical glove that I equipped.

"Yeah… Judy is such a nice guy for giving us his magic glove, right? As his apprentice, it would be great for you to give us your magic cloak…."

Amdarais smiled like a maniac.

I understand he is satisfied when torturing his enemy who betrayed him.

The blue-eyed Halfling spit toward Amdarais due to his anger.

"I'll better destroy it into pieces rather than being used for an uncivil bastard like you! I had my oath to Ice Queen for not using it for evil!"

"Why do you bring the Ice Queen for your stupidity? She doesn't care about your stupid oath. It's just your silly excuse for betraying me!"

I was surprised to hear Amdarais' sudden anger.

Even the blue-eyed Halfling was stunned for a while because of it.

"You cursed wizard…! I'll kill you! I'll kill you for this insult!"

The blue-eyed Halfling forced himself to stand in anguish tone.

He points out his cracked magic blue rod for throwing his last ice arrow toward my head.

But he's too slow for that.

My shooting star already flew, penetrating his head and bringing instant death.

The blue brightness on his eyes, magic rod, and pendant were immediately gone as he collapsed.

"My Daredevil is always not disappointing! Bravo! Bravo!"

Amdarais clapped as collecting the Diamonds from all those Halflings.

He also removes the brown cloak from the blue-eyed Halfling, which I know will be good for me to use it.

Strangely enough, the dialogue between the blue-eyed Halfling and Amdarais is still on my mind.

Lots of questions appeared because of that.

Before I asked, my instinct tingled.

I heard a running step that went away from the center of the Temple.

Amdarais and I stare at each other without words, realizing the mysterious sound of a run step that becomes further.

"There's a spy, Rezvan."

"I know! I'll chase it!"